Single-Assailant Multiple-Step
1 Geneology of Shotokan-ryu | 42 |
2 Geneology of Goju-ryu | 43 |
3 Geneology of Wado-ryu | 44 |
4 Geneology of Shito-ryu | 45 |
5 Requirements for the Kyu-Level Ranks | 216 |
6 Requirements for the Dan-Level Ranks | 217 |
7 Karate Belt-System | 217 |
8 Age and Other Requirements for Dan-Level Ranks and Special Titles | 218 |
List of Illustrations
Teruyuki Okazaki | page 13 |
Greek amphora depicting boxers | 25 |
Examples of hard and soft systems | 31 |
Kanryo Higaonna | 34 |
Chojun Miyagi | 35 |
Gichin Funakoshi | 36 |
Kenwa Mabuni disarming an attacker | 37 |
Masatoshi Nakayama giving a karate lesson | 39 |
Hidetaka Nishiyama refereeing a karate match | 41 |
Fumio Demura demonstrating his kicking technique | 46 |
Anthony Mirakian leading a kata | 47 |
Family-crest designs | 56 |
Japanese long sword and scabbard |