or bangkon 1 having the right to possess a ricefield of the village; 2 rice-field given to officials instead of salary.
bangkyak var of bakiyak.
bango I a variety of stork; - thonthong a certain large stork with a long beak; buthak an old such stork.
II small roadside shop dealing in goods or refreshments.
bangsa 1 (member of a) nationality; ethnic group; nation; 2 (member of a) category, class;
- seger-segeran kinds of refreshments; mas inten sorts of jewelry.
bangsal large assembly hall; - pangrawit a finely carved palace hall.
bangsat 1 crook, outlaw; 2 term of abuse.
bangsawan aristocrat.
bangsul reg to return (var of wangsul).
bangun I lit to wake up, get up; - ésuk ng, -énjing kr, dawn, daybreak, crack of dawn;
mbangun 1 to build up; 2 to perform; - tapa to seclude o.s. for meditation; - tresna to be in love with each other; - turut to obey; - alin-alin lit to worry about s.o.; - ni(ng)kah to hold a second wedding ceremony as a necessity for having a child; - wecana to make a follow-up accusation.
banjar row, rank; - pakarangan house and yard;
mbanjari to plant in rows;
banjaran 1 in rows (trees, plants, houses); 2 row.
banjel 1 replacement, assistance (for another worker); 2 substitute (for usual food during shortage);
mbanjel to step in and help;
mbanjeli to provide s.o. with assistance.
banjeng a long row, line (people or houses);
mbanjeng, (be)banjengan to form an unbroken line.
banjir 1 flood; 2 to be in flood;
mbanjiri 1 to flood (land); 2 to provide an abundance;
kabanjiran to get flooded;
banjiran to be under water, flooded.
banjur ng, lajeng kr then, after that;
kebanjur to go too far, further than intended;
mbanjuraké to continue, go on with s.t.;
sabanjuré 1 after that, subsequently; 2 and so forth.
banjut I coll yar of banjur.
II lit mbanjut to take away (and make disappear); - nyawa to take life away, i.e. cause to die.
banor reg having defective vision.
bantah or bantahan to debate, quarrel, dispute, argue over;
mbantah or mbantahi to argue (over), oppose, refute;
bantah-bantahan or bebantahan to argue/debate/dispute with each other.
bantal pillow; - dawa Dutch wife, bolster (see also guling I);
mbantali to equip s.t. with a pillow;
bantalan 1 to use a pillow; to use s.t. as a pillow; 2 railway sleeper; 3 pincushion; 4 (or bantal susun) dam in a sugarcane field.
bantala lit earth, ground.
bantas 1 loud and clear (of gunshot, fireworks); 2 high quality (of woven cloth).
bantat swollen and hard (of pimple, boil); partially cooked (of bread, cake etc).
banten or bebanten lit offering, human sacrifice, esp in war.
banter 1 fast; 2 hard; 3 loud;
mbanterake 1 to make faster; 2 to make harder; 3 to make louder.
banting, mbanting to throw down forcefully, hurl, fling down; mbantingi to throw down repeatedly;
kebanting 1 to get hurled; 2 at odds with;
bantingan 1 s.t. to be flung; 2 energetic.
bantu 1 help, assistance; guru - elementary-school teacher; 2 auxiliary troops, reinforcements;
mbantu 1 to help, aid, assist; 2 to back up, support;
mbantoni to help s.o.;
mbantokake to have s.o. help;
bebantu or bebanton help, aid, assistance;
bantuan help, aid, assistance;
bantu-binantu to help each other;
pambantu 1 help, aid, assistance; 2 helper, assistant.
banyak goose, swan; - angrem 1 a certain nebulous spot near the Southern Cross; 2 heaped-up rice with an egg inside (for ritual meal); - dhalang item of regalia in the shape of a goose, carried in court ceremonial; - patra a certain wild bird resembling a duck or goose;
mbanyaki cr to act hastily and ineffectually;
banyakan or bebanyakan breakers, white horses (in the sea).
banyar a herring-like fish.
banyol joke;
juru - joker (see also juru);
mbanyol to joke around;
banyolan 1 to make jokes, clown around; 2 a joke.
banyu ng, toya kr, 1 water, fluid; - bening fig 1 spiritual knowledge; 2 medicine, spiritual guide; - daging meat broth; gege water for bathing a baby to make it grow faster; - godhogan or - mateng boiled drinking water; - kawah fore-water, amniotic fluid; - keras spirits; landa soda water; - landha lye, water in which burnt rice stalks have been soaked (used as shampoo); - ledheng tap water; - leri water in which rice has been washed prior to cooking; - mas gilding fluid used in embroidery; panguripan water having the power to revive the dead; - pinerang inseparable: fig e.g. brothers who often quarrel with each other but finally get along well again; - rasa quicksilver, mercury; - susu mothers milk; - tangi warm water for bathing children and invalids; tawa(r) fresh water; - tumetes sound effect produced by the puppeteer tapping with slow steady beats on the puppetbox; - wantah (unboiled) fresh water; - wayu water that has been kept overnight; - windu water kept for several days used for a ritual bath; wisuh(an); - wijikan hi. water in finger bowls placed on the dining table; - wulu water for washing face, hands and feet ritually before praying;
mbanyu 1 resembling water; to liquefy, melt; 2 to bath, wash down; 3 aqueous;
mbanyoni 1 to supply with water; 2 to break, of the waters (before giving birth);
banyon 1 a mouthwash for blackening the teeth; 2 the bathing of a fighting cock; 3 the number of times a fighting cock is bathed;
bebanyu ng, tetoyan fer, to urinate;
banyunen to have diarrhoea;
mbanyuwara to avoid touching water as an ascetic practice;
caruk banyu to estimate s.o.'s treasures all in all;
dadia banyu suthik nyawuk (of relationship) completely broken;
dom sumurup ing banyu prov (to be) in disguise in order to investigate s.t.;
kaedus banyu sasiwur 'to be bathed with one scoop of water'; to get a very small share;
kaya banyu karo lenga 'like water and oil'; to be hostile to each other, unable to get along well with each other;
kena iwake aja nganti buthek banyune prov to take a problem in hand very carefully; to gain a goal without any conflict;
lebak (ledhok) ilining banyu prov the underlings are always blamed for any affair;
ngangsu banyu ing kranjang prov 'to draw water with a basket'; wasted effort; to do s.t. futile, in vain (see also angsu);