Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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figurative gram grammatical term idiom idiomatic expression inf informal intsfr intensifier k.a. Krama Andhap (see Introduction) k.i. Krama Inggil (see Introduction) kr Krama (high language level) lit literary md Madya (middle language level) ng Ngoko (low language level) opt optional o.s. oneself pass passive pl associated with a plural subject pron pronounced as, pronunciation prov proverb reg regional, i.e. dialectal or non-standard repr imitative verb adjunct with mak, see Introduction shtc shortened compound shtf shortened form s.o. someone s.t. something subst substitute s.w. somewhere usu usually var variant way term associated with the wayang (shadow theatre)

      aba 1 sign, sound; 2 order, command; to order, command; 3 spoken word; to say, speak;

      ngabani 1 to give a signal, give a command; 2 to quote (a price). See also aban.

      abab 1 breath; 2 fig hot air;

      ngababi to breathe on s.t.;

      kababan to get blown on; to feel a rush of air, e.g. from a passing vehicle or a gunshot.

      abad 1 century; - kepungkur the last century; 2 age, era; - modhèren the modern age (era);

      maabad-abad for centuries.

      abadi eternal, eternity.

      abadiyah eternal.

      abah I ngabah-abahi lit to scold.

      II abahan 1 timber; 2 wooden block for cutting off the head;

      kumurep ing abahan to lie face down on a wooden block, fig to put fate in s.o.'s hands.

      abah-abah I tool, instrument; - tenunan loom.

      II saddle. See also lapak.

      ngabah-abahi to saddle.

      aban, aban-aban 1 orders for drill; 2 reg loud noise. See also aba.

      abang ng, abrit kr 1 red, reddish-brown; 2 ripe (of ripe product); - biru fig circumstances, fate; - dluwang very pale: even white paper is redder; - mbranang or abing bright red; - tuwa dark red;

      abang-abang s.t. red;

      ngabang to redden; - bironi to cause s.o. to be ashamed;

      ngabangi 1 to redden s.t.; 2 to make the colour redder than before; 3 to become red;

      ngabangaké to cause s.t. to be red; ­ kuping (rai, mata) fig to cause s.o. to be angry;

      abangan one who does not adhere strictly to the precepts of Islam;

      abang-abang lambé 1 to make the lips red; 2 fig what the listener wants to hear; 3 fig to play up to s.o.; small talk; gossip. See also bang.

      abar I no longer effective, powerless;

      ngabar 1 to evaporate, vaporise; 2 to lose effectiveness; 3 to default on an obligation (of bet); 4 to excite the gamecocks before fighting by facing them to each other;

      ngabaraké to cause s.t. to be powerless; powerless;

      pangabaran magical formula for destroying the enemy's power;

      kabar to lose the best essence;

      santen - thin coconut milk (see also santen); prawan - non-virginal girl (see also prawan);

      abaran or abar-abaran (of gamecocks) to face each other excitedly before fighting. See also aber I.

      II ngabar-abar to threaten by brandishing a sharp weapon. See also agar.

      abas I ngabas to act indiscriminately, without basis.

      II ngabas var of ngabar, see abar I.

      abdas to cleanse o.s. ritually before prayer;

      pabdasan or padasan a large earthen vessel with a tap, containing well water for ritual ablution before prayers.

      abdi k.i. (batur, réwang ng, réncang kr) servant; - dalem 1 servant at court; 2 I, me (when addressing o.s. to royalty); - dalem jaba palace officials under the vice regent; - dalem juru palace soothsayer; - dalem garap clerk in a Surakarta regent's office; ­ dalem prajurit palace guard; - dalem silir court official in charge of the palace lamps;

      ngabdi to live in s.o.'s home as a servant, fig to give good service to s.o.;

      ngabdèni to be s.o.'s servant;

      ngabdèkaké 1 to have s.o. live in s.o.'s home as a servant; 2 to take s.o. as a servant;

      kaabdèkaké ng, kaabdèkaken kr, to be appointed as a servant at court;

      pangabdi or pangabdèn service.

      aben I to compete; competition, confrontation (kr for adu).

      II each, every (coll var of saben);

      abene usually;

      aben-aben from time to time, again and again.

      aber I to lose its magic power; no longer effective (of magic formula etc) (var of abar);

      ngaber-aberi to cause s.t. to be powerless.

      II to fly (var of iber);

      aber-aberan or iber-iberan flying creatures.

      abet, ngabet or mangabet lit to be a servant;

      kabet to be framed;

      abet-abet 1 frame; 2 lit a female servant in a hermitage.

      abing bright red. See abang.

      abipraya intention, purpose;

      saabipraya harmonious, to make an agreement.

      abir long-handled Chinese sword.

      abiséka 1 consecration