Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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sound of an active volcano.

      bégod, mbegod stubbornly disobedient.

      bégog stupid person;

      mbegog to act stupidly, i.e. sit around staring blankly into space.

      begogok, mbegogok to sit completely motionless.

      begok a variety of bird.

      begondhal var of begundhal.

      begu to have a speech difficulty; to stammer (var of bega).

      beguguk, mbeguguk to stand one's ground, refuse to give in;

      mbeguguk ngutha waton to defy authority.

      begundhal yes-man, sycophant. Also begondhal.

      begupon pigeon-house (var of pagupon).

      beguron institution for religious and mystical training (var of paguron).

      bèh all (shtf of kabeh). See also barbèh.

      bèhèl reg very rich.

      bèi shtf of ngabèhi.

      beja var of begja.

      beja to say (subst kr for kandha);

      mbejani to say to s.o.;

      bebejan to speak to each other.

      bejaji, mbejaji to have worth.

      bejad 1 damaged, spoiled; 2 depraved, socially unacceptable;

      mbejad or mbejadi to wreck, tear to pieces;

      mbejadaké to cause s.t. to be wrecked.

      bejèr an eye disease, inflamed eyelids.

      bèji I pool, pond (for swimming or boating).

      II large-headed nail.

      III bèjèn jewelled.

      béjos capable, can, to be able.

      bejud, mbejud reg stubborn, headstrong.

      bejujag, mbejujag to please o.s., follow one's own ideas, not obey custom. See also jujag.

      bèk I adr aunt (var of bi).

      II back (football position).

      III reg headman of a residential area in town.

      IV reg maybe.

      V (pron as: mbèk) 1 possession, belonging (coll var of darbek); 2 together with. See also ambèk.

      VI (pron as: mbèk) to give up.

      VII (pron as: mbèk) chid sheep.

      béka (to be) a nuisance/hindrance;

      mbéka or mbékani fussy, hard to handle.

      bekakak 1 roasted chicken/duck; 2 sacrificed animal.

      bekakas 1 equipment, necessities; 2 parts/ materials of which s.t. is made.

      bekakrah, mbekakrah or pating bekakrah in disorder; scattered in a mess.

      bekakrak var of bekakrah; bekakrakan confused or disordered action.

      bekamal reg salted (var of kamai).

      bekangkang, mbekangkang to stand or lie with the legs spread wide apart.

      bekasakan 1 boorish behaviour; 2 jungle demon, evil spirit of the forest.

      bekatul very fine chaff produced by pounding rice. See also katul.

      bekecek, mbekecek to chatter, to talk copiously.

      bekécot a tree snail (var of bekicot).

      bèkel 1 low-ranking official at court; 2 village head.

      bèkèl jacks, knucklebones;

      bèkelan to play jacks.

      bèkèl 1 protrusion of the stomach; 2 a variety of fish.

      bekem, mbekem to clutch in the hand.

      bekeneng, bekenengan to engage in heated argument.

      bekengkeng, mbekengkeng unyielding, stubborn.

      bekèngkèng, mbekèngkèng to sit with the legs spread wide apart;

      mbekèngkèngaké to spread the legs wide apart. Also pekèngkèng.

      bekès, mbekès to spit (of cats).

      bekètrèk var of blekètrèk.

      bekicik, mbekicik 1 to quibble, fig talkative; 2 to argue habitually; 3 to cheat at cards.

      bekicot a tree snail.

      bekik, bekak-bekik to shriek repeatedly;

      mbekik to shriek;

      pating bekik or pating brekik pl to shriek.

      bekikuk crossbreed between a domestic chicken (pitik) and a certain hybrid chicken (bekisar).

      bekingking I a certain snail.

      II mbekingking very thin, emaciated.

      bekis, mbekis to spit (of cats) (var of bekès).

      bekisar crossbreed between a domestic chicken (pitik) and a wild chicken (ayam alas).

      bekisik, mbekisik (of skin) dried, cracking.

      bekita-bekitu or bekituan reg to rant in anger.

      bekiwit, mbekiwit to cheat at cards.

      bekok, mbekok 1 addicted (to), esp smoking; 2 (of tobacco leaves) badly formed; 3 ill-mannered.

      bekokrok, mbekokrok 1 loose, coming unbound; 2 worthless.

      bekong reg a measure, esp for raw rice or oil;

      mbekong to measure out (rice, oil).

      bekongkong, mbekongkong 1 to sit idly loafing; 2 to sit improperly with the legs apart on a chair; 3 var of bekungkung.

      bekos, mbekos to snort.

      beksa k.L for joged.

      bekta to carry bring, take (root form: kr for gawa).

      bekti 1 to have great respect/esteem (for); 2 one's respects (in opening or ending phrase of letters); 3 money or things given to a village head or in acknowledgement of his kindness;

      mbekteni to pay one's respects to, esteem for s.o.;

      ngabekti to pay one's respects to s.o.;

      ngabektèn occasion for showing one's respect by kissing the knee of an older person;

      pangabekti one's respects.

      bekucuk, mbekucuk to rinse one's mouth out.

      bekuh, mbekuh to complain by moaning;

      bekah-bekuh to keep complaining and moaning.

      bekuk, mbekuk 1 to bend; 2 to break a neck; 3 to capture, arrest;

      mbekuki to get s.o.'s money/property away from them.

      bekungkung I var of pekungkung.

      II cage-like tiger trap.

      bekunung, mbekunung stubborn, unwilling to defer to others.

      bekur, mbekur to coo.

      bekus var of bekis.

      bekusuk, mbekusuk old and faded.

      bektos subst kr for bekti.

      bektya lit var for bekti.

      bel repr puffing/flaring up.

      bela 1 to sacrifice o.s. in defence of s.o. or s.t.; 2 to have a joint circumcision (with another boy); - pati 1 to sacrifice one's life; 2 to join (another) in death;

      ndhèrèk - sungkawa to offer one's condolences; - tampa misunderstood;

      mbélani to defend, support;

      mbélakaké to sacrifice