He pointed at the large silk pillow they would share.
Zoe’s gaze flew to his face. She saw a flicker in his eyes before he banked it. His expression was polite and innocent. She knew better. He was playing the role of besotted husband.
She glanced at the servants, who now stood several feet away from the table, ready to assist when needed. Zoe wondered if this display was for them. Did Nadir think the servants would gossip about their behavior? That the tribe would analyze everything including how close they sat during meals?
Or was this act simply for her? He had a reluctant bride on his hands. What better way to woo her into his bed than by playing the tender and thoughtful husband? She didn’t think the act would last long, but he was going to be on his best behavior and she needed to use it her advantage.
Zoe gritted her teeth. She should never have complained about how little they knew each other. Would she be expected to stay at his side for the next couple of days?
She knew this was not a battle she wanted to fight and quietly sat down. Nadir sat next to her, his arms and legs brushing hers. She didn’t like sitting this close to someone, especially a man. After years of dealing with her uncle’s temper she preferred to be more than an arm’s length away from any male.
She reached for the coffeepot like a drowning man would grab for a life preserver as Nadir tore off a piece of flatbread. He scooped up some mutton with the flatbread and held it out to her. Zoe gave him a questioning glance.
“Eat this,” he said.
“There’s plenty of food.” She motioned at the bowls and plates that covered every inch of the table. “I don’t need to eat yours.”
“I want to share this with you,” he explained softly as he grazed her lips with the bread. “Eat.”
It was not easy for her to comply. Eating from Nadir’s hand required a level of trust and acceptance from her. She opened her mouth slightly and he popped the morsel in.
Zoe closed her mouth too quickly and caught the edge of his thumb. Nadir took the opportunity to stroke her bottom lip with the side of his thumb as she struggled to swallow the food.
Was he doing all this as an excuse to touch her? Why would he when she looked jaundiced? She was suddenly glad there were servants in the room, knowing that any intimacy Nadir planned would be curtailed.
Or was he trying to get her to depend on him? Did he think that if he fed her she would develop the belief that he provided for her? She couldn’t figure it out, but she knew not to trust this attentive side of Nadir.
“It was a pleasure meeting your brother at the ceremony,” she lied with a smile. The man had made it clear she was unworthy to sit in the same room with him. “Will he visit us today?”
“No, Rashid has already returned to the palace. He sends his regrets.”
Sure he did. It was more likely that Rashid couldn’t stand the idea of her marrying into the family. “Do you have any more brothers and sisters?”
“No, my mother died while giving birth to Rashid. It’s just me, my brother and my father.”
“Will your father attend the last ceremony?”
Nadir shook his head. “My father is unable to make the journey.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. When will I meet him?” Zoe frowned when she saw Nadir hesitate.
“That’s hard to say,” Nadir didn’t meet her gaze. “The Sultan is unwell and is not receiving visitors at this time.”
Zoe’s eyes narrowed. She got the feeling that Nadir didn’t want her to meet his father. Was he ashamed of the match? The possibility stung.
“I forgot to ask you,” she said hurriedly, changing the subject as she grabbed her coffee cup. “Where are we going on our honeymoon?”
He paused and returned his attention to his plate. “To my home in the mountains.”
Her fingers clenched on the coffee cup. She was surprised it didn’t shatter in her hands. “Oh,” she said on strangled breath.
They weren’t leaving Jazaar? No, no, no! That wasn’t part of the plan.
He scooped up another chunk of mutton with a piece of flatbread. When he held it out to her his eyes narrowed on her face. “You’re disappointed?”
“I’m sure it’s a lovely home,” she said in a rush. She couldn’t afford to offend him. “I just assumed we would go overseas because you travel so much.”
“The traveling is part of my work, not my private life.” He held the bite of food against her lips. “I would never take my wife with me on business trips.”
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