Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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      bebah task, responsibility (root form: kr for bubuh)

      bebak, mbebak to pound in order to peel the husk from (as the first step in processing coffee, rice etc);

      bebakan the result of pounding; s.t. to be pounded. See also bebeg II.

      bebana see bana.

      bebandan see banda.

      bebara see bara.

      bebas 1 free(d), unhampered, unimpeded; 2 free of charge;

      mbébasaké to release, set free, liberate.

      bebasan see basa.

      bebaya danger (see baya).

      bebed ng, kr, nyamping hi. batik garment worn by men; - (sabuk) wala child's garment worn with one end wrapped below the waist to form a sash;

      mbebedi to help s.o. dressing in a bebed;

      bebedan to put on or wear a bebed;

      nanggung bedhahé bebedé, gempalé warangkané to bear undesirable consequences.

      bebeg I 1 clogged, stopped up; 2 over­stuffed; overburdened; 3 to feel bloated;

      mbebeg 1 to dam up; 2 to restrain;

      bebegan a dam.

      II to pound (var of bebak).

      bebeh apathetic, listless.

      bèbèk duck; cocor - a certain plant with beautiful flowers (see also cocor);

      mbèbèk 1 resembling a duck; 2 to follow unthinkingly;

      bèbèk diwuruki nglangi prov to do s.t. unnecessary, futile;

      bebek mungsuh mliwis competition between two persons of the same level;

      opor bèbèk mentas awaké dhèwèk a rhyme referring to someone who is successful at being self-supporting.

      bebel dull-witted, mentally sluggish, stubborn; bebelen or kebebelen constipated.

      bebeng, kebebeng 1 to get stuck; 2 stillborn; 3 impeded.

      bèbèr spread, opened out;

      wayang ­performance using a picture-roll (see also wayang);

      mbèbèr to spread, open out, display;

      mbèbèri to spread out;

      mbèbèraké 1 to explain; 2 to spread s.t. out for s.o.

      bebet see bebed.

      bèbèt 1 descendant, lineage; 2 unblemished in character and lineage (as recommended to the groom). See also bibit.

      bebreg overwhelming (quantity, supply).

      bèbrèk, mbèbrèk to widen, change for the worse (of wound).

      bebrel, mbebrel flimsy.

      bèbrèl var of bebrel.

      bèbrèt, mbebret flimsy, easily ripped.

      bèbrèt I var of bebret.

      II mbèbrèt to make a tearing sound (e.g. cloth ripping, fart, leaky muffler etc).

      bécak pedicab;

      mbécak 1 to ride in a pedicab; 2 to operate a pedicab as one's livelihood;

      mbécakaké 1 to send s.o. in a pedicab; to pay s.o.'s pedicab fare; 2 to transport s.t. by pedicab;

      bécakan pedicab fare;

      bécak-bécakan 1 imitation or toy pedicab; 2 sightseeing by pedicab.

      bécék I muddy.

      II 1 a certain meat stew served at ritual feast; 2 reg meat curry.

      becici wild banana.

      becicing 1 above-ground tuberous root; 2 banana cluster at lower end of stalk.

      becik ng, saé kr, good, kind, fine;

      mbeciki 1 to treat kindly; 2 to make better;

      mbecikaké to improve s.t.;

      kabecikan kindness, goodness;

      becik-becikan 1 to be on good terms with each other; 2 to compete in quality;

      beciké it would be better;

      becik ketitik ala ketara prov the good will make itself known, along with the bad.

      becira raised floor.

      becokak or becokakan reg mischievous, reckless, unruly.

      bècu, mbècu to scowl with anger;

      béca-becu to keep scowling.

      becus cr capable, competent. See also pecus.

      béda I ng, bènten kr different;

      mbédakaké 1 to distinguish, differentiate; 2 to discriminate against;

      prabéda lit different.

      II mbeda to irritate;

      mbebéda to keep teasing, annoying, irritating s.o.

      bédang, mbédang having a flared rim (shtf of lambé dandang).

      bedaringan var of pedaringan.

      bededeng or mak bededeng repr sounding long and hard;

      mbededeng 1 to become long and hard; 2 to exert all one's strength.

      bèdèdeng, bedédang-bèdèdeng to walk with an arrogant swagger.

      bèdendèng var of bèdèdeng.

      bedhad detached, loose.

      bedhadhag, mbedhadhag flabby (of belly etc).

      bedhadhok I reg a certain large basket.

      II mbedhadhok reg careless, ill-mannered.

      bedhag 1, mbedhag or mbebedhag to hunt; to go hunting; 2 to chase; 3 to seek a job; 4 to win at gambling;

      bedhagan 1 hunted game animal; 2 wage for hired worker;

      pambedhagan hunting ground.

      bedhagal cr abusive term; damn!

      mbedhagal 1 to coerce into (do)ing.

      bedhah 1 broken through, ripped open; 2 to be overcome by force; - bumi 1 price of burial plot; 2 gravedigger's fee; 3 wages of one who looks after graves;

      mbedhah 1 to conquer; 2 to drain (water) from a dam; 3 to break through; 4 to cut out; 5 or mbebedhah to start ploughing a ricefield; 6 to become fatter and fatter;

      bedhahan 1 a ripped piece, a scrap; 2 cut (of clothing); 3 small drainage ditch in a ricefield;

      mbedhahi to cut out;

      mbedhahaké 1 to cause s.t. to break accidentally; 2 to rip s.t. open for s.o.

      bedhal, mbedhal 1 to break loose from a tether or stall; 2 to leave (companions) against one's will.

      bedhama 1 a certain archaic weapon; 2 a type of axe; 3 reg appointment.

      bedhami or bedhamèn to enter into an agreement, esp a peace treaty;

      bedhamen cessation of hostilities; ceasefire agreement.

      bedhandho, mbedhandho hesitant, undecided.

      bédhang, mbédhang to love illicitly;

      bédhangan 1 to have an extramarital affair; 2 cr beloved man/woman.

      bedhati reg ox-cart (var of pedhati).

      bedhawang lit land tortoise.

      bedhaya 1 a certain court dance performed by females; 2 performer of this dance.

      bedhé to guess (var of badhé or badhek).
