to be a servant.
II or bebatur low brick or stone wall which keeps moisture back from the foundations of a house;
mbaturi to provide (a house) with a wall as above.
bau I 1 upper arm; 2 labour, manpower;
- dhanyang supporting beam in a house frame; - kapine or - kapini partial attitude; - kiwa tengen one's total strength; - laweyan 1 s.o. whose last two (or more) spouses have died; 2 s.o. with a dimple on the shoulder; - tengen right-hand man, trusted person; -dhendha very powerful; -sastra dictionary; -suku village worker in the ricefield given to the village head;
mbaoni to do (a job);
bebau 1 head of a village area; 2 village worker; 3 one who performs a job;
pambaon 1 ship's mast; 2 support pole;
bau dhendha nyakrawati powerful, rich and respected.
II a measure of area: ca 1.75 acres;
baon or bebaon many bau's.
baud skilled (in), expert (at).
See also baut.
baung 1 bear; 2 chid dog; 3 a certain freshwater fish; 4 menthol liniment;
mbaung 1 (of dog) to howl, whine; 2 cr to sing, cry.
baureksa 1 guardian spirit of a certain place; 2 one who has long held sway in a certain place;
sing mbaureksa guardian spirit of a house, tree etc.
baut bolt, screw.
bawa I situation, circumstances; character.
II to build s.t. on one's own efforts; - leksana to fulfil any promise; to put one's words into action; - rasa to engage in discussion about the inner meaning of life;
mbawani 1 to hold sway over; 2 reg to hold a celebration (of wedding or circumcision).
III 1 vocal prelude to a piece of music; 2 sound, voice; - swara song prelude;
mbawani to sing a prelude to a musical piece.
IV gram affix.
bawah I domain; within the area of;
mbawahi or mbawahake to have authority over;
kebawah under the authority of;
bawahan (person, place) under the authority of.
II celebration of wedding ceremonies etc.
bawak wooden blade-holder for a hoe.
bawal a certain freshwater fish.
bawana var of buwana.
bawang I garlic; - kothong or pupuk person who cannot contribute a full share (usu referring to a child in a game with older children)(see also pupuk); mbawang to season with garlic.
II rice ready to be planted in the ricefield.
III or mbawang reg a variety of mango.
bawasir haemorrhoids.
bawat long-handled ceremonial umbrella.
bawèl always nagging;
mbawèli to nag or carp at s.o.
bawéra spacious, broad.
bawi reg kr for bawa.
bawon 1 a share of the rice harvest received for one's services during harvesting; 2 a certain measure of newly harvested rice (a sheaf of eight bundles);
mbawoni to give s.o. their earned portion of the harvest;
mbawonaké to give a portion of the harvest to the harvesters;
bawonan a bundle of rice as a payment given to the harvester.
bawuk I 1 dark grey; 2 (of clothing) faded, worn.
II 1 female genitals; 2 term of endearment applied to little girls. bawur 1 mixed (together); 2 (of vision) blurred, hazy;
mbawuraké 1 to mix (a variety of things) together; 2 to confuse; 3 to cause (vision, view) to be blurred or unclear.
baya I crocodile; - dharat wolf, woman-chaser;
binaya mangap surrounded by danger;
nglangeni tai baya prov to go to a lot of trouble without any repayment.
II or babaya or bebaya danger, hazard;
mbebayani dangerous;
sabaya pati together in life and death.
III 1 perhaps, possibly; 2 lit is it so (that...)?; 3 even if, even though; 4 (not) anything; 5 with interrogative word how (etc) on earth...!
IV reciprocal promise, commitment (shtf of ubaya).
bayah I duckling (young of the bèbèk).
II mbayahi in a critical condition.
bayak I woman's blouse pinned in front (shtf of kebayak).
II bayak-bayak or bebayakan crowded, jammed.
bayaka reg perhaps, probably (var of ayake).
bayakna var of bayaka.
bayan I parrot; parakeet.
II messenger, errand-runner; village official in charge of security (shtf of kebayan).
bayang I bamboo bed.
II bayangan image, shadow; mbayangake to imagine, visualise.
III mbayangé or mbayang-bayang to support or carry (a patient who cannot walk);
bayangan a patient being supported and helped to walk.
IV bayangan prey.
bayangkara 1 palace guards; 2 police.
bayangkaré ladies-in-waiting, yar of bayangkara;
binayang bayangkaré lit escorted by ladies-in-waiting.
bayangkari var of bayangkara.
bayar pay, salary, wages; - jrèng (kencrèng) to buy for cash (rather than on credit);
mbayar to pay;
mbayari to pay for;
mbayaraké to pay (a price), pay out, expend, disburse;
bayaran payment, wages;
pambayar payment; act of paying.
bayas a certain freshwater fish.
bayawara proclamation. Also byawara.
bayék coll baby.
bayem spinach.
bayi baby; - abang a newborn baby;
bayen to give birth to a baby;
mbayeni to deliver s.o.'s baby.
bayonet bayonet.
bayong, mbayong reg to come together in a place.
bayor a certain fish.
bayu I lit wind; - bajra wind and thunder storm.
II (or bebayu) blood vessel; fig strength;
bebayon amulet having the power to harm others.
bayun firstborn (k.i.for barep); pambayun 1 firstborn child; 2 lit female firstborn child; 3 breast (k.i.for susu).
bayur a kind of tree.
bé I to fall through.
II to guess, bet (coll for bedhé).
III name of the 6th year in the windu cycle.