Larisa Lubimova

English grammar with Kudjo. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. Part 1

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то, что это действие относилось к прошлому и сейчас все по-другому: When he was little, he used to destroy all his toys. Now he takes care of them.

      Кстати, оборот used to не используется для цепочки действий и для действия, которое произошло только один раз, в отличии от глагола в Past Simple.

      EXERCISE 7

      Перефразируйте слова Куджо, используя оборот used to:

      For example,

      We are not friends with Chilly anymore. – We used to be friends when we were puppies.

      1 I don’t eat carrots anymore.

      2 I don’t taste everything I see anymore.

      3 I don’t sleep in my mum’s bed anymore.

      4 I don’t tear sheets anymore.

      5 I don’t chase cats anymore.

      6 I don’t whimper anymore.

      7 I don’t lick everyone that I meet anymore.

      8 I don’t steal mittens and gloves anymore.

      9 I don’t like fireworks anymore.

      10 I don’t smile all the time anymore.

      Отрицательная и вопросительная формы оборота used to строятся точно так же, как и для глагола в Past Simple при помощи вспомогательного глагола did:

      He used to smile a lot.

      Did he use to smile much?

      He didn’t use to smile much.

      EXERCISE 8

      Напишите что вы раньше делали/не делали, используя глаголы-подсказки и оборот used to:

      For example,


      I used to eat a lot of ice-cream, but now I don’t mind.

      I didn’t use to like soup, but now I do like it.

      1 eat

      2 like

      3 go

      4 watch

      5 listen to

      6 hate

      7 have

      8 spend

      9 use

      10 play

      EXERCISE 9

      Поставьте глагол в форму Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to в воспоминаниях Куджо:

      I /run/ and /jump/ a lot when I was a little puppy. I /have/ too long legs and every time I /fall/ down when I /run/ very fast. But I never /whimper/. I /have/ a friend named Chilly. We /do/ everything together. We even /eat/ and /sleep/ together. But once we /have/ a row and /stop/ being friends forever. How it /happen/? Well, we /have/ fun in our yard when suddenly that beautiful Malinois /run/ up to us and… it was the end of our friendship. We /become/ rivals as soon as we /see/ her. Of course, she /choose/ me, which /make/ me happy and proud. But I /lose/ my best friend, which /make/ me feel upset.

      EXERCISE 10

      Поставьте к каждому маркеру соответствующее время или несколько времен Present Simple (PS), Present Continuous (PC), Past Simple (Past S), Past Continuous (Past C):

      1 at 2 pm yesterday

      2 always

      3 ago

      4 while

      5 at the moment

      6 usually

      7 now

      8 occasionally

      9 often

      10 in 2023

      EXERCISE 11

      Отметьте правильный вариант:

      1 Kudjo ***** clumsy when he was a little puppy.

      a used to be

      b was being

      c is

      2 Kudjo ***** over a fence when he got stuck there.

      a jumped

      b was jumping

      c used to jump

      3 Kudjo ***** when he was left alone.

      a whimpers

      b used to whimper

      c is whimpering

      4 Kudjo ***** a lot of stray dogs in the center of the city.

      a use to meet

      b met

      c was meeting

      5 Kudjo ***** to play frisbee.

      a is wanting

      b used to want

      c wants

      6 Kudjo *****when he hurt his paws.

      a wasn’t crying

      b didn’t cry

      c didn’t used to cry

      7 What ***** on Sundays when Kudjo was little?

      a were you doing

      b do you do

      c did you use to do

      8 Where ***** when Kudjo was little?

      a do you live

      b were you living

      c did you use to live

      9 While I ***** online meeting, Kudjo was making faces behind me.

      a had

      b was having

      c used to have

      10 Kudjo