Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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2 king's name given at a consecration.

      abjad 1 alphabet (Arabic or Latin); 2 alphabetical order.

      ablah, ngablah-ablah 1 wide open; 2 to sleep sprawled on one's back.

      ablak, ngablak 1 to open the mouth wide; 2 to blab; 3 to talk senselessly;

      ngablak-ablak wide open;

      ngablakake to leave s.t. wide open. See blak, eblak.

      abon I shredded meat that has been boiled and fried.

      II s.o. who is paid as part time labour (of cigarette home industry).

      III reg offering; kebo - buffaloes offered for ritual ceremonies (see also kebo); yatra - money to buy a buffalo for religious offering (see also yatra).

      abon-abon variety of side-dishes for ceremonial meals.

      abong-abong reg just because.

      abor rotten (of egg).

      abot ng, awrat kr, heavy, hard, weighty; ­ènthèng degree of weight; - sanggané fig to be unable to oppose s.o. (of competition etc); to have difficulty supporting s.o.; tembako - strong tobacco (see also tembako); lakon - a profound drama (see also lakon, laku); ngabotaké to consider (more) important.

      See bot, bobot.

      abra glittering, sparkling.

      abrag or abrag-abrag 1 household articles, utensils; 2 lumber, junk;

      diabrag (of clothing, shoes etc) intended for everyday or ordinary use;

      abragan 1 household utensils; 2 junk, worn-out articles.

      abreg plentiful;

      abreg-abregan to be piled up;

      saabreg-abreg in heaps.

      See also ambreg II.

      abrik, ngobrak-abrik to turn upside down;

      mobrak-mabrik in disarray; in utter disorder.

      abrit red (kr for abang).

      absah 1 valid; 2 paid up.

      absara god, deity.

      absari goddess, female deity.

      abuh swollen, puffy;

      ngabuh-abuhi to be swollen (of wound, corpse).

      abuk I 1 power (reg var of bubuk); 2 manure, fertiliser (reg var of rabuk).

      II ngabuk 1 to claim possession of s.t. one does not own; 2 to obtain merchandise without paying for it.

      abul, ngabul-abul or ngobal-abul to scatter;

      mabul-mabul or mobal-mabul scattered all over the place.

      abur flight through the air;

      ngaburaké 1 to let s.t. fly away; 2 to fly (an aeroplane);

      mabur to fly up, fly away; montor ­aeroplane.

      See also bur.

      abyagata, ngabyagata lit to set to work.

      abyor to twinkle;

      mabyor twinkling, sparkling, shining.

      acak, ngacak 1 reg to try, make an effort (var of cacak); 2 begin to do s.t.; 3 to flood;

      kacakan 1 to be flooded; 2 to get (what others get).

      acala lit mountain.

      acar I pickles; - bawang garlic pickles; - bening uncooked pickles; - mateng cooked pickles; ngacar 1 to make (into) pickles; 2 to become pickles.

      II ngacar 1 to thrust, lunge; 2 to make preparations for; 3 to share. See also ancar.

      acara 1 programme; 2 item of a programme;

      ngacarani to welcome with s.t.;

      pangacara master of ceremonies.

      aceng, ngaceng to have an erection;

      ngacengan lascivious, lustful.

      acir, ngacir 1 to stand alone and look high (of tree); 2 to run away;

      ngocar-acir 1 to scatter around untidily; 2 to squander;

      kocar-kacir strewn all about, in disarray.

      aco, ngaco to talk claptrap, talk without knowing what one is talking about.

      acuk var of aceng.

      acum pale in the face (because of illness). See also celom.

      acung, acung-acung to point at, point out;

      ocang-acung to point out repeatedly, to keep raising one's hand;

      ngacung to raise the hand;

      ngacungi or ngecungi 1 to point at/to s.t.; 2 cr to offer s.t;

      ngacungaké 1 to raise, lift; 2 to appoint s.o. as a representative;

      acungan 1 substitute, representative; 2 act of raising the hand.

      ada I time of scarcity;

      ngadani 1 to start first; 2 to originate, initiate; 3 to inspect, direct, maintain.

      II palm leaf rib (var of sada).

      ada-ada 1 central vein of leaf or feather; 2 support, prop; 3 a certain Javanese script punctuation mark used at the beginning of a sentence (see also adegadeg); 4 a certain kind of song in a wayang performance to create atmosphere in a scene; to sing a song as above; 5 to initiate;

      mangada-ada lit to stand on end like palm leaf ribs.

      adab good manners, civilised conduct.

      adabiyah var of adangiyah.

      adaini a major artery in the neck, arms or legs.

      adan I a call to prayer; to recite the call to prayer.

      II ngadani 1 to inspect, organise (of work); 2 to maintain. See also dandan.

      adang to cook rice by steaming;

      ngadangaké to steam rice for s.o.;

      adangan or dang-dangan cooked rice or other kinds;

      padang cook (specifically for rice);

      padangan kitchen, specially for cooking rice;

      saadang sapanginang fig in as short a time as it takes to cook rice or chew betel;

      Pandhawa madangaké sibling combination, consisting of five brothers and one sister. See also dang.

      adangiyah opening salutation of a letter.

      adas fennel; lenga - fennel oil, sometimes used for stomachache; sembur-sembur adas fig blessing conveyed by old people to a child by blowing on the head (see also sembur).

      adat 1 traditional patterns of behaviour; 2 (or adaté) usually, customarily; ­ kalumrahan traditional custom; ­ pakulinan habit, usage; - saben usual, customary; -

      tatacara social norms, customs and manners; - waton traditional law or custom, social norms;

      ngadat 1 var of adat; 2 to make a habit of, do customarily; 3 troublesome, to keep giving the same problem;

      padatan 1 habit, usage, custom; 2 usually, customary

      adawiyah var of adangiyah.

      adeg 1 founding; 2 act of setting up; 3 standing; 4 (or adegan) scene (in a play);

      adeg-adeg 1 mainstay, supporting prop; 2 a Javanese script punctuation mark at the beginning of a sentence; ­ antep (kantep) (of babies) to keep falling when trying to stand;

      saka 1 to stand motionless as a pillar; 2 (of tops) to spin on one spot and look motionless;

      ngadeg, jumeneng k.i. to stand;
