Markus Rudin

Molecular Imaging

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λo (λ outer) is what we have until now indicated with λ, that is:


      and λi (λ inner) is given by:


      where kj and image denote the force constants of the jth vibrational coordinate in a species involved in the reaction when that species is a reactant and when it is a product, respectively. The summation is over both reactants in the homogeneous case and over the one reactant in the electrode case (vide infra). When (ΔF0 + wpwr)/λ is small, say 1/4, then:

      ΔF* is then linear in ΔF0 with a slope 0.5. When wr and wp are small and when ΔF0 = 0 we have λ = 4(ΔF*)0 (the subscript indicates of ΔF0 = 0). Thus, the earlier condition for linearity in ΔF0 can be written as

      a condition often fulfilled in practice. More generally, the instantaneous slope of a plot of ΔF* versus ΔF0 is, according to Eqs. (3.17) and (3.19), 1/2[1 + ΔF0/4(ΔF*)0] when the work terms are small.

       3.8.An Outline of the Theory of Electron Transfer Processes at Electrodes—Introduction

      The Marcus theory of the rates of electron transfer reactions at electrodes follows in the steps of the ET theory in solution because chemical and electrochemical redox reactions have many characteristics in common from the point of view of experimental results and theory.

      The electrochemical processes are characterized by various levels of complexity. In the simpler case, they consist of only one elementary reaction, the redox step. But the process is usually more complicated because the elementary step may be preceded or followed by various chemical reactions and equilibria involving the electrochemically active species. It is then essential to analyze the experimental data in sufficient detail so that the electric current is known as a function of the overpotential of the redox step, and not simply of the more usual overpotential of the overall reaction sequence. “When such an analysis has been performed for a complicated electrode reaction, attention can then be focused on the actual redox step itself,” that is, the one dealt with in the M. theory.

      The redox step can be visualized in the way usual in reaction rate theory: the atomic motions in the electrochemical systems happen on PESs which are functions of the coordinates of all atoms in the system, which means that to the usual atomic coordinates of solvent and solute we should add the coordinates of the atoms making up:

      (ii)The electrode itself

      By a suitable fluctuation, that is, by a suitable concerted motion of the atoms, the system moves from a region of the many dimensional PES “where the electrochemically active species exists in one valence state to a region where it exists in the other valence state, with the electrode having undergone a corresponding change.”

      Figure 1 from Ref. [5] represents the simplest schematic potential energy diagram for the electrochemical process;


      Fig. 1. Cross section of two intersecting electronic energy surfaces in N-dimensional atomic configuration space. Electrochemical process: Aox + ne (metal) → Ared + (metal). The intersecting dashed lines indicate zero overlap of the electronic orbitals of A and metal (From Ref. [5]).