Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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banyu apikulan warih fig to possess basic knowledge before studying s.t. difficult;

      nggarap banyu to have a menstrual period;

      ngubak-ubak banyu bening prov 'to stir up clean water'; to cause quite a stir;

      sedulur tunggal banyu prov a pupil of the same teacher (regarded as a brother);

      suwé banyu sinaring prov to do s.t. easily

      bapa father; - babu revered ancestor(s); ­ biyung parents; - paman uncle (parent's younger sibling); Bapa, Putra Ian Roh Suci Father, Son and Holy Ghost (see also bapak);

      mbapa to call s.o. father; to regard s.o. as a father;

      kebapan resembling one's father in nature;

      anak molah bapa kepradhah prov the father in trouble because of the conduct of his son.

      bapak ng, kr, rama hi. father; 2 adr, title older and/or higher-ranking male; ­ angkat foster father; - cilik uncle (parent's younger sibling) (see also paklik); - gedhe uncle (parent's older sibling) (see also pakdhe); - kuwalon stepfather; - pocung a tiny red beerie; mbapak to call s.o. father; to regard s.o. as a father;

      bapak(n)é adr husband (if the couple have children);

      bapak(n)é gendhuk/tholé my husband (oblique reference term);

      bapaké (bo)cah-(bo)cah ng, bapakipun laré-laré kr, my husband.

      bapang 1 signpost, signboard; 2 a certain classical dance performed by males; 3 obstacle;

      mbapang to stretch arms sideways;

      bapangan winged kite.

      bapem a small round metal badge, formerly used by village officials.

      baptis baptism;

      mbaptis to baptise;

      baptisan ceremony of baptising, baptism.

      bapuh reg solid, sturdily built (var of bakuh).

      bar shtf of bubar; 1 after; 2 finished, over; ngebaraké to finish;

      bar-baran completely finished;

      barji barbèh (shtf of bubar siji bubar kabèh) if one quits we all quit;

      ora bar-bar to keep on doing.

      bara I fringe hanging on either side of the belt buckle;

      mbara to attach a fringe to.

      II mbebara to travel around in search of a livelihood;

      mbara gawe ng, mbara darnel kr, holding a feast (e.g. wedding ceremony etc).

      III (banggi kr) (good) luck.

      IV a hundred million.

      V a certain type of fishing gear;

      pirangbara happily and unexpectedly;

      pecruk tunggu bara prov to be entrusted with s.t. of which one is very fond.

      bara-bara I ornamental fringe hanging on a belt worn by classical dancers.

      II reg do not expect even that much (s.t. less is likely).

      barah leprosy

      barak I age (group);

      barakan a contemporary;

      sabarakan of the same age group.

      II 1 temporary quarters for large numbers of people; 2 a house where ill people are quarantined.

      mbarak to quarantine (people).

      III mbarak to stand in a line/row;

      barak-barak in array, lined up.

      barang I 1 thing, goods, stuff; 2 article, object, ware; - dagangan merchandise; - larangan prohibited objects; 3 matter; 4 baggage, goods.

      II 1 basic gamelan scale; 2 certain notes of the 5 (slendro) and 7 (pelog) note scale; - miring gamelan scale, combining the 5 and 7 note scales; - gedhe gamelan octave.

      III mbarang to perform publicly for a living; - amuk to go on the rampage; - gawe to hold a party, usu to celebrate a wedding or circumcision; (or mbebarang) wirang fig to make a show of being embarrassed;

      barangan entertainment performed by travelling players.

      IV and things like that, and all that;

      ora barang... or anything;

      ora barang-barang it's nothing.

      V sabarang, sabarangan anyone, anything (see also sembarangan).

      barat I strong west wind occurring usu during the rainy season.

      II baratan reg common property (of village ricefields).

      barbèh see bar.

      barèh I borah-barèh in disorder, dis­arranged, scattered.

      II mbarèhi reg to become more serious (of disease, pain).

      III barèhan friend about the same age. See also barakan I.

      barèk 1 reg (together) with; 2 while. See also bari.

      bareng 1 together; 2 when, as soon as; 3 whereas, while;

      mbarengi 1 to accompany. 2 to coincide with;

      mbarengake 1 to cause s.t. or allow s.o. to accompany; 2 to cause s.t. to coincide with;

      barengan 1 or bareng-bareng or bebarengan together (with); 2 a companion;

      kebarengan to come together unintentionally.

      barèng reg a small gong (var of bendhe).

      barep, mbarep or pambarep rig, mbajeng or pambajeng kr, pambayun k.i. first­ born child, oldest child; - urip oldest living child.

      barès 1 simple, plain, unaffected; 2 straightforward, without airs or embellishments; -

      kurès plain and honest; (to say) straightforwardly;

      mbarèsi to tell s.t. plainly.

      bari or mbari var of barèk;

      barinan reg var of barengan.

      baribin lit assault on the ears (var of bribin).

      barih, mbarihi to change for the worse (of disease, pain). See also barèh II.

      barik var of barèk.

      baring reg 1 a fool; 2 rude.

      baris I 1 to march; 2 marching people or soldiers; - pendhem (to make) a secret march; - baris see pacak;

      mbarisi to guard with a line of marchers;

      mbarisake to have (people) line up;

      barisan ranks, line of marchers, brigade, troops.

      II rooster feather from the neck or tail.

      III package to be carried by hand.

      barji see bar.

      barkah or berkah blessing, good wishes, prayers.

      barkat var of berkat.

      barkas, barkasan wrapped bundle. See berkas.

      barlèn 'Berlin silver', white metal, pewter.

      barléyan 1 diamond; 2 a variety of timber of good quality

      barlin var of barlen.

      barliyan var of barleyan.

      baro, baro-baro a white rice porridge with coconut sugar and grated coconut in the middle, served at ceremonies.

      baron see baru.

      barong 1 name; 2 tassel, fringe; 3 a giant-king character type;

      barongan 1 thorny bushes growing around bamboo stalks; 2 a show featuring a man dressed as a monster; the