1 resembling such a tablet; 2 to make clay tablets.
ampoh I endowed with supernatural power (reg var of ampuh).
II to restrain (reg var of ampah).
ampok reg roofed verandah-like extension to a house.
ampok-ampok reg wearing only a loincloth.
ampuh I 1 to possess special (supernatural) power (weapon, words); 2 strong (coffee, tobacco, medicine).
II ampuhan a gale with mist and rain in the mountains.
ampun I don't (md for aja); - ngoten don't do that.
II to have (done) (reg md for wis).
amput, ngamput cr to copulate with (a female);
diamput excl darn! (mild disgust or displeasure);
dudu amput-amputé no match for; far below.
ampyak I, ngampyak to act blindly;
awur-awur to act recklessly.
II ngampyaki to speak angrily to a group of people;
ampyak-ampyakan to walk together in throngs.
amral admiral.
amrèh reg var of amrih.
amrih so that, in order to. See also mrih, pamrih.
amrik fragrant, to give off an odour.
amril sandpaper;
ngamril to rub with sandpaper.
amring quiet. See maiming.
amud see amut.
amuk I blind attack;
mbarang - or soroh - to attack violently (see also soroh); ngamuk to attack blindly;
- punggung to attack blindly;
pangamuk or amukan act of raging;
amuk-amukan to fight each other vehemently;
ngamuk kaya bantheng ketaton to attack with great violence.
II or muk only (coll var of amung, mung).
III preferable (reg var of angur).
IV amuk-amuk reg (to eat) with the mouth stuffed, chewing on.
amun, amun-amun fog;
dadi endhog amun-amun fig totally smashed.
amung only (var of mung).
amut, ngamuti to hold in the mouth, suck on. See also mut.
ana ng, wonten kr 1 to exist; - temenan to really exist; 2 to have; 3 to be equal to; 4 there is; 5 (or - ing) at, in, on, to be/stay in;
nganani to create, establish, bring about;
nganakaké 1 to bring about, create; 2 to hold, organise, arrange, make; 3 to cause;
nganak-anakaké to go to a lot of bother fixing s.t;
anané the existence (of);
kaanan or kahanan conditions, circumstances, situation;
ana déné ng, wondéné or wondéning kr 1 now, while, and; 2 it so happens;
ana pisan it certainly exists;
anaa kae even if there were...
ana-ana wae 1 excl suggesting that words fail one; kok - there is always s.t.;
ana gula ana semut 'where there is sugar there are ants', prov people go where s.t. is to be had;
ana catur mungkur to disregard whisperings.
anacaraka see hanacaraka.
anak ng, kr, putra k.i. offspring; - angkat adopted child; - anung outstanding or adopted child; - bojo wife and child(ren); - jadah illegitimate child; kumpeni soldier; - kuwalon stepchild; lanang ng (-jaler kr, putra kakung hi.) son; - mas favourite child; - ontanganting an only child; - Pandhawa sibling combination consisting of 5 boys; - prabu title by which a king is addressed by his father (in law) or uncle; - pujan lit a child created magically; - pupon a child adopted in babyhood; - wadon ng (- estri kr, putra putri k.i.) daughter;
anak-anak (peputra k.i) to have children;
nganak to call s.o. (or regard s.o.) as one's own child; nganaki 1 to provide interest; 2 to father (an illegitimate child); 3 to provide for (one's children); 4 to produce a copy or imitation of;
nganakaké to give birth to; to be the parent (of); nganak-anakake to raise (a child) to adulthood;
manak to reproduce (of animals; cr of people);
anakan 1 the young of an animal; 2 doll; 3 small (of natural phenomena); 4 duplicate, copy; 5 drawer, section, compartment; gunung - hill; segara - small sea, bay;
anak-anakan doll, puppet; - timun cucumber used as a doll; adopted person who later marries the adoptive parent;
nak-kumanak to multiply, flourish (of people, animals, plants);
anak molah bapa kepradhah prov the father has got into trouble because of the son's attitude.
anal, nganal to walk fast, hasten.
anam, nganam to weave; - képang 1 to make woven bamboo; 2 resembling woven bamboo;
nganam-anam to weave in and out; fig to work out a plan, think over;
nganami to weave s.t. into (an article);
anaman woven; - klasa woven mat.
anapun lit it so happened.
anapi but, reg var of nanging.
ancab, ngancab to attack viciously.
ancak woven bamboo mat on which offerings to the spirits are placed.
ancal the flower of certain tuberous plants.
ancala lit mountain.
ancam, ngancam or ngancam-ancam to threaten verbally;
ancaman a threat;
ancam-ancaman to threaten each other; pangancam or pangancam-ancam threatening.
ancang, ngancangi or ngancang-ancangi to get set for doing s.t.; to be ready to do;
ancang-ancang to get ready.
ancar, ngancari to stab with a spear.
ancara var of acara.
ancas goal, ambition, ideal;
ngancas 1 to strive toward an ideal; 2 to take a short cut; 3 with a single stroke;
ngancasaké to direct s.t. at/toward;
ancasing sedya definite intention.
anceb sticking, stuck (into).
ancel, nganceli or ancel-ancelan cr to copulate with s.o.
ancer, ancer-ancer 1 mark(er); 2 the approximate location;
ngancer-anceri 1 to place a mark(er); 2 to give s.o. directions.
ancik, ngancik to reach; - diwasa to come of age;
ancik-ancik 1 to stand on s.t.; 2 or
ancikan s.t. stood on;
ancik-ancik pucuking eri prov in a critical situation, in a precarious position.
anco a long-handled net.
ancog, ancog-ancogen doubtful about; not quite sure what one wants.
ancok, ancok-ancok reg 1 a small hut (in a ricefield); 2 roofed verandah-like extension to a house.
ancol, ancol-ancolen lacking in good manners.
ancug I ngancug or ancug-ancug to walk with an ungainly gait (e.g. of a tall thin person).