Markus Rudin

Molecular Imaging

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      Q: My ideas are much more clear now.

      M: So are mine.

      Q: Through these discussions things become more clear. M: Yes, and that’s the beauty of discussions.

      7.M. “If you are thinking of each pair X and X as occupying some section of the 1023–1 dimensional hypersurface that constitutes the [whole] TS and if you are assigning to each pair, to each member of the pair a free energy, then the one that has the minimum free energy, that would be the TS [considered in the paper]. You don’t have to consider the full thing, you can consider just an important part of it. In other words, it is wise to consider the subset of the hypersurface which is associated with the minimum free energy. The different parts of the hypersurface correspond to different thermodynamic systems and you pick the one that has the minimum free energy. . . you think of that 1023–1 dimensional hypersurface effectively broken into different systems. . . each polarization function being specific of each system.”

      8.M: “The 1956 theory neglects interactions of other pairs of reactants on this particular pair, it neglects the effects of other reactants, it focuses only on this pair. . . it treats the different pairs as independent of each other. A later paper treats the effects of other ions, of the ionic atmosphere, on the particular pair.”

      9.M. used the variational condition image δPudV = 0 to demonstrate that Pu = αuE. He did so because he wanted to be sure that there were no other constraints that would give the earlier standard equilibrium result Pu = αuE, that is, he wanted to be sure that if he didn’t impose other conditions he would get the usual expected result.

      10.M. points out that when one considers the condition F = F, that means that one is at the intersection of the potential energy surfaces and one should consider that F is a function of Pu and that F equals F as function of Pu and that when one considers δF one means δF obtained by varying δPu. It is from the condition F = F that δFδF = 0 follows. If one plots the free energies of reactants and products as functions of Pu, one has δF = 0 at the bottom of the reactants free energy well, δF = 0 at the bottom of the free energy well of the products with different values of Pu corresponding to those two minima. One has δFδF = 0 at the TS at the same common value of Pu.

      11.M. comments on the mistake that was made by the authors in Ref. [27] in the calculation of tunneling probability:

      M: “They calculated the probability of tunneling, but that’s tunneling of the electron, what they should have done is multiply that tunneling by the number of times the electron is hitting that tunneling barrier, in this classical picture you have sort of classical frequency, but that’s 1013 per second, so [overlooking that] they made a big error.”


      4.W. C. Gardiner, Jr., Rates and Mechanism of Chemical Reactions, W.A. Benjamin, Inc., New York, Amsterdam (1969).

      6.R. E. Weston, Jr., H. A. Schwarz, Chemical Kinetics, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1972).

      15.J. O’ M. Bockris, A. K. N. Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry 1, 2nd Edition, Plenum Press, New York and London (1998).

      21.H. Margenau, G. M. Murphy, The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry, 2nd Edition, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, NJ (1956).

      22.J. Mathews, R. L. Walker, Mathematical Methods of Physics, 2nd Edition, W.A. Benjamin Inc., New York (1970).