Susanna Carr

The Tarnished Jewel of Jazaar

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his arms and shoulders. She smoothed her hands along his back before trailing her fingers back to his chest.

      Nadir’s muscles bunched as she scored his nipple with her fingernail. She hid her smile as a sense of power poured over her. She drew her hands down to his rock-hard abdomen before she reached the waistband of his white boxer shorts.

      There must be something in her eyes. Something that gave away how she felt. She saw Nadir’s expression tighten and the fire glow in his eyes before he swooped down and claimed her mouth again. The long, wet kiss took her breath away.

      She didn’t mean to part her thighs when he nestled his hips between her legs. Zoe knew he was trying to go slow and she didn’t think she could slow him down further. His muscles shook with restraint as he caressed the length of her leg.

      Nadir deepened their kiss and cupped her breast. Zoe was surprised by his possessive touch. It felt good. It felt right. It was all she could do not to arch into his hand. Her nipple tightened under his attention, her breasts full and heavy.

      She shouldn’t allow this, Zoe thought dazedly. But she was still partly clothed. She wasn’t too close to the point of no return, but she was far away from her original plan. She should stop this now, no matter how much she wanted it.

      Zoe gasped, the sound ringing out into the room, as he pinched her nipple between his fingers. Intense pleasure spread under her skin like wildfire. She wiggled under his body and demanded more from his kiss.

      Nadir didn’t follow her insistent silent command. He pulled away and she whimpered. His gaze focused on her shoulder as he pushed down the chemise strap. She felt the tremor in his hand as he peeled the fabric from her small breast. She thought she heard a purr of satisfaction before he lowered his head and took her breast into his mouth.

      Zoe’s moan staggered from her throat. It didn’t sound virginal at all. She tilted her head back as hot pleasure poured through her. She closed her eyes, unwilling to reveal how weak and needy she felt. Nadir seemed to know exactly what she wanted. She felt the strong pull all the way to her core.

      She instinctively wrapped her legs around his lean waist and drew him closer. When she felt his rock-hard erection against her flesh she realized she was in the danger zone. She wanted him inside her so much, but he would find out the truth about her.

      She quickly dropped her legs as panic swelled in her chest. She grabbed his wide shoulders and tried to push him away, but he was too strong. “We’ve gone far enough,” she blurted out. “I am not sleeping with you!”

      She clapped her hand over her mouth. Taut silence pulsated in the room. Nadir didn’t move, but she felt the ripple of tension in his body.

      Now she’d done it. Zoe hunched her shoulders and waited for the explosion that was sure to follow. There was virginal reluctance and then there was outright refusal. The Sheikh was going to cast her back to her family before the night was over.

      Nadir shuddered as he tried to hold back. He wanted Zoe badly. He was willing to change her mind. Lie. Cajole. Beg. He needed to taste her, sink into her wet heat and make her his in the most basic, primitive way.

      He didn’t understand this white-hot instant attraction, but he wasn’t going to question it. It was an unexpected bonus to be attracted to his arranged bride, and he was willing to make the most of his good fortune for a few nights before he sent her away.

      But Zoe didn’t see it that way. Was she frightened by the unfamiliar sexual feelings or was it something else? He wondered if she had heard the rumors about him. They would send any bride into a panic.

      “Zoe.” He reached out for her but stopped when she flinched. Did she think he was going to hit her?

      “I’m sorry,” she said behind her splayed hand. “I didn’t mean to say that.”

      “Yes, you did.” He watched her expression closely. She was thinking fast, as if considering her best option.

      “Okay, I did,” she admitted as she dropped her hand. “But … But … you have to understand. I don’t know you.”

      He braced his arms on the mattress and met her gaze. He sensed that wasn’t her main concern. There was something false about her behavior. “I’m your husband. That’s all you need to know.”

      Her mouth drew into a firm line and he knew she was choosing her next words carefully. “I don’t know anything about you,” she clarified.

      That wasn’t what she really wanted to say. Her eyes were very expressive. She had already made up her mind about him and it wasn’t favorable. “I don’t know anything about you, either,” he said, “but I’m okay with that.”

      Zoe’s eyes narrowed. “Women are different that way.”

      Nadir exhaled sharply. It was true. Sex wasn’t just sex with women. It was a connection. It was about intimacy. And with a virgin it was supposed to be a magical experience. A sacred rite of passage.

      Damn these virgins. They had to make a simple pleasure so complicated.

      “In all honesty,” she continued softly as she looked away, “I don’t know anything about you other than your name.”

      Which she hadn’t used yet, he noted. He’d had visions of her crying out his name over and over, but that wasn’t going to happen tonight. Nadir reluctantly slid the delicate strap of her chemise up her arm and settled it securely on her shoulder.

      “I don’t know your favorite color or your favorite drink.”

      The words rushed past her reddened lips as she tried desperately to explain herself. But he didn’t believe a word of it. Zoe was trying to build barriers.

      “I don’t know your pet peeves or your goals. It’s kind of hard to sleep with a stranger even if you are married to him.”

      “Women have been in arranged marriages for centuries,” he argued as lust continued to scorch through his veins. “It’s normal. It’s natural.”

      “Not for me!”

      Nadir gritted his teeth. An American virgin was probably the worst of the lot.

      In fact his bride was very American. How long would it take for her to see the same Western sensibilities and spirit in him? If she suspected that he wasn’t as conservative as he pretended she could use that against him. He needed to stay on guard around Zoe.

      “Now I’ve made you angry,” she said as her bottom lip wobbled.

      Was she going to cry? Nadir rubbed his face with his hand. He hadn’t even raised his voice. How would she react when he wasn’t on his best behavior?

      He knew she wasn’t just a virgin whose expectations were different. He understood this was an emotional day for her. She was obviously coming to terms with the fact that she was married and in bed with The Beast.

      That wasn’t good. She was too nervous to be seduced into a sensual honeymoon, and despite what she thought he wasn’t going to force her.

      The last thing he needed was a bride who was scared of him. That would encourage more questions and rumors. He needed to show the tribe that he could tame this American wildcat into a traditional Jazaari woman. Once they left the village he would send her away. But for now it meant he had to be more attentive. Patient.

      But he was not a patient man. He had got where he was today by being merciless, intimidating and unyielding. That strategy wouldn’t work on his trembling wife. He needed to romance her. Show his tender side.

      If only he had a tender side.

      “Zoe, I’m not angry. Just stop cowering.”

      She inhaled sharply. “I don’t cower,” she shot back.

      Ah, those tears were fake. She wasn’t above using that age-old feminine technique, Nadir realized as he rose to his knees. That was good to know.

      “You make