of the Islamic calendar;
besaran feast-day occurring during the above month.
besaran mulberry fruit.
besasih, mbesasih or pating besasih messy, in disorder.
besasik messy (var of besasih).
besat, mbesat to fly away, take off suddenly
bèsèk small covered box of plaited bamboo.
besel or beselan a bribe;
mbeséli to bribe s.o.
beselat a certain system of self-defence. See also silat.
besem 1 gloomy, droopy; 2 withered, faded, wilted; 3 root form: subst kr for obong.
besén a variety of grass.
besengék a certain dish made of vegetables and soy sauce.
besengut, mbesengut to frown, scowl;
besengat-besengut to keep frowning.
bèsèr 1 to have to urinate frequently; 2 cr to urinate.
beseseg, mbeseseg bloated from overeating.
besèt peeled, scraped (of skin);
mbesèt to peel the rind (from), to skin, graze.
besi bowl (var of basi).
besik clean (of yard, garden); mbesiki to weed.
besilat a certain system of self-defence (var of beselat). See also silat.
besisik, mbesisik dried out and scaly (of skin).
besiwit, mbesiwit to cheat at cards.
besiyar out (walking, riding) for pleasure.
beskal a certain colonial administrative rank.
beskap short double-breasted jacket, worn by men.
beskuwit Dutch rusk.
beslah seizure, confiscation;
mbeslah to seize, confiscate;
beslahan booty, confiscated goods.
beslit 1 decree, letter of appointment; 2 official document of notification.
besmi to burn (root form: kr for obong).
besolé a certain tree.
besono, besona-besono or mbesono ill-mannered, boorish, rude.
besoso, mbesoso ill-mannered, crude.
besot, mbesot to clean (metal) by blowing flame on it.
besta I reg rope for handcuffing kr for banda);
mbesta to tie s.o.'s hands.
II to bake cake in a pan with sugar.
bestel to order by mail;
bestèlan merchandise sent by mail or railway;
mbestèlaké to send by mail or railway
bestik 1 steak; 2 any Western-style dish with meat and vegetables, e.g. bestik ayam chicken and vegetables.
bestrong I blunderbuss.
II wide-sleeved shirt.
bestru a creeper with cucumber-like edible fruits.
bestu realisation;
mbestu to realise a plan.
besturu slackness, carelessness;
kabesturon slack, careless.
besuk reg a field covered by volcanic ash, sand and stones carried down by water.
bésuk ng, bénjing kr, 1 in future; 2 next, coming;
bésuk-bésuk at some indefinite future time;
bésuk maneh next time, see suk I.
bésur, mbesur to do as one pleases without regard for others.
besus 1 neat and fine (dress, home); 2 to be fond of dressing well.
besusu the yam-bean, its tuberous root used medicinally
besut, mbesut 1 to refine, smooth out; 2 to press clothing; 3 to edit an article.
besuwel repr a quick tucking-in motion;
mbesuwelaké to tuck s.t. hastily.
bet repr a swift motion/action.
beta kr inf var of bekta.
betah I 1 to feel comfortable; 2 to endure;
mbetahi to cause to be endurable;
mbetah-mbetahake to persist in, persevere at;
betah-betahan to compete in endurance.
II need (kr for butuh).
betamal evidence, indication, sign.
betatung black maggot.
bètèh exchange of pleas in a court case;
mbètèhaké or ngadu bètèh to present arguments and counter-arguments in court.
bètèk I s.t. that has been used for some purpose.
II because of.
bètèng 1 fort(ification), bastion, rampart; 2 rook, castle (in chess); 3 brick walls surrounding a palace; jeron - the whole complex surrounded by a high brick wall (esp in Yogyakarta);
mbètèngi to fortify, function as a fort for;
bètèng-bètèngan imitation or toy fort.
bèter var of blèter.
bethak to boil rice (root form: kr for liwet).
bethara male deity (var of bathara).
bethari female deity (var of bathari).
bethat, mbethat to break loose suddenly from one's group.
bethèk I bamboo fence;
mbethèki to build a fence around s.t.; to fence s.t. in.
II var of bedhèk.
bèthèk baskets hanging at either end of a shoulder pole (pikulan) for carrying things.
bethem I seed of the kluwih fruit.
II mbethem having a round fat face.
bèthem, mbèthem to puff checks and clasp the lips tightly.
betheng, kebetheng or kebethengen to be stranded, esp by rain.
bèther, mbèther (of nose) large, broad; (of chin) fat, multiple.
bèthèt I a green parakeet;
mbèthèt (of nose) hooked.
II mbèthèti to clean a slaughtered animal by removing the insides.
bethèthèr, mbethèthèr or pating bethèthèr scattered about in disorder.
bethèthèt I, mbethethet tight.
II the whole time; sedina - the whole day.
bethèthèt var of bethethet.
bethik a certain edible freshwater fish.
bethithing, mbethithing narrow-waisted.
bethithit, mbethithit 1 tight-fitting; 2 all dressed up.
bétho, mbétho to whistle by blowing on the slit between the two palms pressed together.
bethok I 1 a certain fish; 2 a certain shape of a kris.
II mbethok to take out; - cèlèngan to take one's savings out of the piggy bank.
béthong, bethongan shirt resembling a short jacket.
bethot, mbethot to pull s.t. off, remove