kr much, many, plenty;
ngakèhi to make s.t. more;
ngakèhi-ngakèhi to cause to be too much;
kakèhan (or kakèhen) too much; excessively much/many; - cangkem 1 (to engage in) too much talk (and too little action); 2 (to do) too much grumbling;
akèh-akèhan to compare or compete for most;
akèh-akéhé or kèh-kèhé at most.
aken to tell s.o. to do s.t. (kr for akon).
akep, ngakep to hold between the lips; pipa to smoke a pipe.
akèrat the hereafter, the next life; donya - eternal (see also donya).
akik agate; akik-akikan 1 all kinds of agate; 2 imitation agate.
akil-balèg of age, adult (in Islam, able to undertake religious duties).
aking 1 dry (kr for garing); 2 ng, kr, to dry out; sega - dried rice (see also sega).
akir the end; - taun the end of the year;
akir-akir lately, recently;
ngakiri to end, close;
akir(-akir)é finally.
akon to tell s.o. to do s.t.;
akon-akon to hand out orders (to many);
ngakon to order, have s.o. do s.t.
akrab close relatives; intimate, chummy;
ngakrabi to be close to;
ngakrabake to bring close, strengthen (friendships etc).
aksama or pangaksama lit forgiveness, pardon; nyuwun - to ask forgiveness (see also suwun).
aksami var of aksama.
aksara 1 letter of an alphabet; 2 written character; - gedrik printed characters; - murda capital (Javanese) letters; rékan Javanese characters to accommodate foreign sounds; - swara vowel letters.
aksi lit eye (var of èksi).
aku 1 ng, kula kr, dalem k.i. I, me; kowé we, us; - kabèh all of us;
ngaku ng, ngaken kr 1 to adopt s.o. as a member of the family; 2 to acknowledge, admit, confess;
ngakoni to admit;
diakokaké 1 to pass s.o. off as a relative; 2 to say that s.t. belongs to s.o. when it doesn't;
ngaku-aku to claim falsely;
pangakuan dosa confession (Roman Catholic);
wong kaya aku kowé people like us.
akur harmonious, congenial, agreeable;
ngakuraké 1 to synchronise (of watch, scale); 2 to appease, bring about peace;
akuran 1 mutually agreed; 2 to compromise; 2 verification, collation.
ala ng, awon kr, èlèk coll, bad, evil, nasty, ugly; - atine bad character; - becik quality; - meneng or - nganggur to pass the time in a better way than doing nothing; - duluné indecent, improper;
tanpa rupa unattractive looking;
ala-ala bad though one may be;
ngala-ala to sully s.o.'s name, to speak ill of s.o. behind their back;
ngalani to do bad things to s.o.; to bring harm to; to make s.o. bad;
ngalan-alani to make s.t. bad;
ngalakaké 1 to make s.t. or s.o. look bad; 2 to treat as bad;
ingalan lit to be treated badly;
alané 1 what is bad; 2 rather than;
ala-alané (or alané ala) worst of all;
alan-alan scapegoat;
alan-alanan ng, awon-awonan kr, 1 of inferior quality; 2 to do bad things to each other;
saala-alané as bad as possible;
piala evil, wickedness, felony, misdeed, crime;
miala or mialani to bring harm to;
pangala-ala evil talk;
ala belo becik jaran prov a bad child of good parents;
becik ketitik ala ketara prov good deeds will make themselves known and evil will out.
alab, ngalabi to inundate.
mangalab-alab lit to overflow. See also lèb, elèb; leb, eleb.
alad flame;
ngalad-alad or malad-malad (lit mangalad -alad) to flare up, fig to burn with desire.
alah excl of disbelief, - déné in vain; - ora reluctant, half-hearted.
alal behalal or alal bihalal or halal bihalal 1 to ask and give forgiveness at the end of the Fasting Month; 2 a gathering of a social group (workers at same office, people of same ethnic origin etc) soon after the Fasting Month for such a purpose. See also halal.
alam 1 world, universe; - akir the next world, life after death; - arwah world of ancestral spirits; - donya world, universe; - kabir world of mortals; sahir the eternal world; - saisine the universe and all its contents; ngelmu physics (see also ngelmu); ora unnatural, out of the ordinary; 2 era; modheren modern era;
ngalami to experience;
alam-alaman 1 period; 2 role-playing;
pengalaman an experience; to have experiences; wallahu'alam. God knows best; I don't know. Also ngalam.
alamat I address of a letter, of one's residence;
ngalamati to write an address on;
ngalamataké to address (a letter) for
s.o. Also ngalamat.
II sign of a coming event, portent; to omen, indicate;
ngalamati or ngalamataké 1 to symbolise; 2 to portend, indicate.
alang I crosswise dimension; -ujur 1 dimensions (length and width); 2 location, position; 3 the real facts;
ngalangi 1 (or ngalang-alangi), mambengi kr to impede, obstruct; 2 to break payment (of installment);
ngalangaké to place s.t. crosswise or in such a way as to be an obstacle;
malang in a crosswise position; fig unlucky; - mégung crisscross; - mujur lengthways and crossways;
kalangan (or kalang-kalangan) blocked, impeded; to run into obstacles;
alangan 1 hindrance, obstacle; 2 accidental damage, mishap;
alang-alangan to obstruct each other.
alang-alang tall coarse grass;
alang-alangan a place where such grass grows in abundance.
alap, ngalap 1 to take, put to use, take advantage of; 2 to seek possession of; ati to entice, charm s.o.; - berkah to seek s.o.'s blessing; - dho 1 to take two masters; 2 married to two women; gawé to look for a job as a blue-collar worker; - menang to gain victory, strive for victory; - nyaur 1 to sell (merchandise) on consignment; 2 pale and wan from malnutrition; - opah to earn a wage; - putih to want revenge; - reruba or - besel to be open to bribes; kalap taken by spirits (in a river, ocean or forest); alap-ingalap to cross-marry;
alap-alapan way struggle to get possession of a princess;
pangalapan a haunted place.
alap-alap a variety of hawk.
alas I ng, wana kr 1 forest; 2 reg fields, area outside the village; - greng dense jungle; - gung liwang-liwung extensive and dense jungle;
asu - or asu ajag jackal, wild dog (see also asu); ayam jungle fowl (see also ayam); - alas 1 an evil spirit of the