to resist authority, rebel.
bales I reg steamroller.
II mbales, mbalesi to answer (a letter).
III ballast (var of balas).
IV var of wales.
bali ng, wangsul kr 1 to return, come back; 2 to be or go home;
mbalèni 1 to repeat, do over; 2 to return to (a subject); mbalèkaké 1 to return s.t.; 2 to refuse to accept;
balèn 1 a ride home/back; 2 to remarry (a divorced spouse);
bola-bali ng, wongsal-wangsul kr 1 to move back and forth; 2 to do again and again; mbolan-mbalèni to do over and over.
balig see akil, balèg.
balik 1 on the contrary, on the other hand, the other way around; 2 var of bali; mbalik 1 to turn over or upside down, flip over; to turn around; 2 to change, take a different course; 3 to turn back; 4 to reflect (of rays);
bolak-balik var of bola-bali; mbolak-mbalik to keep turning, keep returning.
See also walik.
balila var of baléla.
baliswara a technique of composition in classical poetry, whereby words are placed in reverse order for metrical purposes.
balok 1 log, beam; 2 pieces of fried cassava.
balon I 1 balloon (child's toy; aerial conveyance); 2 light bulb.
II reg prostitute.
balong 1 a pool for keeping fish; 2 a depression in the ground which is flooded.
balowarti var of baluwarti.
balsem balm, ointment.
baluh 1 weight used to submerge a fishnet; 2 fishing-tackle;
mbaluhi 1 to weight s.t. down; 2 or
mbebaluhi to band together with s.o. in stirring up trouble.
baluk I reg market seller (var of bakul).
II mbaluk 1 reg to return (var of mbalik); 2 or mbaluki reg to turn over (var of malik or maliki).
balunan or balonan reg shifty, unreliable.
balung ng, tosan kr, hi. bone; - nom cartilage; - pakel mango stone; sungsum bone with marrow; tinumpuk double wedding; - tuwa old, aged; - wesi very strong;
mbalung resembling bone(s); sungsum 1 to be second nature; 2 to be thoroughly inculcated; - usus to waver in one's determination or devotion to ideals;
balungan frame; skeleton; - gendhing basic melody; - omah (wooden) house frame; - lakon outline of the story; bebalung bones, skeleton (lit var of balung);
bebalungan lit var of balungan;
ngumpulaké balung pisah prov 'to collect the scattered bones'; to join two relatives in marriage (thus making family ties closer);
nututi balung wis tiba prov 'to catch the fallen bone'; to correct a wrong utterance that has been pronounced; rebut balung tanpa isi prov 'to struggle for possession of an empty bone'; to struggle to obtain s.t. trivial.
balur I a certain freshwater fish, sold dried and salted.
II var of belur.
baluwarti brick wall surrounding a palace.
bam molar; - wekas(an) wisdom tooth.
bamban to repeat from the beginning.
bambang I way a young knight; son of a holy man;
bambangan way figures of fine young knights;
mbambang 1 resembling a young knight; 2 (having) a slender body (of men).
II a disease of rice plants.
bambet bamboo (md for bambu, pring).
bambing or bambingan steep riverbank or mountainside;
mbambing 1 in a precarious position; 2 slanting, sloping (of boats, road on a mountainside).
bambon 1 opium den; 2 room in the inner part of a Javanese-style house.
bambu ng, bambet md, bamboo.
bambung, mbambung unwilling to conform to proper standards of behaviour;
bambungan or mbambungan characterised by such behaviour.
ban 1 tyre; 2 sash, fabric belt; 3 track; sepur railway track.
bana I reg it does not/cannot exist.
II reg open area.
III bebana lit demand, requirement;
mbebana or mbebanani to request, demand.
banar bright(ly lit);
banaran open and bright place.
banarawa marsh, swamp; sawah - lowlying ricefield that becomes a swamp during the rainy season.
banaspati way fire demon.
banat a kind of fishnet;
banatan sling.
banawa lit boat.
banawasa lit jungle, forest. See also wana, wanawasa.
banawi or benawi lit river.
bancak I woven bamboo food container for a cone of rice and other dishes;
mbancaki to hold a ritual marking a special event in a child's life;
bancakan a ritual held to mark a special event in a child's life.
II name of a clown-servant in a Panji story.
bancana lit obstacle, hazard.
bancang (to do) concurrent jobs; - telu to hold three jobs concurrently;
mbancang to tie s.t. to two or more objects.
bancar copious and free-flowing.
bancèr, mbancèr reg (to go) dancing with a female dancer.
bancèt a certain small tree frog.
banci I 1 an effeminate man; 2 an asexual person;
kebancèn (of garment) too small or short.
II a plant the leaves of which are used in folk medicines.
bancik I base; a bench used as a base. See also ancik.
II mbancik in trance.
bancot or mouth (var of bacot).
banda I cord for tying s.o.'s hands;
mbanda to tie s.o.'s hands, usually behind the back;
bandan 1 or bebandan with hands tied, fig to be caught; under arrest; 2 a show where the performer is tied tighdy and releases himself with his magic power.
II lit body.
bandakala, mbandakalani lit dangerous; to oppose bravely.
bandar I harbour, port.
II person acting as banker at the gambling table; croupier.
bandara see bendara.
bandawala a duel; - pati a duel to the death.
bandawasa lit strength.
bandayuda lit to fight hand-to-hand.
bandel I 1 (of children) brave, not prone to crying; 2 (of children) undisciplined, disobedient; 3 obstinate, stubborn.
II bird used as live bait.
bandeng an edible fish that is born in the sea and later migrates to rivers; kind of milk-fish.
bandha 1 wealth, fortune, property; 2 capital investment; - abab