a show; 3 fringed; having tassels; 4 having a mane; barong asepak 1 a certain batik design; 2 figure painted on a saddle flap; parang barong batik design reserved for the royal family's garments (see also parang III;
singa barong 1 male lion; 2 man in a street show dressed as a monster with the head of a lion (see also singa);
yuyu rumpung mbarong rongé see yuyu.
baros a variety of large tree.
baru new;
mbaroni to plant (a field) with a new or unusual type of rice;
baron young plant (esp coffee).
barubah lit 1 to move; 2 dizzy, headachy, groggy See also brubah.
barud see barut.
baruna the God of the Sea.
barung 1 lit together; to accompany; in time with or simultaneous with (a gamelan beat);
mbarung to do s.t. in time with;
sinang (two events) occurring at the same time;
mbarungi 1 to accompany; 2 to disturb, bother;
binarung to be accompanied.
barus, mbarus or mbarusan reg I straight away; 2 just now; kapur barus see kapur.
barut a cut, scratch;
mbarut to scratch;
kebarut-barut to be scratched.
bas I leaf stalk from a certain palm tree, used for making rope.
II shtf of tebas to buy up the entire stock; - mentah money received as a substitute for meal that must be consumed;
bas-basan 1 contracted job; 2 a certain children's game played by moving pieces on a diagram of squares.
basa I 1 language, speech; - antya a variety of humble Ngoko (see also antya); - bagongan speech style used by palace retainers; - gancaran prose; kedhaton speech style used by the king and court officials during a ceremonial court meeting; - lesan oral language; - paguneman colloquial speech; - pedinan everyday speech; (pe)pernesan flirtatious expressions for flattering a person of the opposite sex; - rinengga stereotype literary expression; 2 (to speak) Krama; 3 to have (a certain) kin relationship; mbasani to speak Krama to s.o.; mbasakake 1 to put (translate) into Krama; 2 to express in the form of a saying; 3 to use the words the listener would use on s.o.'s behalf; basan-basanan or basan-binasan to speak Krama to each other; bebasan a saying, set expression.
II basan, mbasan reg when, whenever.
III reg only, just, because of.
basang var of basan II.
basèh var of basik.
baseng to have a rotten or putrid odour.
basi large glazed earthenware dish for serving food.
basih var of basik.
basik, bosak-basik disorderly.
basin a foul odour.
baskara lit sun, name of the Sun God.
baskom washbasin.
basmi or besmi to burn (root form: kr of obong).
basuh var of wasuh.
basuki I to prosper, flourish.
II name of the dragon-shaped Ocean God.
bata ngy banon, kr, 1 brick, brick wall; 2 cube, brick-shaped block; - bumi brick wall; - luluh bricks being processed;
mbata brick-shaped, brick-like;
mbata rubuh 'like falling bricks'; thunderous (applause);
mantu mbata rubuh to celebrate a wedding ceremony on a large scale;
mbata sarimbag squarish (of handwritten Javanese script);
batan 1 in the shape of a brick or block; 2 built with bricks.
batal invalid;
mbatalaké to cancel, render invalid.
batang I mbatang to guess (the answer) to;
batangan 1 the answer to a riddle, the meaning of a dream; 2 a certain pattern of drumbeats.
II to beat a certain drum (kendhang).
batèh reg var of batih.
batek, mbatek 1 to pull (at), tug (on); 2 eager.
bates var of wates.
bathang 1 cr dead body; 2 carrion; - lelaku person making a solitary journey; ucap-ucap two persons journeying together;
mbathang to float on one's back (as a form of swimming); - keli fig to be carried along by the current;
nyundhang bathang bantheng prov to promote an unlucky, formerly prominent person.
bathara male mythological deity; asoca wise, clairvoyant;
binathara god-like;
ratu agung binathara a great revered king.
bathari female mythological deity
bathi 1 profit, benefit, gain; - kesel to work hard but in vain; 2 to produce children;
mbathi to make (a certain) profit; to swindle for gain;
mbathéni to make a profit on (a transaction);
mbathèkaké to create a profit for, be beneficial to;
bathèn or bebathèn amount of profit;
kebathen profitable, having a profit.
bathik ng, serat kr, fabric worked by the batik process; - cap or - cap-capan printed batik; - tulis hand-worked batik;
mbathik to do batik work;
mbathikake to make batik for s.o.; to have batik made; to have fabric worked in batik;
bathikan batik work; batik-making;
pambathik the working of batik.
bathok 1 coconut shell; 2 skull; - bolu half-coconut shell with three eyes;
mbathok resembling a coconut shell;
mbathok mengkureb hemispherical shape (like a face-down half-coconut shell);
bathok bolu isi madu a person of low background but high intelligence.
bathu or mbathu 1 to eat together from one plate; 2 to contribute capital to an enterprise; to buy a share in an enterprise;
bathon or bathonan 1 to pool capital for a business enterprise; to pool money for a certain purpose; 2 to eat together from one plate.
bathuk ng, Jer, (pa)larapan k.i. forehead;
-banyak or - nonong a bulging forehead;
bathuk nyéla cendhani a classic ideal forehead ('forehead like marble').
batih 1 one's household; 2 (nuclear) family;
mbatih to feel as close as a member of the family;
batihan or bebatihan in the neighbourhood.
batin ng, batos kr, 1 inward (feeling); 2 one's inner self;
mbatin to ponder inwardly;
kabatinan or kebatinan 1 pertaining to the inner self; 2 mysticism, spiritualism.
batos inward (feeling), inner self (kr for batin).
batu 1 stone, rock (see also watu); 2 battery.
batur I ng, réncang kr, abdi k.i. servant; -tukon slave;