stopping; 2 to walk rudely in front of s.o. without excusing o.s.;
anyag-anyag or anyag-onyog var of nganyag.
anyam var of anam.
anyang I ng, awis kr, nganyang to bargain for (an item);
anyang-anyang to bargain, haggle;
anyang-anyangan or nyang-nyangan haggling over the price (between the seller and the buyer);
panganyang act or way of bargaining. Also nyang II.
II anyang-anyangen (to have) dysuria.
III dried out; enjet - dried lime (see also enjet).
anyar ng, énggal kr new, recent; - gres brand new;
nganyari to use s.t. or to do for the first time;
nganyar-anyari strange, unusual;
nganyaraké to make s.t. (or to have s.t. made) like new;
anyaran new (at);
anyar-anyaran 1 new (at); 2 to compare or compete in newness.
anyawar a certain plant.
anyeh var of anyih.
anyel annoyed, irritated (at);
nganyelaké annoying, irritating;
anyelan (aten) easily irritated.
anyep 1 flat, insipid (of food flavour or aroma); 2 cool(er than normal), cold; 3 fig apathetic;
nganyep to use no salt on one's food, as a form of self-denial;
anyep-anyepan unsalted food.
anyer, nganyer var of nganyur, see anyur.
anyes damp and chilly, ice-cold.
anyih, nganyih-anyih finicky, hard to please. Also anyeh.
anyir 1 cloyingly rich-tasting; 2 rancid, rank, putrid.
anyleng excessively sweet, cloying.
anyles var of anyes.
anyur, nganyur to stand (up);
nganyur-anyur or ngonyar-nganyur to stand in a disrespectful attitude near s.o.
anyut, nganyut to get carried away by the current; - jiwa or - tuwuh or - urip to commit suicide;
nganyut-anyut melodious and touching the heart;
nganyutaké to cause s.t. to be carried away by the current circumstances.
aoliya religious disciple, holy person.
aor having a bad taste in the mouth.
aos 1 well filled (ear of rice); 2 value (kr for aji).
apa rig, punapa (also pron as: menapa) kr 1 what; 2 or; 3 is it the case that...?; 4 that which; 5 whatever; anything; 6 something; 7 expl pointing out s.t, or holding s.t. up to derision; - iya isn't it true? - maneh 1 what else?; 2 furthermore; especially; 3 to a much greater degree; - wae 1 what (sort of) things?; 2 whatever; anything;
apa-apa something; anything; everything;
ngapa 1 to do what?; 2 why?; 3 what? (var of apa);
ngapakaké to do what to (s.o., s.t);
apaa why on earth?;
apane it's what?
apa-apané everything/anything belonging to or connected with s.t.
apah squeezed out, wrung dry.
apal to know by heart, memorise;
apalan 1 material to be memorised; 2 to learn by rote;
ngapalaké to learn by heart;
diapali to be memorised;
apal-apalan more or less memorised.
apan lit for, as.
apé will, to want (reg var of arep).
apeg or apek musty, mouldy, sweaty;
gundhulmu apeg bother you! (see also gundhul).
apem a rice flour cake usually served as a ceremonial food; - domba or - dombong a large rice flour cake;
ngapem to make a rice cake.
apes unlucky; to have bad luck; - mblebes (or - pepes) 1 (to have) extremely bad luck; 2 if the worst comes to the worst;
ngapesaké to cause to be unlucky;
kapesan bad luck, ill-fated;
apesé or apes-apesé at least;
pangapesan weakness; Achilles heel.
api I steam; kapal - steam boat (see also kapal); gaman - firearms (see also gaman);
api-api to warm o.s. by the fire;
prapèn fireplace, brazier, furnace.
II api-api or apèn-apèn to pretend, act as if.
III ngapèn-apèni to exert o.s., help s.o. holding a ceremony
apik ng saé kr good, nice, attractive;
ngapiki to be nice to s.o.;
ngapikake to make better, improve;
ngapik-apik to fix up, to take care of s.t.;
apikan better than;
apik-apikan ng, saé-saénan kr 1 to compete in beauty; 2 to be nice to each other; 3 something good/nice;
apik kemripik nancang kirik prov to look good on the outside but have an evil heart.
apit 11th month of the Islamic calendar, Dulkangidah; mangsa - a period during 11th and 12th month of the Javanese calendar (see also mangsa I);
ngapit 1 to flank; 2 to lay odds of 2-to 1 against;
kapit to be flanked;
apitan odds;
pancuran kapit sendhang see pancuran;
sendhang kapit pancuran see sendhang.
aplik, ngaplik tiny (compared with its surroundings).
aplo nothing;
ngaplo to have nothing, produce nothing.
apor reg exhausted.
apu kr (enjet ng) slaked lime (for betel chewing).
apuh wrung out, dry (clothing).
apura ng, apunten kr forgiveness;
ngapura to forgive, pardon; pangapura the act of forgiving; ngapunten 'excuse me', 'pardon'.
apurancang, ngapurancang (to sit or stand) in a humble attitude, with fingers joined and thumbs touching.
apus I deceit;
ngapusi to deceive/outwit s.o.;
apus-apus deceiving habitually;
apus-apusan fake, swindle;
kapusan to get cheated, taken in;
apus krama lit to deceive with smooth talk.
II horse's trapping.
III lame, crippled (in arm or leg).
ara var of hara.
ara-ara large field, uncultivated grassland; playing field for sport.
Arab Arab; bangsa - Arabian (see also bangsa); tulisan - Arabic characters (see also tulis); negara - Arabia (see also negara);
ngarabi to have an Arabic style;
ngarabake 1 to make s.t. in an Arabic way; 2 to translate into Arabic;
arab-araban not a real Arabian/Arabic.
arad reg a kind of fishnet;