Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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mbendhèng to stretch (fabric) to its widest dimension by pulling from opposite sides.

      bèndheng reg 1 large rope; 2 electric wiring;

      mbèndheng 1 to tie with large rope; 2 to connect up (electrical wiring).

      bèndher (book) binding; tukang - book­binder (see also tukang).

      bendhèt, mbendhèt to open s.t. by making space between; to hold s.t. open by pressing the edges apart.

      bendhéyot, mbendhéyot (of burdens) many and heavy to carry;

      bendhéyotan weighted down.

      bèndhi gig, two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse.

      bendho large-bladed knife for cutting wood;

      mbendho to slash with a bendho.

      bendhol, mbendhol 1 having a knob or bump on it; 2 or mbendholan boastful, arrogant;

      bendholan a knob or bump;

      mbendhal-mbendhol having knobs at some places on it.

      bèndi var of bèndhi.

      béndra lit frisky, frolicsome; to be infatuated (with).

      béndrang a tasty soup prepared a day or longer ahead of eating (var of bléndrang).

      béndrong I rhythmic beats produced by pounding rice with a mortar and pesde;

      mbéndrong or mbéndrongi to produce pounding beats rhythmically;

      béndrongan pounding on an empty mortar with pesdes rhythmically.

      II object used as a kite-string reel;

      mbéndrong or mbendrongi to wind a kite string.

      bendu lit angry;

      bebendu wrath of God.

      bendung, mbendung to dam s.t. up;

      bendungan 1 dam; 2 dammed-up water.

      bènèh reg 1 different; 2 strange.

      benem, mbenem to roast (esp cassava) in a bed of hot coals and ash;

      beneman 1 a bed of hot coals and ash for roasting foods; 2 roasted foods.

      bener ng, leres kr 1 right, true; 2 indeed, really; 3 straight; 4 real;

      mbeneri to coincide with;

      mbeneraké 1 to correct, rectify; 2 to justify;

      beneré the right thing would be;

      bener-beneran seriously; bebener or bebeneran 1 justice, lightness; 2 a decision (of justice);

      kabeneran 1 fortunately; 2 just right; 3 properly done;

      sabeneré ng, saleresipun kr actually, in fact;

      bener luputé the true facts;

      dudu sabeneré or ora sabeneré improper, wrong.

      benèt low wooden chest.

      bèng adr young man! (shtf of jebèng).

      bengah, mbengah to low, moo.

      bengagah, mbengangah bright and glowing.

      bengangang var of bengangah. Also bengèngèng.

      béngas-béngos having black streaky marks on the face.

      béngat ceremonial appointment (of Islamic religious official).

      bengawan ng, benawi kr, large river.

      bengèk I asthma.

      II reg to shout, yell (var of bengok);

      mbebengèk to repeatedly disturb/ irritate;

      bengèk-bengèk or bengak-bengèk to keep shouting, keep crying out;

      thèthèk-bengèk see thèthèk.

      bengel (to have) a cold and headache.

      bengvngeng, mbengengeng to buzz, whine, hum.

      bengèngèng var of bengangang.

      bengèp swollen in the face.

      benger (of baby) to cry;

      mbengèr to cry;

      mbengèr-mbengèr to keep on crying.

      bèngès substance used for reddening the lips;

      mbèngèsi to redden the lips with a certain substance;

      bèngèsan having reddened lips;

      bebèngèsan hypocritical (of men).

      bènget bewildered (reg kr for bingung).

      benggala a breed of large ox (originally from Bengal).

      benggang distantly spaced, wide apart; with space(s) between;

      mbenggang to make a space between things;

      mbenggangaké to space s.t. at a distance.

      benggél var of bendhol.

      benggol var of bendhol.

      bénggol 1 or bénggolan gang leader; 2 or bénggolan coin worth 2½ cents during the colonial period.

      bengi ng, dalu kr, evening, night;

      benginè on the evening of the same day; kebengen to be overtaken by night;

      bengi-bengi in the middle of the night;

      bengi-benginan or bengèn-bengènan 1 rather late in the evening; 2 to see who can stay awake the latest. See also wengi.

      bengingèh whinny;

      mbengingèh to neigh, whinny.

      bengis stern, fierce-looking. See also wengis.

      bengka (of stomach) hard, bloated.

      bengkah (having) a crack or cleft.

      bengkak I a tied bundle of long thin objects;

      mbengkaki to tie (things) into a bundle.

      II swollen.

      III mbengkak to shout.

      bengkalahi reg to quarrel, argue.

      bengkarokan big, old and repulsive-looking (of ape, cr of man).

      béngkas, mbéngkas to complete, finish off;

      pambéngkas deliverer, messiah.

      béngkat a game played by children with certain fruits (béndha).

      bengkek a tied bundle (var of bengkak I).

      bengkeleng throughout; sedina (m)- all day long.

      bengkélot, mbengkélot tough, hard to chew.

      bengkeluk, mbengkeluk bent at the end;

      mbengkelukaké to bend s.t. at the end.

      bengkelung var of bengkeluk.

      bengkeng I stiff, hard, sore.

      II bamboo fish trap with a swinging gate.

      bengkerengan to argue heatedly.

      bengkerok, mbengkerok (of skin) speckled and dirty.

      bengket a bundle of small things;

      mbengket or mbengketi to bundle s.t. in handful-sized bunches;

      bengketan (tied) in such bunches.

      bengkiyeng, mbengkiyeng 1 solid, firm, strong, muscular; 2 heavy to carry.

      bengkok ricefield assigned to the village head or officials as recompense for their services.

      béngkok reg var of bengkong.

      béngkong or mbéngkong curved, crooked, bent;

      mbéngkongaké to cause s.t. to