Guy Winch

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Chen, K. D. Williams, J. Fitness ja N. C. Newton, „When hurt will not heal: Exploring the capacity to relive social and physical pain“, Psychological Science 19 (2008), lk 789–795.


G. MacDonald ja M. R. Leary, „Why does social exclusion hurt? The relationship between social and physical pain“, Psychology Bulletin 131 (2005), lk 202–223.


K. D. Williams ja L. Zadro, „Ostracism: The indiscriminate early detection system“, raamatus The Social Outcast: Ostracism, Social Exclusion, Rejection, and Bullying , toim K. D. Williams ja W. Von Hippel (New York: Psychology Press, 2005), lk 19–34.


N. I. Eisenberger, M. D. Lieberman ja K. D. Williams, „Does rejection hurt? An fMRI study of social exclusion“, Science 302 (2003), lk 290–292.


N. C. DeWall, G. McDonald, G. D. Webster, C. L. Masten, R. F. Baumeister, C. Powell, D. Combs, D. R. Schurtz, T. F. Stillman, D. M. Tice ja N. L. Eisenberger, „Acetaminophen reduces social pain“, Psychological Science 21 (2010), lk 931–937.


L. Zadro, K. D. Williams ja R. Richardson, „How low can you go? Ostracism by a computer lowers belonging, control, self-esteem, and meaningful existence“, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40 (2004), lk 560–567.


K. Gonsalkorale ja K. D. Williams, „The KKK won’t let me play: Ostracism even by a despised outgroup hurts“, European Journal of Social Psychology 37 (2007), lk 1176–1186.


I. Van Beest, K. D. Williams ja E. Van Dijk, „Cyberbomb: Effects of being ostracized from a death game“, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (2011), lk 1–16.


R. F. Baumeister, J. M. Twenge ja C. K. Nuss, „Effects of social exclusion on cognitive processes: Anticipated aloneness reduces intelligent thought“, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83 (2002), lk 817–827; R. F. Baumeister ja C. N. DeWall, „Inner disruption following social exclusion: Reduced intelligent thought and self-regulation failure“, raamatus The Social Outcast: Ostracism, Social Exclusion, Rejection, and Bullying , toim K. D. Williams ja W. Von Hippel (New York: Psychology Press, 2005), lk 53–73.


M. R. Leary, J. M. Twenge ja E. Quinlivan, „Interpersonal rejection as a determinant of anger and aggression“, Personality and Social Psychology Review 10 (2006), lk 111–132.


Office of the Surgeon General 2001 Youth Violence: A report of the Surgeon General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


G. W. Barnard, H. Vera, M. I. Vera ja G. Newman, „Till death do us part: A study of spouse murder“, Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 10 (1982), lk 271–280.


M. R. Leary, R. M. Kowalski, L. Smith ja S. Phillips, „Teasing, rejection, and violence: Case studies of the school shootings“, Aggressive Behavior 29 (2003), lk 202–214.


L. Vandevelde ja M. Miyahara, „Impact of group rejections from a physical activity on physical self-esteem among university students“, Social Psychology of Education 8 (2005), lk 65–81.


R. F. Baumeister ja M. R. Leary, „The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation“, Psychological Bulletin 117 (1995), lk 497–529.


N. L. Penhaligon, W. R. Louis ja S. L. D. Restubog, „Emotional anguish at work: The mediating role of perceived rejection on workgroup mistreatment and affective outcomes“, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 14 (2009), lk 34–45.


D. K. Sherman ja G. L. Cohen, „The psychology of self-defense: Self-affirmation theory“, väljaandes Advances in Experimental Social Psychology , Vol. 38, toim M. P. Zanna (San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2006), lk 183–242.


J. M. Twenge, L. Zhang, K. R. Catanese, B. Dolan-Pascoe, L. F. Lyche ja R. F. Baumeister, „Replenishing connectedness: Reminders of social activity reduce aggression after social exclusion“, British Journal of Social Psychology 46 (2007), lk 205–224.


E. F. Gross, „Logging on, bouncing back: An experimental investigation of online communication following social exclusion“, Developmental Psychology 45 (2009), lk 1787–1793.


N. L. Nordgren, K. Banas ja G. MacDonald, „Empathy gaps for social pain: Why people underestimate the pain of social suffering“, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 100 (2011), lk 120–128.




S. Noh ja V. Kasper, „Perceived discrimination and depression: Moderating effects of coping, acculturation, and ethnic support“, American Journal of Public Health 93 (2003), lk 32–38.


S. E. Taylor, R. L. Falke, S. J. Shoptaw ja R. R. Lichtman, „Social support, support groups, and the cancer patient“, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 54 (1986), lk 608–615.


W. L. Gardner, C. L. Pickett ja M. Knowles, „Social snacking and shielding: Using social symbols, selves, and surrogates in the service of belonging needs“, raamatus The Social Outcast: Ostracism, Social Exclusion, Rejection, and Bullying , toim K. D. Williams ja W. Von Hippel (New York: Psychology Press, 2005), lk 227–242.



J. T. Cacioppo ja L. C. Hawkley, „People thinking about people: The vicious cycle of being a social outcast in one’s own mind“, raamatus The Social Outcast: Ostracism, Social Exclusion, Rejection, and Bullying , toim K. D. Williams ja W. Von Hippel (New York: Psychology Press, 2005), lk 91–108.


C. M. Masi, H. Chen, L. C. Hawkley ja J. T. Cacioppo, „A meta-analysis of interventions to reduce loneliness“, Personality and Social Psychology Review 15(3) (2011), lk 219–266.




S. D. Pressman, S. Cohen, G. E. Miller, A. Barkin ja B. Rabin, „Loneliness, social network size, and immune response to influenza vaccination in college freshmen“, Health Psychology 24(3) (2005), lk 297–306.


J. Holt-Lunstad, T. B. Smith ja J. B. Layton, „Social relationships and mortality risk: A meta-analytic review“, Public Library of Science Medicine 7 (2010), lk 1–20.


J. T. Cacioppo, J. H. Fowler ja N. A. Christakis, „Alone in the crowd: The structure and spread of loneliness in a large social network“, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 97 (2009), lk 977–991.


L. C. Hawkley ja J. T. Cacioppo, „Loneliness matters: A theoretical and empirical review of consequences and mechanisms“, Annals of Behavioral Medicine 40 (2010), lk 218–227.


R. F. Baumeister, J. M. Twenge ja C. K. Nuss, „Effects of social exclusion on cognitive processes: Anticipated aloneness reduces intelligent thought“, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83 (2002), lk 817–827.


S. Duck, K. Pond ja G. Leatham, „Loneliness and the evaluation of relational events“, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 11 (1994), lk 253–276.


K. J. Rotenberg ja J. Kmill, „Perception of lonely a