Susanna Carr

The Tarnished Jewel of Jazaar

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      “But you’re still sharing a bed with me,” he announced. He saw the hunted look on her face as he settled onto the other side of the bed. “How else will we know each other more?”


      Her gaze shifted from one point of the room to another. He knew she was trying to come up with an argument.

      They had to sleep in the same bed. All it would take was one servant to notice their separate sleeping arrangements for gossip to spread like wildfire. That was the last thing he needed the tribe elders to discover.

      “I won’t touch you until you’re ready,” Nadir said.

      Zoe’s jaw shut with a snap. She narrowed her eyes as if she was trying to find some hidden loophole in his words. That offended him. Why should she question his word? He was a sheikh. He was her husband.

      “I don’t need to force myself on a woman,” he said with lethal softness.

      Her face paled. “I n-never said …”

      “I know.” She didn’t have to. The look in her eyes indicated that she thought he was the fabled beast who would devour her in her sleep. Nadir swallowed back another deep sigh and turned off the lamp. “Go to sleep, Zoe.”

      She gave a huff, as if to say that it would be impossible. Nadir watched as she scooted off to the far edge of the bed. She lay on her side, facing him, as if she had to keep an eye on him.

      “You flatter yourself,” he muttered, and reached for her. She protested with a squawk, her muscles locking as he curled her against his side. He tried to ignore how well she fit against him.

      “You said you wouldn’t touch me until I was ready,” she said stiffly.

      “I won’t have sex with you until you’re ready,” he amended. And they would have sex very soon. He would make certain. “But you’re not going to get to know me, be comfortable with me, if you’re hanging on the edge of the mattress.”

      She didn’t fight out of his loose embrace, but he could tell she wanted to. Zoe would probably leave the bed the moment he fell asleep. He had to build a quicker rapport between them, but how could he do that without sex?

      He looked up at the ceiling as he considered possible alternatives. He remembered what Zoe had said and he rolled his eyes. It was ridiculous, but he might as well give it a shot. “And it’s blue.”

      “What is?” she asked.

      “My favorite color,” he answered gruffly. “A deep sapphire-blue. The color of the desert sky right before night falls.”

      The silence stretched between them. “Blue is my favorite color, too,” she reluctantly admitted.

      “Imagine that.” Nadir didn’t know if she was saying it to please him or if it was the truth. It didn’t matter as long as she’d learned a little bit more about him. Tomorrow she would accept—no, welcome him in her bed. And then he would tame his wife with one night of exquisite pleasure before sending her away.

      He closed his eyes, his body still hard, his blood racing as he inhaled Zoe’s scent. Her long hair spilled over his shoulder and her soft body pressed against his. They were skin to skin.

      And he couldn’t do anything about it.

      He hadn’t expected to suffer like this, but it was a hell of a lot better than his last wedding night.


      ZOE woke up with a violent start. Her heart banged against her chest as her muscles locked so hard they ached. She tilted her head up like a small animal scenting danger. Sunlight streamed in the windows and she heard the muted chatter of people in the courtyard. She cautiously looked to her side, praying that Nadir hadn’t been watching her sleep, and found the bed blessedly empty.

      She brushed her tangled hair from her eyes, finding it difficult to believe she had fallen asleep. She wanted to blame it on exhaustion and stress. It wasn’t because she’d started to take Nadir at his word! All night she had lain uncomfortably in Nadir’s arms. Not only had it felt strange to share her bed, but it had been a challenge to keep her hands to herself. She had been inexplicably tempted to explore Nadir’s muscular body.

      Zoe bolted out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. She saw some of her clothes hanging in the closet and grabbed a mustard-yellow caftan. Passing by a mirror above the sink, she caught a glimpse of her reflection and stopped.

      Oh, my goodness. She shoved her hands in her tousled and wild hair and stared at her smeared make-up. She saw the outline of her body through the thin chemise. She looked bold and sexy, as though she just returned from a night of debauchery. Considering Nadir’s legendary sex-drive, it was something of a surprise that he hadn’t bedded her last night.

      Why hadn’t he? Nadir had to be up to something. Men were like that, she decided as she started the shower. They promised to love and take care of you, but really they were using you.

      But this time she was using a man, she thought with dark satisfaction as she stepped into the shower stall. She was taking advantage of her husband.

      As the hot water pounded against her tired body Zoe reviewed her plan. She wasn’t allowed to travel at all unless she was accompanied by a male relative. It didn’t matter that she was over eighteen, and it didn’t matter that she was an American citizen. The law here was the law. But once she got through the third day of wedding ceremonies she would go on her honeymoon with Nadir. The moment she passed the borders of Jazaar she could escape to Texas.

      She needed to find out where they were going on their honeymoon, Zoe decided as she grabbed for a washcloth. She hoped it was somewhere close to America. Once she got home—her real home—she could complete her education and live her life on her terms.

      Zoe looked at her hands, which were still decorated with henna. Of course she would still be married to the Sheikh when she arrived in America, but she could get that annulled if Nadir didn’t do it first. He wouldn’t come after her once she reached Texas. He had his choice of women. She was interchangeable to a man like Nadir.

      After Zoe got dressed, she glanced in the mirror before stepping into the living area of the hotel suite. She had done everything she could to look plain and dowdy. Her brown hair was still damp and pulled back severely in a tight braid. Her face was free of make-up and she wore no jewelry. Her faded caftan did nothing for her figure, and the shade of yellow made her skin look sallow.

      Nadir was going to be horrified—but that was a good thing, she reminded herself as she quietly entered the room. If he didn’t find her attractive he wouldn’t rush her into bed.

      She saw two servants carrying trays of food and found Nadir sitting on the silk floor pillows near the low table. Her heart gave a flip when she saw he wore a gray short-sleeve shirt and dark trousers. He rose fluidly when he saw her. She didn’t realize he was speaking on a sleek cell phone until he swiftly disconnected the call.

      Nadir frowned as he studied her appearance. She knew that look. Displeasure. Disapproval. Disappointment. Zoe wondered if he already had buyer’s remorse.

      “I hope you slept well,” he finally said.

      “I did,” she lied. “Thank you.”

      His dark eyes gleamed and she assumed he knew the truth. He knew she had been on alert all night. Every time she had thought it safe to move away his hold had tightened.

      “Please, have some breakfast.” He gestured at the low table that was laden with food. She inhaled the aroma of strong coffee and savory breakfast dishes.

      But she wasn’t used to the luxury of eating first thing in the morning, and the idea of sharing a meal with Nadir felt too intimate. “No, thank you. I don’t eat breakfast.”

      “You didn’t eat much last night,” he said, and he placed his hand on the small of her back. The