1 to turn the face aside, e.g. in disapproval; 2 to disregard s.o.'s wishes.
bengkowang a certain edible juicy tuber.
bengkoyok a skin disease characterised by running sores;
bengkoyoken to suffer from such a skin disease.
bengkrèh or bèngkrehan to dispute, quarrel, squabble.
bengkrès, mbengkrès reg to look smart; finely dressed.
bengkrik var of bengkrèk.
bengkring thin and sickly;
bengkringen to suffer from a certain wasting disease, consumptive.
bengkrung or mbengkrung bent, curved (of the human back), (var of bangkrung).
bengkuk or mbengkuk bent, crooked, curved;
mbengkukaké to cause s.t. to bend.
bengkung I long cotton band worn around the abdomen by women after childbirth, to hold the muscles firm;
mbengkungi to put a long cotton band on s.o. after childbirth;
bengkungan wearing a band around the body after childbirth.
II (or mbengkung) bent, curved, twisted (var of bengkuk);
mbengkungaké to shape into an arc.
benglé a medicinal root of the ginger family;
mbenglé resembling such a herb;
keris (of skin) resembling the colour of the cut root, pale yellow.
bengok a shout, shouting, yelling;
bengok-bengok or bengak bengok to shout repeatedly;
mbengok to shout, yell;
mbengoki to shout at, call to;
mbengokaké to shout s.t.;
pating brengok pl to shout, keep cheering and screaming.
bengong 1 dazed, stupefied; 2 become stunned (with open mouth).
béngor, béngoren (of lips) sore from too much lime in the betel quid.
béngos, béngas-béngos (of face) streaked with dirt.
bèngsèng reg gangster, crook, thief.
benguk a certain variety of bean; témpé bean-cake made from a certain bean (see témpé).
bengung, mbengung to produce a shrill buzzing or humming sound.
bengus, mbengus to snort.
benik button; - thik or - cethèt or - cèples press-stud;
mbeniki to sew buttons on (clothing);
mbenikaké to button (clothing);
benikan 1 buttoning; 2 (clothing) with buttons.
bening 1 clear, transparent, pure; 2 weak (of liquids);
mbeningaké to make s.t. clear;
bening banyu leri very turbid; even rice-washing water is clearer.
bénjang 1 lit future, next; 2 subst var of bénjing.
benjet, mbenjet to pull s.t. to right and left.
benji reg to feel enervated; lacking strength.
bénjing future, next (kr for besuk, suk).
bénjis reg can, to be able, capable.
benjit reg piglet.
bénjo oval, elliptical.
bénjoh var of benjuh.
bénjol 1 lump, bump; 2 (or mbenjol) bruised, swollen, misshapen;
bénjolan swelling, lump;
bénjal-bénjol bumpy, lumpy.
bènjrèt, mbènjrèt to have diarrhoea.
bénjuh reg can, to be able, capable.
benjut 1 lump on the head resulting from a blow; 2 squashy (of fruits).
bentar lit split in two; to crack open.
bentayang, bentayangan 1 to go every where in quest of a livelihood; 2 to writhe in pain.
bèntel bundle of rice seedlings ready for planting.
bènten different (hr for beda).
bèntèng reg var of bètèng.
bentèr hot (hr for panas);
bentèran a hot drink (hr for wédang).
bentet 1 the exact amount; 2 completely filled.
benthet cracked but not broken through;
benthetan a cracked part of something.
benthik 1 a children's game played by batting away a short stick with a long stick; 2 knocking each other; 3 fig to clash;
mbenthik to knock, hit against;
kebenthik to get knocked against;
benthikan 1 knocking each other (of two hard items); 2 to clash.
benthot sturdy, muscular.
benthuk or benthukan to collide;
mbenthuk to collide against;
mbenthukaké to collide head on;
kebenthuk to get tossed against.
benthung I strong, muscular.
II ape with long black hair.
benthut sturdy, muscular (var of benthot).
bentil dedicated, devoted; tani - dedicated farmer (see tani II).
benting reg woman's sash;
mbentingi to put a sash on s.o.;
bentingan to wear a sash.
bentis a certain fruit, often made into a drink for stomachache (reg var of pacé I).
bentoyong, mbentoyong 1 (of burdens) many and heavy to carry; 2 to be a heavy burden or extra responsibility.
bentrok to clash;
bentrokan 1 clash, confrontation; 2 to clash with each other.
bentul a variety of tuber.
bentur I severe, rigorous (var of gentur);
mbentur to do s.t. rigorously.
II mbentur to hit;
mbenturi 1 to hit s.t. repeatedly; 2 to throw stones at;
mbenturaké to strike s.t. (against);
kebentur to get hit.
bentus, mbentus to bump;
mbentusi to bump repeatedly against;
mbentusaké to bump s.t. (against);
kebentus to get a bump on the head.
bènyèk (of wounds) watery and infected.
benyènyèh (of wounds) watery and infected;
benyènyèhen or pating benyènyèh (of skin) covered with small infected sores.
benyinyih var of benyenyeh.
benyunyuk, benyunyukan or benyunyakbenyunyuk ill-mannered, boorish.
ber or mak ber repr flight through the air;
bar-ber repr repeated flights.
bèr, bèrbudi generous.
bera fallow, unproductive land;
mbera empty (of one of the hollows where seeds should be, in the game of dhakon);
mberakaké to allow (land) to lie fallow;