Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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also panjing.

      anjir I 1 stake or pole used as a marker; picket pole; 2 to stand on one's head.

      II road repair worker;

      nganjir to repair roads.

      anjleg or anjreg reg to live or to be located in/at.

      anjlog 1 to jump down; 2 to descend sharply;

      nganjlogi to jump down onto, pounce on;

      nganjlogaké to cause s.t. to fall down;

      anjlog-anjlogan to jump down again and again. See also jlog.

      anjog having arrived at, leading tofinto;

      nganjogaké to cause to arrive at. See also jog.

      anjrah present everywhere, ubiquitous; to spread throughout.

      anjrak to settle.

      anjrit lit to scream. See jerit.

      anjrum lit lying at ease (of cattle, e.g. while chewing the cud). See also jerum.

      anjuk, nganjuk to buy on credit.

      anjum to extend the hands; - tangan to extend both hands in a greeting (Muslim style).

      anjun I earthenware water crock; tukang - potter, maker of earthenware.

      II or anjung or ajun adjunct.

      anjur I and then, after that (coll of banjur).

      II nganjuraké to suggest, advise;

      anjuran advice, suggestion(s).

      anom ng, anèm fer, timur k.i. young. See also nom.

      anon lit to see, know. See ton.

      anor low, humble, inferior; - raga modest, humble;

      nganoraké or ngasoraké to efface o.s., to conduct o.s. modestly. See also anuraga.

      anrang lit to attack; - wèsthi to attack the enemy. See also serang.

      anrus lit right after that, continuously, again and again, straight. See also terus.

      anta I stale tasting, taste of fresh water, tasteless.

      II nganta-anta to demand revenge (against); to be exasperated, out of patience.

      antah var of wantah.

      antak, ngantak-antak 1 to expect s.o. impatiently; 2 to be choked.

      antaka lit death, dead; to die;

      kantaka unconscious.

      antakusuma 1 name of a special vest; 2 way flowered fabric for certain costumes.

      antal or antal-antalan slow in tempo, of gamelan music;

      ngantali or ngantal-antali to allow plenty of time (for);

      ngantalaké to slow (the music) down.

      antan, antan-antan 1 to keep trying to walk (of a child); 2 preparation;

      tanpa antan-antan impatient.

      antang I var of tan tang.

      II ngantang to dry s.t. (e.g. maize) in a high place.

      antar I long stick (var of gantar). II loud;

      ngantarake to make louder;

      ngantar-antar to speak loudly; to glow, burn brightly; fig very angry. See also kantar.

      antara ng, antawis kr 1 between, among, within; 2 (or antarane) approximately; 3 some, a certain amount (of time);

      ngantarani to increase the space or time, put space between;

      ngantarakaké to estimate approximately;

      ora antara suwe not long afterwards, before long.

      antariksa lit sky, firmament.

      antawacana way characteristic speech style of a character.

      antawis between, among (kr for antara).

      anteb 1 firm, steadfast; 2 heavy, weighty;

      manteb 1 steadfast, dedicated (as a servant); 2 fulfilled, gratified;

      antebing tekad firm will, resolution.

      antem a blow with a fist;

      ngantem 1 to hit, punch; 2 to charge more than a normal price;

      pangantem a punch;

      anteman or antem-anteman a punch;

      antem-anteman to hit each other, have a fistfight.

      anteng steady, tranquil;

      - kitiran or - tlale to wriggle, squirm;

      -kreneng to pretend to be nice.

      anter var of antar.

      anter 1 quiet, serene; 2 calm and even-tempered (of child).

      anthèk 1 helper to a tradesman or labourer; 2 sycophant, yes-man;

      nganthèk 1 to be(come) a helper; 2 to be a lackey

      anthuk, nganthuki to nod at (as a sign);

      manthuk to nod;

      manthuk-manthuk, monthak-manthuk to keep nodding;

      manthukan to always agree, never say no.

      anti I nganti ng, ngantos kr 1 to wait; 2 till, up to the point that, for (length of time); aja nganti don't let it happen that...

      II anti-anti ng, antos-antos kr, nganti­anti to look forward to, long for;

      panganti-anti hope, expectation. See also kanti.

      antiga lit egg.

      antih, ngantih to spin (thread).

      anting I 1 sliding weight on a scale beam; 2 metal pieces holding car springs to the frame.

      II anting-anting dangling earrings.

      III ontang-anting an only child; a child without relatives; alone in the world.

      IV a swing;

      montang-manting 1 to sway; 2 to exert o.s.;

      ngontang-antingake to sway s.o. or s.t.

      antob a belch; to belch;

      ngantobake to cause s.o. to belch. See atob.

      antol a supporting brace;

      ngantoli to attach a brace to; to brace or support s.t.

      antos to wait (root form: kr for anti).

      antrakusuma see antakusuma.

      antri to queue up, stand in a line.

      antrog var of entrog;

      kantrog to get shaken up.

      antru I 1 tool for prying; 2 equipment for drawing water from a well.

      II reg a platform hut.

      antu var of anti.

      antuk I lit to get, receive.

      II root form: kr for ulih.

      III ngantuk sleepy;

      ngantukan always sleepy, sleepy by nature.

      antyabasa gram a variety of humble Ngoko.

      amu 1 representing a pause to collect one's thoughts; 2 substitution for a word that has slipped the mind; 3 expressing vagueness rather than definiteness; 4 euphemism sex organ;

      nganu 1 to do s.t. naughty to s.o.; 2 substitution for a word that means doing s.t;

      anua otherwise, had s.t. happened.

      anugraha see nugraha.

      anuswara gram nasal consonant.

      anyag 1 nganyag