Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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      bab 1 about, concerning, on (the subject of); 2 subject matter; 3 chapter (of book);

      ngebabi to group into chapter headings on;

      ngebabake to explain the cause of a happening.

      babad I history, chronicle;

      mbabad to record the history of.

      II or mbabad or mbabadi to clear land by cutting growth;

      babadan 1 land where the trees have been felled; cleared land; 2 mown; 3 reg inherited land or field.

      III see babat.

      babag I the equal of; a match for;

      sababag of the same age or quality.

      II babagan 1 field, area; 2 landing-place on a river bank.

      babah I 1 Indonesian-Chinese male; 2 (or bah) title, reference term for Indo-Chinese male; - buyut adr elderly Chinese person; 3 or - njengkelit or ­ njungkir to do a somersault (children's game).

      II or babahan reg occasion;

      mbabah to make a hole under a wall (of thief);

      babahan 1 a hole through the wall foundation; 2 lit opening of the body;

      nutupi babahan nawa sanga to close the nine body openings, fig to restrain all carnal desires.

      babak I skinned, bruised, scratched; ­ belur, - bundhas or - bunyak black and blue; skinned and bruised;

      mbabak 1 to peel a tree (trunk); 2 reg to rub with pieces of bark, to anoint with tree bark oil;

      babakan 1 bark, peel; - kayu wood shavings.

      II (or babakan) scene from a play or stanza from a song, performed for hire by travelling entertainers;

      sababak a part of a play; one scene.

      III babakan reg a new settlement.

      babak-salu a certain large centipede.

      babal I (or mbabal) to get loose, slip out.

      II a very young jackfruit.

      babar I 1 birth (k.i.for lair);

      mbabar or babaran to give birth (k.i. for nglairake);

      babaran birth; to be born (k.i. for lair).

      II to proliferate.

      III unfolding; opening out; - layar billowing sail;

      mbabar 1 to unfold, open out, uncover;

      - wadi to reveal a secret; 2 to print, distribute (newspaper, book etc);

      babaring lelakon the unfolding of a life story;

      babaran product, output.

      IV mbabar to dye batik;

      babaran dyeing of batik;

      pambabar the way of dyeing batik.

      babar pisan altogether, completely;

      mbabarpisani to do s.t. all at once;

      mbabarpisanake 1 to do more than one thing at a time; 2 to finish s.t. off completely.

      babat I tripe (as food); - galeng, sumping, - tawon various portions of the animal intestine, producing various forms of tripe.

      II wingka babat a cake made from sticky rice flour (see also wingka).

      babi 1 pig; 2 name of one of the small playing-cards (hertu cilik);

      babèn pig husbandry.

      babit, mbabit to swing/slash at;

      mbabitaké to swing s.t.;

      kebabit to get slashed off;

      babitan act of swinging s.t.

      bablas 1 gone, vanished; 2 direct, unswerving; 3 accomplished; 4 advanced;

      mbablasake to send forward, continue, pass on;

      kebablasen to go too far inadvertently.

      babo excl of anger or defiance; - majua oho, come on!

      babon I 1 female animal mate; animal that has reproduced, esp a hen; mother hen (see also babu); - angrem a certain batik pattern.

      II manuscript; original.

      III capital (to be invested).

      babrag I mbabrag (of males) having become mature.

      II babragan rack for storing earthenware.

      babrah, mbabrah to expand, increase.

      babrak, mbabrak to spread, widen.

      babral, mbabral to trim, cut off, prune (plants).

      babu 1 female servant to a (foreign) family; 2 lit mother; - Hawa Eve (mother of mankind).

      babud see babut.

      babuh var of babo.

      babuk, mbabuk reg 1 to chase (of animals); 2 to butt with the horns.

      babut I mbabut reg to extract, pull out. II carpet, mat.

      bacek muddy; boggy;

      kebaceken waterlogged.

      bacem or baceman food partly steamed, then finished by frying; tahu - soybean cake cooked as above (see also tahu); mbacem to cook as above.

      bacin foul-smelling, rotten; amis - s.t. wrong, trouble (see also amis);

      mbacin-mbacini to cause s.t. to be foul-smelling;

      bacin-bacin iwak, ala-ala sanak (traditional rhyme) even though he's no good, he's still a relative.

      bacira lit open field, plain, raised floor.

      bacok a jab (with sharp tool);

      bacok-bacok to strike or chop at repeatedly;

      mbacok to strike, slash;

      mbacoki to hit with sharp tool; to slash many objects;

      mbacokake to use s.t. sharp for hitting;

      bacokan gash; gashing; act of hitting with s.t. sharp;

      bacok-bacokan to hit each other with a sharp weapon.

      bacot cr mouth;

      mbacot cr to speak, talk.

      bacuk reg var of bacok.

      bacut 1 var of banjur; 2 var of bacot;

      mbacut straight ahead;

      mbacutake to continue;

      kebacut (now that it's) too late;

      kebacuten to go too far inadvertently.

      bada I var of bakda.

      II bebada (of babies in the womb) to begin to be born.

      badal I 1 one who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca; 2 reg representative, substitute.

      II mbadal or mbadali to disregard;

      prentah to avoid an order.

      badalah excl boo! hallo!

      badan I 1 body (kr for awak); - alus ghost, spirit; - sepata all alone in the world; - wadhag body, physical embodiment; bebadan corporation, agency, executive body, institute.

      II var of bakdan.

      badhar 1 disclosure, revelation; 2 to return to one's original form;

      mbadharaké 1 to cause to fail; 2 to restore magically to one's original form;

      kebadharan to have one's intention discovered; to be caught out.

      badhé I 1 will, want (to) (hr for arep); 2 going to (do) (kr