to widen s.t.;
kamban or kekamban too wide;
saambané the same size as.
II (pron as: am-ba) lit 1 servant; 2 I, me.
ambah, ambah-ambah an epidemic; ngambah 1 to traverse; - gegana to fly through the air; 2 to get involved in; ngambahaké to let a baby's feet touch the ground;
kambah to get traversed (by);
ambah-ambahan 1 act of traversing; 2 place frequently traversed; 3 an epidemic (var of ambah-ambah).
ambak I or ambak-ambak, ambakna, ambakne, ambaknea even though.
II or ambak ambing of course, I know.
III ambakna or ambak-ambakane(a), ambakpuna how come, it's ridiculous that...
ambal I 1 one stair in a flight;
ambal-ambalan a flight of stairs.
II (number of) times; - pindho twice;
ngambali to repeat, to do again;
ambal-ambalan to do repeatedly;
surak - to cheer again and again;
mangambal-ambal lit to do again and again.
ambar fragrance;
ngambar 1 to give off fragrance; 2 fig famous, renowned;
ngambar-ambar to give off fragrance everywhere.
ambara lit sky;
ngambara 1 to fly through the sky; 2 to wander around.
ambaro breakwater in a harbour.
ambawang reg a young mango.
ambeg, ambegan 1 breath, breathing; to breath; 2 fig to relax.
ambèk 1 character, (having) a character trait; - adil paramarta (having) a just and noble character; - darma helpful character; - siya (having) cruel treatment to others; - sura or - wani (having) a bold character; - welas (having) a compassionate character; pati (having) contempt for death; 2 assumption, opinion, feeling (var of anggep); 3 conceited, arrogant;
ngambeki 1 to act snobbishly; 2 to snub s.o.;
pambekan 1 character, temperament; 2 reg conceited, snobbish.
ambèk and, with (reg var of karo).
amben I 1 belly-band for a horse; 2 woman's sash.
II every time (coll var of saben).
amben low wooden or bamboo bench for sitting or sleeping on;
ambèn-ambènan bamboo coffin.
ambeng I 1 (or ambengan) rice and various foods in dishes or in a bamboo tray as a ritual meal; 2 dish, plate (k.i. for piling).
II ambengan to sit around while guarding.
ambeng-ambeng reg jungle grass (kr for alang-alang).
ambèr to overflow.
ambet smell, odour (kr for ambu);
ambetan durian fruit (kr for duren).
ambi or ambik (together) with, and (reg var of karo).
ambil, ngambil lit to take, get, pick up;
ngambil-ambil to try to win over or to reconcile;
ngombal-ambil reg to rake up the past.
amblas lost, gone, vanished.
ambleg 1 to give way, collapse; 2 bankrupt.
ambles 1 to sink below the surface; bumi to enter into the earth; 2 recessed, set in (ward).
amblong to give way cave in.
ambo, ngambo to hoist; - layar to hoist sail.
ambok I var of mbok.
II ambokna even though (var of ambakna).
ambon ng, ambetan kr nickname for the (strong smelling) durian fruit;
ambon-ambon (ambet-ambetan kr) odour. See ambu.
ambra, ngambra-ambra 1 widespread, commonplace; 2 to scatter, strew; 3 to digress; 4 (of talk) desultory.
ambrah, ngambrah widespread, common, popular.
ambral var of
amral admiral.
ambreg I to collapse;
ngambregaké to cause s.t. to collapse.
II ngambreg or ngambreg-ambreg to pile up, accumulate;
ambreg-ambregan heaped untidily.
ambrih reg var of amrih.
ambrik var of amrik.
ambril var of amril.
ambring reg very quiet.
ambrol to give way, collapse; ngambrolaké to cause s.t. to collapse.
ambruk to fall down, come down, collapse;
ngambruk to lie down;
ngambruki or ngembruki to fall on(to);
ngambrukake to cause s.t. to collapse. See bruk.
ambrung I lit buzzing or humming sound.
II reg var of ambyuk.
ambu ng, ambet kr odour;
ngambu to smell;
ngamboni to offer s.t. for smelling;
ngambokaké to cause s.o. to smell;
kambon to get a whiff of, get touched lightly by; - getih to get touched by the smell of blood;
pangambu sense of smell;
mambu 1 to have an odour; 2 to perceive an odour; 3 to spoil, spoiled; 4 (of news) out of date, stale; - ati one who has been loved; - getih 1 (a weapon that) has been used for killing people; 2 to want to kill s.o.; - ilu to have learned one's lesson;
- kulit daging a relative, one's flesh and blood;
mambu-mambu a relative, distantly related; ora mambu bocah (of a child) old beyond one's years;
ora mambu énthong irus or ora mambu sega jangan not a blood relation;
ora mambu wong Jawa (a Javanese who) lacks the essential Javaneseness;
ora mambu wong lanang 1 unmanly; a female virgin;
ora mambu wong wadon I unwomanly; 2 a male virgin;
kaselak mambu angin (of food) on the verge of losing its taste, fig on the verge of losing a good chance.
ambuda lit cloud.
ambul reg irresponsible, unmannerly.
ambulung reg a palm tree.
ambung ng, kr, aras k. i. a kiss;
ngambung ng, kr, ngaras k.i. to kiss;
-dhengkul to kiss the knee, fig to show esteem and humility toward s.o.;
ngambungi to kiss s.o. repeatedly;
ngambungaké to have s.t. kiss s.o.;
ambung-ambungan to kiss each other.
ambur reg var of ambus.
ambus, ngambus to sniff;
ngambus-ambus to sniff continuously;
ngambusi to sniff repeatedly.
ambyah, ngambyah or ngambyahambyah commonplace, abundant, affluent.
ambyak, ambyak-ambyakan to disperse.
ambyang I reg dry grass for kindling. II ngambyang-ambyang to wander everywhere