Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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      II aring-aring or orang-aring a certain plant the leaves of which produce oil; a certain plant used as a medicine for children.

      III or ring in, at, on (reg var of ing).

      arip sleepy; - arip s.t. to keep one awake (see tamba);

      arip-arip contribution paid by villagers before Mulud ritual ceremony for buying mats which will be used in the mosque;

      ngaripi or ngaripake to make s.o. sleepy;

      ngarip-aripi or ngarip-aripake causing drowsiness;

      karipan 1 sleepy from staying up too late; 2 to oversleep.

      aris I soft and calm, composed, under control.

      II boundary line marked with a rope.

      III chairman of village, district head;

      mantri - assistant district chief (see also mantri).

      IV, arisan social gathering usually held monthly by neighbourhood wives with a lottery.

      arit I sickle;

      ngarit 1 to cut grass with a sickle; 2 to work by cutting grass;

      ngariti or ngeriti to cut grass everywhere;

      ngaritake to cut grass for s.o; to have s.o. mow grass with a sickle;

      aritan act of cutting with a sickle; the result of cutting with a sickle;

      pangarit (one who has a job as) grasscutter.

      II ngarit-arit or ngorat-arit 1 to scatter untidily; 2 to squander;

      korat-karit scattered, in disorder;

      morat-marit confused, disorganised.

      ariwarta daily newspaper.

      arka lit sun.

      aron coll for karon (rice which is) half cooked. See karu.

      arsa k.i. for arep, 1 lit to intend to, willing to, going to; 2 (or ngarsa) in front of; ing ngarsa sung tuladha to set an example for others.

      arsi lit var of arsa.

      arta money (kr for dhuwit).

      artaka lit 1 treasure; 2 money. See also hartaka.

      artati lit sugar, sweet. See also hartati.

      artawan wealthy person.

      arti ng, artos md, meaning, idea conveyed;

      pangarti or pangerti comprehension, grasp. See also ngerti.

      artos kr for arti.

      aruara or ngaruara to make a big fuss; turmoil, distress, agitation. See also haruhara.

      arubiru 1 to disturb, upset; 2 to interfere in other people's business.

      aruh, aruh-aruh to speak to in greeting;

      ngaruh-aruhi to greet or speak with in a friendly way.

      arum I 1 fragrant, fig favourably known; 2 (of sounds, esp voices) sweet and pleasant.

      II aruman k.i. afterbirth.

      arungan busy, preoccupied (with).

      arus rank (of odours, esp blood, the riverbank).

      arwah soul, spirit, of the departed.

      arya title of male nobility.

      asab I ngasab to smooth s.t. by rubbing, esp with sandpaper.

      II or angsab reg worthwhile.

      asag, ngasag to glean, go over a field after the harvest.

      asah, asah-asah to do the washing-up;

      ngasah 1 to sharpen, whet; 2 to grind; - pikir to exercise the power of thinking;

      ngasahi to wash (things, esp dishes);

      ngasahake to sharpen for s.o.;

      asahan 1 whetstone; 2 having been sharpened; 3 having been washed;

      asah-asahan s.t. used for washing.

      asal I (place of) origin, source; - usul ancestral origin; - dunung place of origin.

      II if, provided.

      asantun, tan asantun lit after that, without delay (var of asari).

      asar or ngasar afternoon prayer (about 4 p.m.); - dhuwur prayer time about 3-4 p.m.; - endhek prayer time about 4-5 p.m.;

      ngasar to observe the afternoon time of prayer.

      asari lit, tan asari after that, without delay. See also asantun.

      asas 1 foundation, base, basis; 2 principle; 3 goal, purpose.

      asat dried, to become dry;

      ngasataké 1 to drain s.t.; 2 to dry s.t. up;

      kasatan to have run out of water, fig having a scarcity of wealth, broke. See also sat.

      ascarya lit amazement. See also kascaryan.

      asé fried transparent bean flour vermicelli mixed with fried potatoes.

      asem 1 tamarind; 2 sour, fig excl expressing a sour reaction; gula - sugar­coated tamarind (eaten in a confection) (see also gula); uyah - salt and tamarind for seasoning fish or for use as a compress (see also uyah); 3 term of abuse: damn it!

      ngasem to become sour;

      ngasemi to put tamarind into s.t.;

      masem 1 sour; 2 unripe; 3 (of clothing) old and faded but still nice-looking.

      asèng reg to invite s.o. to come along.

      asep smoke, steam.

      asèp reg a belch; to belch. See also ateb.

      asih love, compassion; to feel loving kindness; - tresna loving affection;

      ngasihi to love;

      ngasih-asih to plead for compassion;

      mangasih-asih lit to flatter, plead for compassion;

      kinasih beloved;

      kasihan a beloved;

      kecubung ­amethyst that can cause s.o. to fall in love (see also kecubung);

      pangasihan a magic formula used for inspiring love (see also aji III).

      asik, ngosak-asik to put into disarray, mess up; mosak-masik in disorder, in a mess.

      asil 1 result; 2 product; 3 income;

      ngasili income producing;

      ngasilaké to produce;

      kasil to succeed, produce results;

      pangasilan income, earnings. See also kasil.

      asin 1 salty; 2 prepared by a salting process (of fish, egg etc)', endhog ­salted egg (see also endhog); iwak ­salted fish (see also iwak);

      ngasin to treat (foods) by a salting process;

      ngasini to make foods saltier; to salt foods too much;

      ngasinake to make s.t. (e.g. foods) saltier;

      masin in a salting process (of egg, fish);

      asinan salted vegetables or fruits, pickles;

      pangasinan salting industry, salting-place.

      asing 1 foreign; 2 unfamiliar.

      asisten assistant (Wadana, Resident).

      aslep to enter, insert (see also angslep, mangslep).

      asli 1 source, origin; 2 pure, original; 3 native, indigenous, autochthonous; 4 genuine, authentic;

      ngaslèkaké to restore the original form (of).

      aslup vor of angslup.

      asma personal name