Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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reg I, me.

      ait, ngait 1 to pull, jerk; 2 to put away, put aside. See also sait.

      aja ng sampun kr don't; - dhisik not now, not too soon; - dumèh var of - dupeh don't show off; - kongsi (var of ­ nganti) don't let it happen that; ­ manèh (sampun malih kr), let alone, much less; - nganti 1 don't let it happen that; 2 (to tell s.o.) not to; 3 (in order) not to, so that not; ­pisan-pisan don't by any means; - olèh (coll: - éntuk) don't allow; - silih (var of- manèh); - sok don't ever; - ta (reg aja si) please don't. - manèh-manèh never again; - tan ora don't fail to;

      ajaa if it were not for the fact that.

      ajab, ngajab to hope, wish;

      ngajabi to wish for;

      ngajab-ajab to hope (for), look forward to, anticipate;

      pangajab hope, anticipation.

      ajag I or asu ajag jackal, hunting-dog;

      ngajagi to hunt (of people or animal) by using a dog.

      II ngajag to intersperse;

      ngajagi to plant (an area) with additional plants;

      ajagan plants planted between others.

      ajah, ngajahi to train (animals);

      ngajahake to have trained;

      ajahan a trained animal.

      ajaib or ngajaib astonishing, amazing; marvellous, miraculous.

      ajak, ajak-ajak or ngajak to ask s.o. to come along, join one;

      ngajaki to ask others to join one;

      ajakan invitation, a suggestion to join in s.o.'s activity;

      ajak-ajakan to ask each other to join in an activity;

      pangajak act of inviting. See also jak.

      ajal I coll var of jajal to try to do;

      ajalé excl try!;

      ajal-ajal to try to do s.t.

      II 1 origin, source; 2 limit, boundary, dividing-line; - kamulan origin, beginning;

      ngajali 1 to form a boundary, dividing-line for; 2 to set a time limit (on);

      ngajal ulihan (pulihan, mulihan) to return to where one came from.

      III (or ngajal) to pass away.

      ajan I a call to prayer; to recite the call to prayer (var of adan, azan).

      II ngajani to urge or persuade s.o. to do wrong;

      pangajan persuasion, urging;

      kèlu ing pangajan to go along with an evil urging.

      ajang 1 (ambeng k.i.) a dish from which food is eaten; 2 site of an activity;

      ngajangi 1 to dish up s.o.'s food; 2 to organise, hold an activity; 3 to serve as a place for; 4 line of work;

      ajangan 1 (ambengan k.i.) a serving of food; 2 site of an activity.

      ajap see ajab.

      ajar I to learn, exercise, receive training; - kenal to make one's acquaintance; - mlaku to exercise walking; 2 teacher of spiritual knowledge; ki - adr teacher; kurang - 1 impolite, rude; 2 (or kurang asem) excl of dislike, see also kurang;

      ajar-ajar to start to learn, to try to make s.t.;

      ngajar 1 to teach, train; 2 to punish;

      ngajari to teach s.o. to (do);

      ngajar-ajari to try to teach s.o. to do wrong;

      ngajaraké to teach a subject;

      ajaran 1 teaching, a lesson; 2 in the learning stage;

      ajar-ajaran 1 teaching(s), act of teaching; 2 to teach each other;

      pangajaran instruction, training, education.

      II section of a citrus fruit;

      ngajari to divide (citrus fruit) into sections;

      ajaran s.t. divided into sections (of citrus fruit).

      ajat 1 a need; 2 (or kajat) religious offering or sacrifice; 3 extra Islamic prayer said at midnight; 4 public prayer meeting;

      ngajati to wish for, plan, intend;

      ngajataké to wish for (an objective). See also kajat.

      ajeg constant, steady, fixed, regular;

      ngajegi to do steadily or as a regular practice;

      ngajegaké to have/make s.o. do steadily; to accustom s.o. to (doing s.t.);

      ajeg-ajegan constantly, frequently;

      pangajeg consistency (of law).

      ajèr to melt, dissolve; fig to relent;

      ngajèri to melt, dissolve s.t.;

      ngajèraké to melt for s.o.; to have s.t. melted;

      pangajèran 1 act of melting; 2 place of melting.

      See also jer.

      ajeng I facing (root form: kr for adhep).

      II progress, forward movement (root form: kr for aju).

      III front (root form for arep).

      IV will, want (md for arep).

      V younger female. See also jeng.

      aji I ng, aos kr value, worth; - pumpung or - mumpung opportunistic, to take the opportunity to enjoy o.s.;

      ngajèni 1 to respect, honour; 2 to value;

      ngaji-aji to esteem or value highly;

      ajèn-ingajènan to respect each other;

      pangaji or pengaji at the price of; to the amount of.

      II king.

      III or aji-aji magic formula, amulet.

      IV var of kaji II;

      ngaji ng, ngaos kr to recite the Quran;

      ngajèkaké 1 to send s.o. to study and recite the Quran; 2 to recite the Quran for others.

      ajrih fear, afraid, scared; awe, respect (kr for wedi); - asih respectful and devoted;

      ngajrih-ajrihi 1 fearsome; 2 to threaten s.o. (kr for ngeden-deni).

      aju ng, ajeng kr forward movement; ­ undur vicissitudes, ups and downs;

      ngajoni 1 to approach s.o. by moving forward; 2 to take part in;

      ngajokaké 1 to put forward; to (cause to) move forward; submit; 2 to remand;

      maju 1 to go forward, advance; 2 to face, confront; to go to war. See also maju.

      ajug, ajug-ajug 1 tray or pedestal for an oil lamp; 2 reg handle of a harrow.

      ajun or ajung assistant; - jeksa deputy of a prosecutor.

      ajur 1 severely damaged, crushed; 2 to dissolve, disintegrate, digest; - kumurkumur wrecked; - luluh 1 dissolved; 2 smashed; - memet completely crushed; - mumur pulverised.

      Akad Sunday. See also Ahad, Ngahad.

      akal idea, scheme, thought; akal-akal to have a foolish idea, to try a trick;

      ngakal to find (a solution);

      ngakali 1 to deceive; 2 to take advantage of s.o., cheat s.o.;

      ngakal-akali to cheat others again and again;

      akal-akalan manipulation, machination;

      kalah okol menang akal prov 'the brain is mightier than the bone'.

      akas hard and dry, crusty.

      akasa lit the sky, the heavens.
