Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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keep cracking. Also clèther.

      cethèt 1 or mak cethèt repr turning an electric switch or pressing a stud;

      cethèt-cethèt or cethat-cethet to keep snapping the thumb against the middle finger;

      nyethèti to make a soft sound (to a bird) by snapping as above, to encourage it to sing;

      cethètan 1 a bird that sings only when stimulated as described above; 2 an electric switch.

      cèthèt repr bursting open;

      nyèthèt to cause to burst open by squeezing or pressing. See also mecèthèt.

      cethethek, nyethethek silent and huddled up with cold;

      pating cethethek pl as above.

      cethetheng, nyethetheng standing around doing nothing rather than working at a job; pating cethetheng pl as above.

      cethèthès, nyethèthès speaking fluently.

      cethèthèt a small bird of the wagtail family, flycatcher.

      cethèthol, cethetholen to stutter, stammer.

      cèthi a female servant at court, hand­maiden.

      cethik I hip, pelvic bone.

      II to ignite; - geni to light a fire;

      nyethikaké to get a fire blazing; fig to stir up s.t. that had quietened down.

      cethil I stingy, tightfisted.

      II (pron as: cethi:1) or mak cethil repr a tug, jerk;

      nyethil to pull s.t. out with a sudden jerk.

      cething a small bowl-shaped basket for serving rice;

      nyethingi to hold a ceremony for a woman seven months pregnant with her first child;

      cethingan (rice placed) in a serving basket.

      cethit or mak cethit repr a pinch; a snap; a click;

      kecethit 1 out of joint, sprained; 2 to make a slip of the tongue. See also cethèt.

      cethithèt reg pickle, brine, salt water.

      cethithis, nyethithis crouching shivering with cold, esp when wet;

      pating cethithis pl as above.

      cétho I blind.

      II a certain small freshwater fish.

      céthok a bricklayer's trowel;

      nyéthok to dip and apply (mortar) with a trowel.

      cethol or mak cethol repr a bird pecking.

      céthong reg rice ladle (var of centhong). See also énthong.

      cethor var of cethèr.

      cethot a pinch;

      nyethot to pinch and twist flesh;

      nyethoti to pinch and twist flesh repeatedly;

      cethotan act of pinching; a pinch.

      cethuk I (pron as: cethu:k) or mak cethuk repr a knock; bal - reg tennis ball (see also bal I).

      II or kecethuk coll to meet s.o. See also pethuk II.

      cethunthung, cethunthungan unhandy.

      cethus, capable; ora - incapable.

      cethut or mak cethut repr a cracking of joints;

      nyethuti to crack one's joints by pulling the fingers.

      cethuthuk, cethuthukan or cethuthakcethuthuk lackadaisical, without energy;

      nyethuthuk bumbling, fumbling.

      cethuthur, nyethuthur to remain silent and motionless;

      pating cethuthur pl remaining silent and motionless.

      cethuthut, nyethuthut or cethuthatcethuthut having a morose expression.

      cèwèh, cèwèhan gutter, gully, water drainage.

      cèwèk reg a whiner, weeper; to cry easily; - gambrèng cry-baby.

      cèwèng I, nyeweng to pull s.t. toward o.s. (var of cènèng).

      II a card game played with the Chinese cards (kertu cilih).

      cewèni a kind of white muslin (var of caweni).

      cèwèr reg var of cuwèr.

      cèwèt incomplete, lacking or missing s.t.

      cewèwèk see cuwèwèk.

      cewiwi reg wing (var of suwiwi).

      céwok ng, kr, cawik k.i. to clean o.s. with the left hand and water after urinating or defecating;

      nyewoki to clean s.o. as above.

      céwol or mak cewol repr getting a firm grip on s.t.;

      nyéwol to grasp in the fingers. See also cuwol.

      céyos, nyéyos to pour water onto. See ceos.

      ci 1 10 cents (during the colonial period); 2 a measure of opium (= one catty).

      ciblèk a certain small bird.

      ciblok var of ceblok.

      ciblon or ceciblon to make 'music' by slapping the surface of water rhythmically in unison (children playing).

      ciblung, ciblungan var of ciblon.

      cibuk reg object used for ladling or scooping. See also cidhuk.

      cibur see cebur.

      cicig see cicik.

      cicik to have a small appetite.

      cicil, nyicil or nicil 1 to pay in installments; to buy on credit; 2 to do bit by bit in advance;

      nyicilaké 1 to buy on credit on behalf of s.o.; 2 to spend the money for buying s.t. in installments;

      cicilan loan repaid in installments; installment paid on a debt;

      panyicil paying out in installments.

      cicip, nyicipi ng, kr, ngedhapi k.i. 1 to taste; 2 fig to try out;

      cicip-cicip to taste food during its preparation to check the spices. See also icip.

      cicir missing, lacking.

      cicrik, nyicrik to examine one by one.

      cicut almond-eyed. See also cithut.

      cidhal var of cédhal, célad.

      cidhuk object used for ladling or scooping;

      nyidhuk to ladle or scoop (water); fig to arrest for criminal or political causes;

      nyidhuki to keep scooping;

      nyidhukaké 1 to use s.t. for scooping (water); 2 to scoop (water) for s.o.

      cidra lit untrue, deceitful, disloyal;

      nyidra to kill for revenge; - asmara to commit adultery with s.o.;

      nyidrani 1 to betray, be disloyal to; 2 to murder treacherously, assassinate;

      cinidra lit betrayed, deceived.

      cig excl quiet! down, dog!

      ciglog see ciglok.

      ciglok reg var of ceblok.

      ciha-ciha see ciya-ciya.

      cihna lit sign, indication, evidence;

      kacihna it's obvious that; shown, made clear or evident. See also pracihna.

      cik reg var of cikbèn.

      cikal 1 sprouting coconut (for planting); 2 - bakal founder of a village or settlement (var of cakal-bakal);

      cikalan small pieces of coconut left after grating a large piece;

      cikalen reg stiff(ened) as a result