- dhudhuk internal 'wind' that can be fatal; - dombang south wind common during the dry season; - gendhing strong east wind that brings illness with it; - laut daytime onshore wind; - lesus hurricane, typhoon;
angin-angin to expose o.s. to drafts, get in a draft;
ngangin-angin 1 to get some fresh air; 2 to go out to hear the news;
ngangin-anginaké to dry s.t. in the wind;
kanginan to be exposed to, be affected by wind, get blown;
anginen (of stomach) to ache, feel bloated;
angin-anginan to behave erratically, work in spurts;
masuk (or mangsuk) angin to have/ get a cold (see masuk, mangsuk);
bisa njaring angin 'to be able to snare wind'; very powerful.
angka I 1 number, digit, numeral; - Arab Arabic numeral; - taun year in digits; 2 mark, grade; 3 grade level; 4 a number in ordinal series;
ngangkani to number.
II var of angkah;
ngangka-angka to expect, imagine.
angkah intention, expectation;
ngangkah to intend, expect;
pangangkah intention, expectation, goal.
angkang, ngangkang to echo, sound clearly in the distance (gamelan music);
angkara (or angkara murka) lit selfish, greedy;
angkas, ngangkas-angkas 1 to concentrate on, await eagerly; 2 to look forward to.
angkasa lit the sky, the heavens;
tumenga ing angkasa to look up into the sky.
angkat 1 adopted; adoptive; anak adopted child (see also anak); bapak adoptive father (see also bapak);
angkat-angkat to lift s.t. heavy; 2 to lift; - junjung hard physical work; 3 departure;
ngangkat 1 to lift; 2 to promote, elevate;
mangkat to leave, depart (see also pangkat II);
angkatan or angkat-angkatan 1 act or way of lifting; 2 class group; 3 a generation (of people); group of people constituting a movement; 4 moment to start (of song, dance etc).
angkel, angkel-angkel to sit and be disinclined to stand up;
angkel-angkelan reg resentful;
mangkel annoyed, irritated (at), resentful.
angker 1 haunted, eerie, bewitched; 2 dignified.
angkil 1 payment for greasing the palm; 2 to work as a coolie or become a soldier by contract.
angkin coloured chintz worn by women for covering wide wrapped sash.
angklah reg 1 enervated, weak, tired; 2 in a difficult situation. See anglah.
angkle tired, weary.
angklèk or ngangklek or ongklakangklek reg to proceed at a slow, laborious pace.
angklek to hop on one foot (var of èngklèk);
ngangklèk or ngèngklèk to wear (a sheathed kris) at the back.
angkleng, ngangkleng reg to have a long, tiresome wait.
angklik, angklik-angklik to stand or sit in a high precarious position;
mangklik-mangklik balanced precariously in a high position. See also angkrik-angkrik.
angklung 1 a musical instrument consisting of suspended bamboo tubes which sound against each other when shaken; 2 an ensemble of such instruments;
ngangklung to play this instrument.
angkrah, angkrah-angkrah waste material, refuse, flotsam in a stream.
angkreg var of anggrèg.
angkrèk I child's toy: a small wooden or cardboard puppet that moves up and down on a stick when the string is pulled. Also angkrok.
II var of anggrek.
angkrik, angkrik-angkrik or mangkrikmangkrik to sit in a high place.
angkring long carrying shoulder pole with containers of food, drinks, and utensils on either end;
angkringan food or drink sold by peddlers in such containers.
angkrok var of angkrek.
angkruk, angkruk-angkruk or mangkrukmangkruk to sit perched in a high place;
ngangkruk-angkrukaké to put s.t. (large) in a high place.
angkud, ngangkud to transport, haul. Also angkut.
angkuh I arrogant, complacent, self-satisfied;
ngangkuhi to treat arrogantly;
piangkuh arrogance, conceit.
II ngangkuh to regard, think of (as). See also rengkuh.
angkul, angkul-angkul 1 peg for hanging a pair of scales; 2 the part of a yoke that encircles the ox's neck.
angkup unopened sheath of fruit or flower bud.
angkur reinforcing corner brace for a wall.
angkus 1 a short spear; 2 long hook used on fire.
anglah or angleh 1 enervated, weak, tired; 2 sick, ill. Also angklah.
anglang, nganglang to travel around do, the rounds of. See also langlang.
anglek I cloying.
II lit grief, profound sorrow.
angleng I reg preferable, rather than; 2 reg eccentric, deranged.
angléng I lit to live in, enter a hole (cave etc).
II clear (of hearing, meaning);
nganglèngaké to listen carefully to, figure out, comprehend (the meaning of).
angler 1 pleasantly smooth, gentle (without jerks); turn - to sleep soundly; 2 to hold steady in flight (kites).
anglèr to harrow a field for the last time, before planting.
angles 1 var of angler; 2 to go away without saying goodbye to anyone; 3 to feel profound sorrow.
anglih I lit to move s.t.
II lit hungry. See ngelih.
angling lit to speak, say;
onglang-angling to converse, chat. See also ling.
anglir lit like, as. See lir I.
anglo charcoal brazier; - padupan covered incense burner.
anglong I to ebb, reduced; - jiwa to waste away e.g. from sorrow.
II manglong to stoop, dangle;
nganglongaké to dangle s.t. See anglung.
angluh, ngangluh to complain;
pangangluh complaint. See also keluh II.
anglung, manglung to stoop, bend, bow, lean (toward); bent downward;
nganglungaké to bend s.t. downward (var of nganglongaké).
angob a yawn, yawning; to yawn.
angok to recede, ebb.
angon ng, angen kr, to herd, tend; - angin to have a proper regard for time; kedhap to keep an eye on what others are doing; - iriban to keep an eye open for an opportunity; - mangsa (var of angin); - ulat (var of angon iriban); ngangon 1 to herd, tend; 2 fig to care for, have regard for;
pangon boy who tends livestock; fig supervisor;
pangonan grazing field for livestock;
angon ulat ngumbar tangan prov on the lookout to steal or pick pockets. See also ngon.