Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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a tool pocket; 2 bundle of tied grass for roof thatch.

      III mbajing to drive an ox-cart.

      IV mbajing to rob, to steal;

      bajingan 1 scoundrel, gangster; 2 thief, crook; 3 term of abuse.

      bajisan reg hostility, enmity.

      bajo lit pirate.

      bajong I mbajong to splash water, esp by stamping in a puddle;

      mbajongi to wet s.t. by stamping in a puddle;

      bajongan a splash by stamping in a puddle.

      II bajongan to chip in to buy s.t.

      bajra lit 1 jewel; 2 5-pointed spear; 3 lightning, thunderbolt.

      bajug, mbajug ill-mannered.

      bajul crocodile; - buntung 1 playboy, womaniser, molester of women; 2 term of abuse; - dharat 1 woman-chaser, wolf; 2 crook, criminal;

      mbajul to chase women, womanise, flirt;

      bajul lali marang salirane prov to forget one's humble origins.

      bak I or baké reg I'll..., let us, come on!

      II ngebak to dig over, clean up.

      III reg strip of ground into which a field of sugarcane is divided.

      IV 1 trough, watertank; 2 box (seat for coachman); 3 seat (in an andong); 4 shelf.

      V Chinese ink.

      VI (pron as: mbak) 1 elder sister; 2 adr for girl or lady older than o.s.

      bakar cooked by roasting;

      mbakar 1 to burn; 2 to set on fire; 3 to roast s.t. over coals;

      mbakari to burn up;

      bakaran 1 roasted, burned; 2 roaster, roasting equipment;

      pambakar act of roasting;

      kebakaran to get burnt accidentally.

      bakaran to play baccarat; baccarat.

      bakat strong. See bangkat.

      bakbakan distraught.

      bakda 1 after; 2 day of celebration at end of the Fasting Month; 3 ended, finished (of work); - dheng the first moment after the Fasting Month signalled by mosque drums; - mulud 4th month of the Islamic calendar;

      bakdan to celebrate at end of the Fasting Month; to wear new clothing on that day;

      sabakdané after.

      baken main, essential, basic (opt hr for baku).

      baki serving-tray.

      bakmi a Chinese dish made with noodles.

      bakmoé a Chinese dish made with rice and beancake.

      bakmoi var of bakmoé.

      bako, mbako tobacco (shtf of tembako).

      bakoh reg var of bakuh.

      bakon see baku.

      baku 1 main, essential, basic; 2 ricefield given to a village head instead of salary; - karang villager who owns a house and yard but no ricefields; - kebo one who carries out his job with his buffalo; ­omah home owner; - pajeg land tax; ­ sawah 1 one who has part ownership of a ricefield; 2 portion of a ricefield subject to tax; wong - home owner, permanent resident;

      mbakoni 1 to back financially; 2 to be the responsible person behind (s.t.); to supply s.o.'s basic needs;

      bakon having the right to own a ricefield in a village;

      bakuné basically, normally;

      bebaku basis, foundation.

      bakuh 1 solid, sturdily built; 2 reg determined.

      bakul 1 market seller; 2 trader in agricultural products; 3 basket (reg var of wakul); - ojogan itinerant peddler; - rombeng(an) old-clothes man, second-hand dealer; - tikus peddler unlucky from not having enough capital; - timpuh sedentary market seller; - wade batik goods seller;

      mbakuli to buy (goods) from a middleman to sell retail;

      mbakulake to have s.o. sell (goods handled by a middleman) retail;

      bakulan 1 or bebakulan act of selling in the marketplace; 2 to play solitaire.

      bakula a certain flower.

      bakung a certain flower.

      bakwan a cornfritter-like food, made with shrimp added.

      bakyak a type of wooden sandal.

      bakyu (pron as: mbakyu) 1 elder sister; 2 adr for girl or lady older than o.s.

      bal I 1 ball;- blèter a soccer ball; 2 light bulb;

      bal-balan (to play) soccer; a soccer game or match.

      II roll, bolt (of fabric); bale (of tobacco etc);

      ngebali to pack in bolts/bales;

      balbalan in the form of bolts/bales.

      III railway warning signal.

      bala I 1 army, troops; 2 team-mate; one on the same side; -koswa lit army, troops; ­ pecah breakable things: crockery, dishes and glasses; -srewu way magical power to transform o.s. into a huge giant with a thousand heads;

      mbala to take sides with.

      II name of the 25 th wuku.

      balabag lit 1 board; 2 one who is responsible for s.t. See blabag.

      balabak name of a metre and melody of a classical song (tembang tengahan).

      balabar, mbalabar lit to overflow See blabar II.

      Baladéwa elder brother of Kresna;

      Baladewa ilang gapité 'B. has lost his clamp'; to lose one's power or authority; totally powerless.

      balak I (of fruit) to fall from the tree before ripening;

      mbalak to cancel, avoid, reject, send s.o. back.

      II a domino with an equal number of dots.

      balang thrown;

      mbalang to throw; - tingal or - liring to cast a glance, flirt;

      mbalangi to throw tofat;

      mbalangake to throw s.t.;

      balangan 1 the act of throwing; 2 part of wedding ceremonies in which small bunches of betel leaves held by bride and groom are thrown to each other at the moment they meet: whoever throws first will be the dominant partner;

      balang-balangan to throw to each other;

      bebalang lit messenger; pambalang 1 the act of throwing; 2 a measure of distance;

      sapambalang a stone's throw

      balap racing; montor - racing car;

      mbalap to speed;

      mbalapaké to make s.t. go fast;

      balapan a race, a racecourse; to race.

      balas a weight for holding or steadying s.t.; ballast.

      balé 1 hall, public building; - désa village administration building; - kambang an artificial island with a pavilion (reached by a bridge or walkway) in the centre of a pool surrounded by gardens; 2 front hall of a residence, used for entertaining; - agung a large front hall; - sigala-gala fire-trap, house like a tinder box (referring to a wayang episode in which the Pandhawas were to be burned alive in a house of lac).

      balèg 1 to become an adult (see akil); 2 to have become accustomed, to know best;

      mbalèg mature.

      balék reg var of balik.

      baléla rebellion;
