Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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I labour(er) (kr for buruh).

      II mberah reg plentiful, in abundance.

      berang large knife.

      béras ng, wos kr, uncooked rice; - kencur mixture of powdered raw rice and medicinal roots used for massaging; ­kuning rice coloured yellow with tumeric, usu served as ritual meal; ­wutah 1 a certain design of batik or decoration on a kris blade; 2 (of bullets) raining down; 3 (of modern furniture) having a multicoloured pebbled effect; ­panganen feeling bloated from eating half-cooked rice; - tuton hand-husked rice;

      beras wutah arang mulih marang takeré expr it's no use crying over spilt milk;

      dudu berasé ditempuraké expr to interrupt conversation in a wrong way.

      bérat see birat.

      bèrbudi generous. See bèr.

      bèrcak pockmarked.

      berci 1 a certain fine gauzy fabric; 2 spangle;

      bercèn clothing made of the above fabric.

      bercoh or bercuh 1 obscene (of speech); 2 confused.

      berdondi dispute (var of perdondi).

      berduli to care, heed (var of perduli).

      bereg, mbereg 1 to chase off, shoo; 2 to let (cattle) out to graze.

      bèrèk, mbèrèk 1 to slaughter, butcher; 2 to cut and rip open.

      berem soft and squashy (of fallen fruits).

      berem I light blue (of dyed indigo).

      II edge of a road.

      bereng I skin disease with red specks;

      berengen to suffer from such a skin disease.

      bèrès settled, in good order;

      mbèrèsi or mbèrèsaké to put in good order.

      berèt scratched;

      mberèt to scratch;

      mberèti to cause s.t. to be scratched;

      mberètaké to have s.t. to be scratched;

      keberèt to get scratched.

      bergada brigade, group (of soldiers). See also bregada.

      bergagah, mbergagah to stand with the legs wide apart (var of begagah). Also bregagah.

      bergajul playboy, wolf (var of begajul). Also bregajul.

      bergas or bregas having a fresh attractive appearance.

      bergasi or begasi 1 car boot; 2 freight transported by rail; 3 railway freight office; 4 goods van.

      bergedèl rissole. Also bregedèl.

      bergegeg, mbergegeg to remain motionless (var of begegeg). Also bregegeg.

      bergègèh, mbergègèh to stand with the legs slightly apart. Also bregègèh.

      bergigih, mbergigih 1 adamant in one's refusal to help; 2 var of bergègèh. Also bregigih.

      bergodog I mbergodog (of skin) covered with rash. Also bregodog.

      II mbergodog to massage the whole body.

      bergogok var of begogok. Also bregogok.

      berguguk var of beguguk. Also breguguk.

      bergundung, mbergundung obstinate, headstrong. Also bregundung.

      beri I eagle.

      II mberi 1 to join in a card game; 2 to toss in one's hand (in a card game).

      bèri 1 a gong without knobs; 2 serving-tray.

      bèri-bèri disease characterised by swollen limbs.

      berik or berikan (of goat, buffalo) to fight by locking horns; (of goat) to butt with the horns.

      bering disagreeable odour (of a certain fruit (jéngkol).

      béring 1 unbalanced, lopsided; 2 fig mentally unbalanced; 3 cross-eyed; 4 unfair.

      bent a variety of mouse which produces a bad smell when disturbed (clurut).

      beritan or buritan a small backyard planted with fruits and vegetables.

      berji silver leaf-shaped ornament sewn on a lady's dress.

      berkah blessings; - pangestu blessing from the elders;

      mberkahi to give one's blessings.

      berkakas equipment, necessities (var of bekakas).

      berkas, berkasan reg bundle, package.

      berkasakan jungle demon, jungle robber (var of bekasakan).

      berkat 1 food, blessed by a religious official, taken home from a ritual meal by the guests after they have eaten a portion of it; 2 blessing (reg var of berkah). mberkat to take home (food) from a ceremony;

      berkatan the food taken home from a ritual meal.

      berkecek, mberkecek to chatter (var of mbekecek). Also brekecek.

      berkèngkèng, mberkèngkèng having the legs spread wide apart (var of bekèngkèng). Also brekèngèng.

      bèrko electric bicycle lamp.

      berkongkong, mberkongkong to sit idly loafing (var of mbekongkong). See also brekongkong.

      berkuh, berkah-berkuh to keep complaining (var of bekah-bekuh, see bekuh).

      berkutut the barred ground-dove (var of perkutut).

      bèrlin 'Berlin-silver', white metal (var of barlèn).

      berliyan I diamond (var of barléyan).

      II a variety of wood good for carving.

      berngangang, mberngangang glowing, radiant (var of mbengangang).

      berngangas, mberngangas to laugh in a jeering tone (var of merngangas).

      berngèngèng I, mberngèngèng glowing, radiant (var of berngangang).

      II to keep crying softly.

      See also brengengeng.

      berok, mberok to shout;

      berak-berok to keep shouting.

      bérok see wedhus.

      bérong dirty streak on face; berongen (of lips) sore from too much lime in the betel quid (var of béngoren).

      berot, mberot to attempt to free o.s. from restraint.

      bersat or bresat, paring bersat spread about untidily. See also bresat.

      berselo, mberselo stubborn, unwilling to listen to others.

      bersih clean, cleansed, cleared; - desa traditional annual village event with ritual meal and performances, held after the harvest season;

      mbersihi to cleanse s.t. ritually;

      bebersih to clean graves and place offerings of flowers on them; cleanse o.s. ritually;

      bersihan beauty-case.

      bersot, mbersot to disregard others' wishes, advice or warnings.

      beruk coconut half-shell used as a measure for rice.

      berung, mbening obstinate, to disobey;

      pamberung obstinacy, disobedience.

      berut a scratch, scratched (var of barut).

      bérut see entut.

      besalèn a smithy, blacksmith's forge.

      bésan parent(s)-in-law of one's child;

      (be)bésanan to be in the mutual relationship of parents of a married couple.

      besaos reg kr for baé only,