and ΔS‡ defined by the Eyring relation:
At room temperature, the term kT/h equals 1013 sec−1 while Z, the collision number in solution, is about equal to 1011 liter mole−1 sec−1 [16]. M. will later use the more precise value 1012 [16a].
Marcus calls ΔS* and ΔF* excess entropy and excess free energy of activation. The excess for ΔF* is the free energy of formation of the intermediate state from the reactants in excess of what it would be if the state were simply the usual transient collision complex at the thermally averaged geometry of two neutral, nonreactive (i.e., not forming or breaking chemical bonds) molecules in a solution. ΔS* and ΔS‡, ΔΔF* and ΔF‡ are related in Note 13 [1, p. 868, M19, Part II of the Theory].
Equations (3.1) and (3.7) express the rate constant of the redox step in terms of ΔF* and ΔS*, and Eqs. (3.4) and (3.6) relate ΔF* and ΔS* to ΔF0, the standard free energy change of the redox step, and to the polarizing radii (vide infra) of the reactants a1 and a2. Defining now
from Eqs. (3.4) and (3.6) we get:
In Eq. (3.9), the last term is generally very small and we then have as an approximate equation for ΔS*:
3.2.Frequency Factors, Activation Energy, and Transition Probability Factor κ
Equation (3.1) is also written [4, p. 156] as:
and the usual Arrhenius expression for k is:
The preexponential coefficient A is generally known as the frequency factor. The name derives from the interpretation of the expression in terms of the energy barrier to reaction: the exponential states the probability of surmounting the barrier Ea while A is related to the frequency of attempts [17, p. 87]. Writing Ea as Ea = ΔF* + T ΔS* we see that:
The calculated and experimental frequency factors provide the most direct measure of the probability factors κ [4, p.160]. M. found a good agreement between experimental and calculated frequency factors for the
3.3.The Dependence of ΔF* on ΔF0 for a Series of Compounds at Constant λ
From Eqs. (3.2) and (3.4), a simple dependence of ΔF* on ΔF0 can be deduced for the reaction of a reagent with a series of compounds chemically similar to each other in the sense that the charged part of the molecule remains the same throughout the series and the molecules differ only in some substituent.
Two such series will be discussed later. The polarizing radius is that of the charged part of the molecule which causes the electrical polarization of the medium. For each member of a series, it will be taken to be the same, since each has the same charged group with the same radius which is then a constant for all members of the series. It will therefore be seen from Eq. (3.2) that λ is the same for each member of the series. Accordingly, we are interested in the dependence of ΔF* on ΔF0 at a given λ, that is, in (∂ ΔF*/∂ ΔF0)λ. We find, from Eqs. (3.3) and (3.4) that:
This predicts that when
3.4.Theoretical Equations for Isotopic Exchange Reactions
For such reactions, the expression for ΔF* simplifies because
Moreover, “since, in the present case, reacting particle 1 as a product is the same as 2 as a reactant, and conversely, we have a1 = a2 and will denote these by a. Since R is taken to equal a1 + a2 it therefore equals 2a.” The expression for ΔF* simplifies then to:
We immediately see that the reorganization term increases as a decreases and Δe increases, as expected from the discussion in Chapter 2.