Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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1 mushy, soggy; 2 swelling with pride.

      bedhèdhèh, mbedhèdhèh flabby, paunchy.

      bedhegel, mbedhegel to feel resentful.

      bedhegud reg vigorous, energetic.

      bedhegus or mak bedhegus suddenly popping into view.

      bedhèk, mbedhèk to guess (at), var of badhé, badhèk, bedhé;

      mbedhèki to have s.o. guess;

      bedhèkan 1 riddle, guessing-game; 2 the answer to a riddle; 3 (or bedhèkbedhèkan) to ask each other riddles; to play guessing-games;

      pambedhèk guessing.

      bedhel, mbedhel to crack or snap easily.

      bedhel, mbedhel 1 to operate (surgically); 2 to disembowel; 3 to divert (a stream);

      mbedhèli to keep lancing;

      bedhèlan incision, wound.

      bèdhèng or bèdhèngan seedbed consisting of heaped up soil between irrigation ditches;

      mbèdhèngi to make a seedbed in a ricefield;

      bedhenguk var of bedhengus.

      bedhengul var of bedhengus.

      bedhengus or mak bedhengus repr a sudden appearance, heaving into view.

      bedhes 1 reg monkey; 2 cr, excl 'my god'.

      bedhidhet to grow well (of plants).

      bedhidhing chilly, chilled; mangsa - a night-time chill in the dry season.

      bedhigal, mbedhigal 1 eccentric, strange acting; 2 ill-mannered.

      bedhigas, bedhigasan or pating bedhigas having ill-mannered actions.

      bedhil ng, senjata kr gun, rifle; - angin air rifle; - lantakan breech loader; - pacar wutah shotgun;

      mbedhil to shoot;

      mbedhili to shoot s.t. repeatedly;

      bedhil-bedhilan 1 toy gun; 2 to exchange gunfire;

      pambedhil the act of shooting;

      sapambedhil distance travelled by a bullet, a rifle-shot away.

      bedhiyang 1 a fire built for warmth; 2 to warm o.s. at a fire.

      bedho a draw; to be called off;

      mbedhokaké 1 to make a draw; 2 to fail, call off.

      bedhodhog, mbedhodhog 1 to swell out (of water-soaked seeds); 2 ruffled, fluffed up (of bird's feathers); 3 swelling with pride (var of mbedhedheg); mbedhodhogaké to cause (feathers) to be ruffled.

      bedhodhok var of bedhodhog.

      bedhog I short-handled axe, esp for digging out tree stumps;

      mbedhog to dig out (stumps);

      bedhogan a hacked-out stump.

      II 1 to steal a fowl; 2 lit to kidnap;

      bedhogan 1 a stolen fowl; 2 lit kidnapped woman.

      bedhol pulled out, uprooted; - désa to move an entire village to a new settlement; - gendéra to withdraw a military force; - jangkar to weigh anchor; - songsong traditional court ceremony held after the rice mountain ceremony (grebeg);

      mbedhol to pull out, uproot;

      mbedholi to pull out many objects;

      bedholan 1 s.t. that has been pulled out; 2 technique of removing puppets from the banana log where they are kept; 3 alumnus.

      bedhu reg var of bedho.

      bedhudhak a certain venomous snake.

      bedhudhug, mbedhudhug bloated, swollen.

      bedhug 1 mosque drum; gamelan drum resembling a mosque drum; 2 sounding of the mosque drum at noon to summon Muslims to prayer; 3 noon; 4 lit o'clock; - awan noon; - bengi or ­ dawa midnight; - telu about 3:30 a.m.;

      mbedhug 1 to beat a gamelan drum; 2 (to fast) only until noon (rather than sundown);

      sabedhug 1 the same size as a mosque drum; 2 time period from 6 a.m. to 12 noon.

      bedhugul not dressed properly; not wearing a kris.

      bedhul var of bedhol.

      bedhungul repr a sudden appearance, to pop up.

      bedhungus or bedhengus var of bedhungul

      bedinan ng, bedintenan kr, daily (var of pedinan ng, pedintenan kr). See dina.

      bedodok, mbedodok 1 boastful; 2 to talk too much.

      bedodong, mbedodong 1 bloated, stiff and swollen; 2 cr dead.

      bedondi to quarrel. See perdondi.

      bedor name of one of the small playing-cards (kertu cilik).

      bedud I mbedud headstrong, obstinate.

      II bedudan opium pipe.

      bedudung, mbedudung stuffed, bloated (from overeating).

      beg or mak bleg repr of a sudden fall, splat!

      bèg or mak bèg repr falling;

      bag-bèg to fall repeatedly.

      bega to have a speech difficulty; to stammer.

      begadad, mbegadad to steal domestic animals.

      begadag var of begadad.

      begagah, mbegagah to stand with the legs wide apart.

      begajagan to exhibit crude behaviour; to have bad manners (of female servants).

      begajul playboy, wolf;

      mbegajul to chase after women;

      begajulan 1 playboy; 2 to chase after women.

      bégal bandit, robber;

      mbégal to rob, hold up;

      bégalan 1 robbery, holdup; 2 loot; 3 reg certain part of a traditional wedding ceremony;

      ambégal sambi angajang to intend to steal s.t. by pretending to help the owner.

      begandring or begandringan gathering; to engage in discussion.

      beganjok a building in the style of a mosque;

      mbeganjok to have a strange character; out of the ordinary.

      begar pleased, delighted.

      begawan holy man, hermit (var of bagawan).

      begeblug var of pageblug.

      begedèl var of bergedèl.

      begedud, mbegedud wilful, obstinate.

      begegèg, mbegègèg to remain motionless.

      begègèh, mbegegeh to stand with the legs moderately far apart.

      begèjègan ill-mannered, insolent.

      begejil (of children) obstreperous.

      begènggèng, mbegènggèng to improve in one's condition (physically, materially).

      begèr delighted, pleased.

      begigih, mbegigih 1 to stand with the legs slightly apart; 2 adamant in one's refusal to help.

      begja 1 (good) luck; fortunate; at peace with one's environment; 2 fig bad luck; - cilaka fate; - kemayangan great good luck;

      begja(n)-begjan to try one's luck;

      begja-begjané at best;

      begjan or begjan-begjan to do s.t. just for luck;

      kabegjan (good) luck;

      kabegjan kebrayan a man of fortune.
