expensive, scarce (kr for larang).
II to bargain (kr for anyang).
III ngawisi to for bid (kr for nglarang);
awisan for bidden (kr for larangan).
IV awisan arsenic (kr for warangan).
awit 1 since, beginning from; 2 to start.
awiyat lit sky, (up in) the air.
awoh 1 to bear fruit; 2 to have results. See woh.
awon bad (kr for ala).
awor mixed, combined, mingled;
kaworan mixed with.
See also wor, mor.
awra scattered everywhere.
awrat 1 heavy, weighty (kr for abot); 2 to hold, accommodate (kr for amot).
awu I ash; udan - a rain of ash (see also udan); - blarak cleansing powder (of burnt coconut frond);
ngawoni to put ashes on;
pawon kitchen.
II family ranking according to the order in which members of preceding generations were born;
ngawu-awu to trace a genealogy.
awud, ngawud to act senselessly;
ngawud-awud 1 to scatter, strew; 2 to waste, squander;
mowad-mawud spread about carelessly.
awug, awug-awug a kind of cake made from cassava, sugar and grated coconut;
ngawug to crumble (soil);
mawug crumbled fine (of soil, preparatory to planting).
awuh lit to scream.
awul var of abul.
awun, awun-awun dew (var of bun).
awur, ngawur to do s.t. haphazardly or without basis;
mawur 1 loose(ned), not sticking together; 2 scattered;
ngawur-awur to scatter;
ngawur-awuri to sprinkle s.t.; to sprinkle onto;
ngawur-awurake to sprinkle/scatter s.t.;
awur-awuran 1 randomly; 2 scattered at random.
See also wur.
aya (to have) trouble, difficulty;
ngaya to work hard with a lot of difficulties;
ngaya-aya to act enthusiastically; to do with trouble;
ewuh aya ing pambudi to have difficulty attempting, in a dilemma, torn between alternatives.
ayab I a large long-handled fishnet;
ngayab to catch fish with such a net.
II ngayab to escort.
See ayap.
ayah I time (var of wayah).
II excl of incredulity: I don't believe it!
III ngayahi to carry out, perform;
wajib to carry out a duty;
ayahan community or official task.
IV ngayah reg to do senselessly.
ayak I ayake probably, perhaps, maybe.
II ngayak to strain, screen, sieve;
ayakan sieve.
III ngayaki to call people to work.
IV ayak-ayakan name of a Javanese melody
ayam I chicken (kr for pitik); - alas woodcock, jungle fowl;
ayam-ayaman 1 waterfowl; 2 a certain grass;
nusup ngayam alas 'to enter the forest as a jungle fowl'; to wander around incognito.
II ngayam-ayam to expect, look forward eagerly to.
III ngayam-ayam to threaten s.o. by pointing a weapon.
IV ngayam-ayam to prance.
ayan epilepsy;
ayanen to have/get epilepsy.
ayang I ayang-ayangan shadow. See also wayang.
II ngayang to help, aid.
III ayang-oyong reg to keep moving around with all one's baggage.
ayap see ayab.
ayar, ngayar 1 to tear up; 2 to weave a certain grass; 3 to spread s.t. (e.g. rice bundles) to dry in the sun.
ayat I a verse of the Quran.
II ngayati 1 to carry out, perform; 2 to bend (a bow) before releasing the arrow; 3 to set to work.
ayeg, mayeg-mayeg or ngayeg-ayeg 1 unsteady, threatening to topple; 2 extreme, in a high degree (far, high, much).
ayem untroubled, peaceful, comfortable; ngayem-ayem to relax, make o.self comfortable;
ngayem-ayemi to make s.o. calm;
ngayem-ayemake to cause to feel happy;
ayeman peaceful by nature;
ayem-ayeman remaining calm.
ayeng, mayeng or mayeng-mayeng to wander around.
ayer I supervisor, overseer;
ngayer to supervise;
ayeran 1 a community task; 2 security e.g. for a loan.
II see anyer, anyur.
ayid 1 sticky, gluey; 2 rancid, spoiled.
ayo ng, mangga fer, sumangga hi. come on, let's, please (invitation to do s.t.);
ayon to make an agreement (to do s.t. bad together).
ayom shady, shaded, protected;
ngayom to seek protection, take shelter;
ngayomi to protect, shade.
ayon to challenge, rebel against;
ngayoni 1 to recheck the weight; 2 to oppose (the enemy).
ayu 1 beautiful, pretty; 2 or hayu peaceful and prosperous;
ayon-ayon or ayu-ayunan 1 cosmetics; 2 s.t. used to make up.
ayub, ngayub-ayub to look pale and listless;
ayub-ayuben still half asleep.
ayubagya, mangayubagya to congratulate, offer best wishes;
pangayubagya congratulations, best wishes.
ayuh or ayuk coll var of ayo.
ayum, ngayumi to patch, mend.
ayun I swing;
ngayun to swing s.o.;
ayunan or ayun-ayunan children's swing, baby's swing;
ayun-ayunan to swing (on a swing, hanging tree roots etc).
II lit to want;
ngayunake to long for, desire, yearn for;
kayun lit a wish, desire.
III front; ing (ng)- in front;
mangayun to appear before s.o.;
ayunan presence;
ayun-ayunan facing each other;
pangayunan presence;
marak ing pangayunaning Pangeran to appear before God; deceased.
ayur see anyur.
ayut, ngayut to tie up into a single bundle.
aywa lit do not!
azan see adan I.