Alexander Metelev

Become Instagram Famous

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in between the actions and specify profiles you would like to follow.

      It was a costly venture and at times I was not able to pay monthly fee to keep my account growing. Further down the road I encountered first desktop tools dedicated to profile promotion and optimization, such as Tooligram, InstaTool and InstaSoft. The first one was unreasonably expensive with almost 1399 rubles ($25) monthly subscription. The other two were popular on forums such as Zismo, especially their free versions, although the usage of them was complicated and the words such as “proxy’ and “multichannel’ were just too big to comprehend.

      Browsing through dozens of forums and hundreds of topics led me to a man by the name of German Yakushev: he was the biggest person in our timid SMM community, he was featured on TV, he had immense bot networks and so on. I was interested in his startups and by sheer coincidence we met at one event in Moscow.

      At this event I learned about Instagram bots. For me this was a game changer: you could pay 100—300 rubles ($2-$5) and get a couple of thousand bot accounts who would permanently follow you. Yakushev told me about his huge bot database and he could give me a hand with promoting my account to which I agreed. Afterwards I obtained 10000+ new followers and therefore my account had more than 20000 followers overall: half of them were real people and another half were bots.

      And that is when I learned the golden rule of promoting your Instagram account: you combine mass following and promotion through buying bots. Firstly, you buy some bots, then you follow about 2000—3000 people and get the best of both worlds: in case somebody wants to see whether your followers are real they will only see the first “real’ ones with bots being at the bottom of the list.

      From here on out I became advanced Instagram user. By using bots and mass following I started to get more and more new followers. We stayed in touch with German Yakushev who introduced me to an invite-only Telegram group called “Startup Academy’ with the most common topics being Instagram promotion, operations with bots etc. With my hands-on experience I had got heavily involved in various discussions on different topics. In one week I learned more about Instagram than in a year of self-education.

      Yakushev always followed trends and tried to adapt to them. This is when he and his partners started his own Instagram promotion script “Insta+”. It was very intuitive: you just need to install it, connect your Instagram profile and then the script would follow your followers back. The price was huge for that time: 3000 rubles ($52) but I still was among the first who bought it and so my work continued.

      The script was great: it considered the limits of Instagram, followed and even occasionally liked other users. The only downside was that it only worked when the PC it was running on was working. I had to keep my PC turned on at all times and at one point I even installed remote access app to my phone so that I could keep the script going while I was at work or university.

      My hobby slowly turned into career. I analyzed the most active followers, what “donor’ account I may use for more followers and the accounts I had the best conversion with. A month later I attracted 30000 followers with the ratio of 10000 bots to 20000 real people. Then I thought to myself “Why am I so focused on only one account?” and created 5 more additional Instagram accounts, each with different theme, set them up as a VK public groups dedicated to different things and uploaded a few fine pictures. Two were car accounts, one was dedicated to traveling and two more were beauty inspiration profiles.

      After a while it appeared to me that the amount of niche or “public’ accounts was growing on Instagram. A lot of people followed such accounts, the conversion in them was incredible: you could promote your other profiles and people would follow them instantly. Thus, my additional accounts were public accounts now and in two months each of them had 10000 active followers, they had an active following with people regularly liking and leaving comments.

      And so began the public accounts and advertisement period for Instagram. My feed was packed with ads and I myself started advertising. But I was not promoting any products, I simply advertised my own public pages through my other public pages. All of them had steady conversion and were growing evenly. This resulted in owning more than 10 accounts with 10000 to 15000 followers in each of them; my personal account had 40000 followers at that point.

      This is where I decided to start monetizing. I have been using the Yakushev script for about 5 months and still had not made the money I spent on it back. So I have come up with ingenious business plan or so I thought: according to it, I charged 500 rubles ($8) a month for account promotion on Instagram with my own script OR I would sell said script for 1000 rubles ($16) and complete freedom of use for its buyer.

      I followed simple steps: created a new account, filled it with content, offered my promotion services and put my mobile number and WhatsApp in the description. By promoting my account with the script others were tempted to use it to promote theirs. This may look redundant but it was extremely successful. At that time, I came up with a name for my project after a 10-minute brainstorm and to this day it stays permanent: the name I came up with was Instalex.

      My donor accounts – those I had my followers coming from – were offering Instagram promotion also but that was via mass following or involving bots, while I involved real people into promotion and at the same time could completely adjust the process to the clients’ needs.

      My first clients started coming in. On the first week of business I sold a script to my classmate plus received some promoting orders. On my first two weeks of work I made the money I spent on the script and increased the volume by creating 10 additional advertising accounts for my script and promoted via, you guessed it, the script itself. By the third week more than 10 people bought the script and I had 6 more promotion orders. After one month in business my venture generated 10000 rubles ($174): my first ever personal income.

      As a freshman, I was ASTOUNDED and to be honest it felt awesome. Of course, it was not all hunky-dory: after my 20th client my PC started to show signs of weakness: constantly working for almost a month without rest it started to lag and actually was dying due to my own script. I decided to switch to another script because my computed would not handle any more orders. In dire straits I was looking for another software or different script to switch to. Two of the most important features for me were standalone performance and cloud-based system.

      I was constantly looking for another options while my current orders were carried out with insta+. Tooligram, Instatool and Instasoft were not any good to me since they were pretty much same as insta+ and required my pc to be constantly powered up once again. But soon, something else came up: German Yakushev was about to release his own Instagram promotion service which was cloud-based and suited perfectly for me. If only it was not for one thing…

      When German finally released Instaplus it was in work for a couple of months and then was hacked. The hackers had the user base and access to website accelerators on their hands. German released the source code for Instaplus, his insta+ script, user database and all the information related to the service. The script started being used by everyone from your average SMM manager to inexperienced youngling. Soon the company noticed the flaw which script was using and patched it altogether: the script has ceased to work for good.

      The launch of Instalex

      After what happened I have decided to create my own Instagram promotion service. Back when I befriended German Yakushev and frequented “Startup Academy’ I also met Misha Kitin, a programmer who was working on his own solution for promotion software for Instagram. I reached out to him and we decide to create a joint venture. Our team consisted of just two of us: I was responsible for the service development and client involvement, Misha was improving the system and maintaining it. After 5 months of our collaborative work we have rolled out the first version of our