Максим Титовец

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down. We will the means to deal with them without having to kill.

      Karabasov. If you really agree to cooperate, I’ll meet you halfway and keep these stray beasts alive.

      Malyshev. It is as good as a deal. Where is my daughter?

      The door opens, the major and Greta rush in. Th major takes aim at Karabasov. Greta cuts off Khorkov’s escape.

      Suvorov. Police! Put your hands behind your head, you are under arrest.

      Karabasov. What a stunt.

      Suvorov. Hold it right there, Karabasov.

      Khorkov. Easy, doggy, easy. Avoid abrupt movements.

      Greta. Grrr…

      Nyuta, Yumi and Toy come in.

      Nyuta. Dad!

      Malyshev. Nyuta, sweetheart.

      Suvorov. I will call for backup.

      Corkscrew springs up behind Suvorov’s back and strikes him over the head with a bludgeon. The policeman falls unconscious. Corkscrew takes his gun. Khorkov quickly brings out his pistol and aims at Yumi.

      Khorkov (to Greta). Don’t you move, you dirty dog, or I will blow your son’s head off.

      Greta steps back, trying to shield Yumi with her body.

      Karabasov. Are there any other policemen?

      Corkscrew. He came here alone.

      Karabasov. Well, well. Who do we have here? An unwanted witness. Mister Mayor, have I told you yet, what would happen if you go to the police?

      Suvorov regains consciousness, keeps lying and moans with pain.

      Malyshev. He is my cousin. He is local police officer in a village. Let us go, Karabasov.

      Karabasov. Bad luck, Mayor. We don’t need witnesses.

      Malyshev. You’ve got everything you want.

      Khorkov. We have to change our plan, boss.

      Karabasov. We have crossed the Rubicon, Khorkov. This city needs a new mayor.

      Khorkov. Corkscrew!

      Corkscrew cocks the gun and aims at Malyshev. At this very moment the crow flies into the open door, pecks Corkscrew at his head. Pirate runs into the room right after her, sinks his teeth into Corkscrew’s arm and knocks him on the floor. Khorkov manages to shoot Pirate. Greta falls upon Khorkov and neutralize him. Yumi and Toy come down upon Karabasov, Malyshev strikes him down to the floor with a punch.

      Malyshev. It’s a judgement on you for my daughter, you villain.

      Suvorov stands up, ties Corkscrew up, then puts the handcuffs on Khorkov and Karabasov. Pirate lies on the floor, he is wounded. The mice run in, the titmouse comes flying.

      Yin. We activated the security alarm, the police will be here soon.

      Yang. It was my idea!

      Titmouse. You both did a great job. Greta, I am so glad to see you and Yumi.

      Greta. Thank you for your help, neighbor.

      Malyshev. Nyuta, are you all right?

      Nyuta. I’m fine. Whose dog is this?

      Yumi. This is Pirate. How did he get here?

      Malyshev. Pirate saved our lives.

      Major walks up to Pirate and examines him.

      Suvorov. How can it be Pirate? It is Thunder, a police dog. Here is the name on his collar.

      Corkscrew. Thunder again? I shot him with my gun.

      Khorkov. I hope he will finally kick the bucket.

      Yumi. Mom! Is Pirate really the police dog called Thunder?

      Greta. Yes, Yumi. Pirate is Thunder. He is your father.

      Titmouse. Finally she told her son the truth.

      Yumi runs up to his father.

      Yumi. Pirate! Why haven’t you told me that you are my father? Thank you for helping us.

      Thunder. My son. I would never leave you and Greta out in the cold.

      Thunder tries to get on his feet, but tumbles down lopsidedly. Nyuta and Yumi help him get comfortable.

      Nyuta. Call the ambulance. Thunder is wounded.

      Yumi. Dad. You are my hero.

      Suvorov. Don’t die on us, Thunder! Do you want me to adopt you and take to the village with me?

      Thunder. It’s a deal, major. I have always dreamed of retirement in the open air.

      Suvorov. Hello, veterinary ambulance service? Major Suvorov. It’s urgent! A gun shot wound. A police dog is wounded. Write down the address…

      Nyuta. Dad! It’s Yumi. And these are his mother Greta and kitten Toy. They rescued me.

      Malyshev. I think I’m making sense of your mother’s words: dogs are the only angels left Earthside with humans.

      Yumi. Woof!

      Malyshev. I see you’ve already made friends!

      Nyuta. My new friends don’t have a home. May they live with us?

      Malyshev. What counts most is that you are happy. They can live in our house, there’s room for everyone.

      Nyuta. Yippee!

      Malyshev. I hope I will never be allergic to animals.

      Nyuta. What will happen to the cats and dogs who are locked in the basement?

      Malyshev. We will set them free. I will sign the order on allocating funds on conversion of this building into the Animal Protection Center. You have my word.

      Nyuta. You are the greatest dad in the world. (She hugs him.)

      The wall clock strikes midnight.

      Suvorov. Christmas is here.

      Malyshev. Happy Holiday everyone!

      Nyuta embraces Yumi, goes round and round with him in her hands and laughs.

      Nyuta. I am so happy.

      Yumi. Dreams come true. You should wish for something with your whole heart, believe in your success and keep moving towards your desirable goal. Merry Christmas!


      Le Avventure di Yumi

      Maxim Titovets

      Le avventure di Yumi

      Maxim Titovets

      Opera teatrale per bambini

      A Sofia, Alexandra and Yumi.

      «Il successo è il risultato delle decisioni prese da una persona. I sogni diventano realtà. Bisogna volerlo con tutto il cuore, credere fortemente in se stessi e avanzare tenendo sempre a mente il proprio obiettivo.» Maxim Titovets, 2020.

      Traduzione di Anna