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      ngasmani 1 to sign; to write one's name on s.t.; 2 to give a name to s.o.

      asmara lit romantic love;

      kasmaran to be in love, affected by passionate feelings.

      asmaradana or asmarandana a certain classical verse form.

      asmaratura lit to fall in love, be infatuated with.

      aso or ngaso to rest, take a break;

      ngasokake to rest s.t.; to have/let s.o. rest.

      asoh var of asuh.

      asok 1 to pay (tax, tribute etc); 2 to pour (into, out);

      pasokan supply, money paid (e.g. taxes, fines).

      See also sok II.

      asor 1 low, inferior; 2 contemptible; 3 to lose; - perange to be defeated in a war; - unggul win or lose;

      ngasorake 1 to defeat; 2 to cause to be inferior; 3 to humble;

      kasoran to be defeated;

      asor (ing) timbang 1 having the same level with others' knowledge but not in a certain ability.

      asrama or pasraman lit monastery, hermitage.

      asreng lit stern, harsh; angry, displeased.

      asrep cold, cool (kr for adhem);

      ngasrep to eat only unsalted food as a form of self-denial.

      asri beautiful, attractive;

      asren-asren or pasren decorations.

      asring of ten, many times (kr for kerep).

      asrog var of angsrog.

      asru lit 1 loud; 2 fast, speedy. See also seru.

      assalam(u)alaikum peace be upon you (Muslim greeting). See salam I.

      asta hand (k.i. for tangan); - candhala to hit each other cruelly;

      ngasta 1 to bring, take, carry (k.i. for nggawa); 2 to do, work (k.i. for nyambutgawe); 3 to hold, grasp; to handle (k.i. for nyekel).

      astafirlah may God forgive me! (uttered when one is shocked).

      astaga excl oh God!

      astana 1 lit palace, court; 2 burial place of a revered or high-ranking person.

      astapirlah var of astafirlah.

      astha lit eight; -brata the eight precepts (for governing).

      astra lit 1 weapon; 2 arrow.

      astu lit amen;

      awignam - may there be no obstacle (see also awignam).

      asu ng, segawon kr dog; - ajag jackal, hunting dog (see also ajag I); - belang 1 spotted dog; 2 mongrel; - buntung 1 term of abuse, 'tailless dog!'; 2 to control others by virtue of one's wealth or power; - kikik a small long-haired dog;

      asu arebut balung prov to fight over s.t. trivial;

      asu belang kalung wang prov 1 a nouveau-riche person; 2 an ugly person who is popular for his riches;

      asu gedhe menang kerahe prov to get the credit earned by one's inferiors;

      asu munggah ing papahan prov married to an older brother's ex-wife;

      rindhik asu digitik quickly, instantly

      asuh or asoh var of aso.

      asuk var of angsuk.

      asung var of angsung.

      asup lit to enter, set (of sun).

      asut I ngasut to shuffle (of cards).

      II ngasut to agitate.

      aswa lit horse;

      aswameda way great annual sacrifice made by a king.

      asya lit 1 to laugh; 2 mouth.

      ata see sapi.

      atag, ngatag to threaten or pressure s.o. to do s.t.;

      atag-atagan 1 to force each other to do s.t.; 2 forced, compelled;

      pangatag a threatening suggestion.

      atak I atak-atak reg to start doing s.t.

      II atak-atakan reg election for village head.

      III ngataki to heap and wrap (coins);

      atakan roll of wrapped coins.

      IV atakan tray (var of tatakan).

      atal yellow ochre used as a cosmetic application for the skin; ngatali 1 to apply yellow cream to the body; 2 yellow coloured like ochre.

      atap I lit neatly arranged or conducted;

      a tap silaning akrami etiquette, precise behaviour, proper social conduct. See tap I, atrap.

      II reg roof; thatched roof (var of atep);

      ngatapi to put a roof on.

      atas I 1 upon; - angin foreign country;

      atas karsaning Pangeran because of God's will.

      II ing (ng)atase or saatase not to mention the fact that, furthermore.

      III ngatas 1 to inform one's superior; 2 to go up;

      ngatasi to handle, cope with;

      atas-atasan to compete for supremacy.

      atat parrot-like bird.

      atawa lit or (var of utawa).

      até reg to want (var of arep).

      atèb a belch; to belch (var of atob, antob).

      atéla(h) men's short buttoned-up jacket.

      atep thatched roof;

      ngatep or ngatepi to put a thatched roof on.

      ater to carry; - pangan to convey food;

      ater-ater 1 gram prefix; 2 preface, foreword, introduction; 3 ritual meal sent to neighbours;

      ngateri or ngeteri to bring food to;

      ngater-ateri 1 to add a prefix to; 2 to give an introduction to;

      ngateraké or ngeteraké to accompany, take. See also ter.

      atèr 1 quiet, serene; 2 calm and even-tempered (reg var of anter).

      athèng var of gathèng.

      athi, athi-athi locks of hair worn in front of the ears (esp women).

      athuh excl expressing a rush of feeling: var of adhuh.

      athuk I 1 a match; 2 to get on well together;

      mathuk 1 to agree 2; compatible;

      dudu athuke it does not match.

      II coll preferable;

      athuka coll var of anua; 1 otherwise; 2 supposing that. See luwung, aluwung.

      III athuk-atheng reg to take chances.

      athung, athung-athung to raise the hand to attract attention; ngathung 1 to raise the hand; 2 to hold the hand out asking for s.t.;

      ngathungi or ngethungi to raise the fist or weapon in the hand to threaten s.o.;

      ngathungake 1 to give, hand over to; 2 to raise the hand for receiving s.t.;

      kathung-kathung empty-handed. See also thung II.

      ati I ng, manah kr, 1 (pang)galih k.i. heart; mind; 2 core, pith;

      atèn-atèn 1 character; 2 soft inner pith of a stalk;

      aja dadi atimu don't take it to heart;

      entèk atiné scared to death;
