Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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as capital ­ bandhu to have a wealth of relatives as well as money; - bau all brawn and no brains; - beya expenses;

      mbandha wealthy;

      mbandhani 1 to finance s.t;

      bandhan 1 to contribute money to a cause; 2 contribution to a cause.

      bandhang I basket for carrying sugar­cane seedlings.

      II banjir - flash flood;

      mbandhang to bolt (horse);

      mbandhangake to make s.t. go fast;

      bandhangan 1 to do things fast; 2 carried off from where it belongs.

      bandhel stubborn, wilful, obstinate (var of bandel);

      mbandhel to act defiantly, obstinate.

      bandhem missile, object hurled;

      mbandhem to throw at, hurl (missile) at.

      bandhil sling for hurling missiles;

      mbandhil to shoot (at) with a sling;

      mbandhilake to hurl (missiles) at.

      bandhing, mbandhing to compare;

      mbandhingake to compare s.t. with;

      bandhingan comparison;

      pambandhing standard of comparison.

      bandhol 1 impolite, insolent; 2 (of horses) wild, untamed; 3 bandit chief; 4 reg irresponsible, joker;

      mbandhol to behave like a bandit chief; to act insolently;

      bandhol ngrompol a gathering of criminals.

      bandhosa a covered wooden or bamboo bier.

      bandhot 1 ram, male sheep or goat; 2 lascivious old man; 3 womaniser, ladies' man;

      bandhotan a certain snake.

      bandhu relatives. See also bandha.

      bandhul 1 iron ball used as a weight; 2 hanger;

      mbandhuli to weigh s.t. down; to attach a weight to s.t.;

      bandhulan or bandulan 1 children's swing; 2 a swinging baby bed.

      bandrèk I skeleton key, master key;

      mbandrek to open with a skeleton key.

      II adultery.

      bandreng, mbandreng or bandrengan reg to work assiduously (at).

      bandring reg sling for hurling missiles (var of bandhil).

      bandul, mbandul to swing;

      bandulan children's swing (var of bandhulan).

      banè var of banén.

      banèh different (var of benèh).

      banèk var of banen.

      banèn sound, voice.

      bang I red (shtf of abang); bangjo traffic light (shtf of abang ijo);

      bangbang wetan sunrise (when the sky looks red);

      bang-bangan batik with predominantly red colouration.

      II region; - wétan eastern region.

      III bank;

      ngebangaké 1 to put money in the bank; 2 to put up s.t. as security for the bank.

      IV mbang (shtf of kembang); - mlathi jasmine.

      V bangbang alum-alum way backbone of the state/country.

      bangah a certain plant with a bad smell.

      bangbang I disease of rice plants (var of bambang II).

      II bangbang alum-alum see bang.

      banger fetid.

      banget ng, sanget kr 1 very, very much, extremely; 2 serious, intense; 3 emphatic;

      mbangeti excessive;

      mbangetake 1 to make s.t. worse; 2 to intensify;

      kebangeten excessively, terribly, overly.

      bangga 1 to resist (e.g. the police); disobey; 2 to refuse.

      banggal 1 very hard (of roasted food, swollen skin etc); 2 stump of tobacco plant; 3 object thrown;

      mbanggal to throw s.t. at.

      banggel, mbanggel undercooked, raw inside.

      banggèl, mbanggèl 1 to snap at (as though to bite); 2 to give a rebuttal (in debating);

      mbanggèlaké to have s.o. sell (merchandise, usually fabrics) on commission. See bangkel.

      banggén I shared, common cowstall.

      II mbanggeni or bebanggen reg to accompany music by singing.

      banggi I reg to resist (kr for bangga).

      II reg cost, charge (kr for beya).

      III shtf of ubanggi, promise, commitment (kr for ubaya).

      IV (good) luck (kr for bara);

      pinten banggi luckily (kr for pirabara or pirangbara).

      bangir, mbangir long and tapering (the finest nose shape);

      mbangiri to make (the nose) pointed;

      mbangiraké to make (the nose) more tapered.

      bangka 1 hard (of unriped fruit); 2 coarse;

      klasa - a hard (in texture) mat; 3 cr dead; 4 or bangkan hard (of soil).

      bangkak 1 hard (of body, soil, lump, cake); 2 crop disease.

      bangkal, mbangkal reg to say in disagreeent, object.

      bangkang I a certain hard-shelled snail.

      II mbangkang to disobey, resist.

      III mbangkang to renew the colour of batik cloth.

      bangkar 1 unfinished work; 2 unslaughtered dead catde.

      bangkat reg strong;

      mbangkat or kebangkat strong enough to do s.t.

      bangké cr corpse, carcass (of animals).

      bangkèk, mbangkèk narrow at the midsection, small waist;

      bangkèkan ng, pamekak k.i. waist-line).

      bangkèl I reg quarrelsome person.

      II mbangkel 1 to pack fabrics to be sent; 2 to buy (up) for resale;

      mbangkèlaké or mbanggèlaké to sell on commission, sell to middleman;

      bangkèlan 1 (merchandise) sold on commission; 2 one who sells fabrics on commission; 3 trade by selling on commission.

      bangkit lit can, to be able.

      bangkok or bangkokan large and old (of animals; cr of people).

      bangkol or bangkolan a wooden peg fitted onto a shoulder carrying pole to prevent the rope that holds the burden from slipping.

      bangkong or bangkongan large old frog;

      mbangkong 1 resembling a large old frog; 2 to sleep too late in the morning; to get up quite late.

      bangkrah 1 damaged, broken, wrecked; 2 decayed (because of suffering disease).

      bangkrèh, bongkrah-bangkrèh or bungkrah-bangkrèh in disorder, strewn with scattered items.

      bangkrong, mbangkrong or mbangkrung bent, curved (of the human or horses back).

      bangkrung var of bangkrong.

      bangkrut bankrupt;

      mbangkrutaké to liquidate (a business).

      bangku I short-legged bench or table; low bench used as a seat; - dhépok short-legged (square or round) table used for playing cards.
