aba 1 sign, sound; 2 order, command; to order, command; 3 spoken word; to say, speak;
ngabani 1 to give a signal, give a command; 2 to quote (a price). See also aban.
abab 1 breath; 2 fig hot air;
ngababi to breathe on s.t.;
kababan to get blown on; to feel a rush of air, e.g. from a passing vehicle or a gunshot.
abad 1 century; - kepungkur the last century; 2 age, era; - modhèren the modern age (era);
maabad-abad for centuries.
abadi eternal, eternity.
abadiyah eternal.
abah I ngabah-abahi lit to scold.
II abahan 1 timber; 2 wooden block for cutting off the head;
kumurep ing abahan to lie face down on a wooden block, fig to put fate in s.o.'s hands.
abah-abah I tool, instrument; - tenunan loom.
II saddle. See also lapak.
ngabah-abahi to saddle.
aban, aban-aban 1 orders for drill; 2 reg loud noise. See also aba.
abang ng, abrit kr 1 red, reddish-brown; 2 ripe (of ripe product); - biru fig circumstances, fate; - dluwang very pale: even white paper is redder; - mbranang or abing bright red; - tuwa dark red;
abang-abang s.t. red;
ngabang to redden; - bironi to cause s.o. to be ashamed;
ngabangi 1 to redden s.t.; 2 to make the colour redder than before; 3 to become red;
ngabangaké to cause s.t. to be red; kuping (rai, mata) fig to cause s.o. to be angry;
abangan one who does not adhere strictly to the precepts of Islam;
abang-abang lambé 1 to make the lips red; 2 fig what the listener wants to hear; 3 fig to play up to s.o.; small talk; gossip. See also bang.
abar I no longer effective, powerless;
ngabar 1 to evaporate, vaporise; 2 to lose effectiveness; 3 to default on an obligation (of bet); 4 to excite the gamecocks before fighting by facing them to each other;
ngabaraké to cause s.t. to be powerless; powerless;
pangabaran magical formula for destroying the enemy's power;
kabar to lose the best essence;
santen - thin coconut milk (see also santen); prawan - non-virginal girl (see also prawan);
abaran or abar-abaran (of gamecocks) to face each other excitedly before fighting. See also aber I.
II ngabar-abar to threaten by brandishing a sharp weapon. See also agar.
abas I ngabas to act indiscriminately, without basis.
II ngabas var of ngabar, see abar I.
abdas to cleanse o.s. ritually before prayer;
pabdasan or padasan a large earthen vessel with a tap, containing well water for ritual ablution before prayers.
abdi k.i. (batur, réwang ng, réncang kr) servant; - dalem 1 servant at court; 2 I, me (when addressing o.s. to royalty); - dalem jaba palace officials under the vice regent; - dalem juru palace soothsayer; - dalem garap clerk in a Surakarta regent's office; dalem prajurit palace guard; - dalem silir court official in charge of the palace lamps;
ngabdi to live in s.o.'s home as a servant, fig to give good service to s.o.;
ngabdèni to be s.o.'s servant;
ngabdèkaké 1 to have s.o. live in s.o.'s home as a servant; 2 to take s.o. as a servant;
kaabdèkaké ng, kaabdèkaken kr, to be appointed as a servant at court;
pangabdi or pangabdèn service.
aben I to compete; competition, confrontation (kr for adu).
II each, every (coll var of saben);
abene usually;
aben-aben from time to time, again and again.
aber I to lose its magic power; no longer effective (of magic formula etc) (var of abar);
ngaber-aberi to cause s.t. to be powerless.
II to fly (var of iber);
aber-aberan or iber-iberan flying creatures.
abet, ngabet or mangabet lit to be a servant;
kabet to be framed;
abet-abet 1 frame; 2 lit a female servant in a hermitage.
abing bright red. See abang.
abipraya intention, purpose;
saabipraya harmonious, to make an agreement.
abir long-handled Chinese sword.
abiséka 1 consecration