Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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1 a certain leech (in a cow's nose); 2 penis.

      cem, cem-ceman coconut oil hair preparation.

      cèm excl mine! (word by which children lay claim to s.t.);

      ngecèmi to claim s.t. by calling cèm!

      cemak, nyemak to touch, feel.

      cemani 1 dark in skin colour; 2 intsfr dark, black; ireng - jet black; pitch black.

      cemara I a certain evergreen tree, casuarina.

      II 1 false hair worn by ladies in a knot; 2 a horsehair brush for sweeping.

      cèmbèng a special day of cemetery-cleaning and prayer held by the Chinese. See also cèngbèng.

      cembring reg desolate, deathly still.

      cembuk reg a big boar.

      cembung curved; dome-shaped; chubby (of cheeks).

      cemburu jealous; envious;

      cemburuan 1 having a jealous nature; 2 excessively jealous of one's spouse.

      cémé I a game played with the Chinese cards (kertu cilik). See also jéméh I.

      II or keceme a certain edible fruit.

      cemedhing reg a cooked vegetable salad with hot spiced peanut dressing. See also pecel.

      cèmèh see cèmè.

      cemek, nyemek with a fair amount of water, fairly wet.

      cemèk reg lamb; kid (young of the wedhus). See also cempé.

      cememek, nyememek dirty and watery; pating cememek pl as above.

      cemèmèk cr female genitals.

      cememet, nyememet or cememetan to chase after girls.

      cemèmrèng, nyemèmrèng threadbare.

      cemendhil pellet-shaped animal droppings. See also temendhil.

      cemeng black (kr for ireng I);

      cemengan 1 opium (kr for candu); 2 kr for Wagé.

      cemèng kitten (young of the kucing).

      cemer soggy, messy, muddy;

      nyemeri or nyemer-nyemeri to cause to be soggy.

      cemera reg dog.

      cèmèt, nyèmèt to drag (boat) with a rope.

      cemethi ng, kr tembung k.i. whip, riding crop;

      nyemethi, nyemethèni to whip with a riding crop.

      cemil I nyemil to eat snacks; cemilan snacks.

      II sacemil a little bit.

      cemimi, cemima-cemimi speaking softly but distinctly;

      pating cemimi pl as above.

      cemimik cr female genitals (var of cèmèmek).

      cemiming, cemimingan to walk carefully from fear.

      cemindrikan (to hold a party) on a small scale.

      cemirik reg puppy (young of the asu).

      cemit, sacemit a tiny bit.

      cemlèk, nyemlèk damp, moist.

      cemlik var of cemit.

      cemo-e a sweet hot drink made from coconut milk, sugar, bread and slices of coconut.

      cemok, nyemok to touch with the hand. See also demok.

      cemol, nyemol to grasp with the fingers.

      cemomong var of cremomong.

      cemot repr snatching.

      cémot I or mak cémot repr drawing s.o. into one's arms against the chest;

      nyémot repr to carry tightly against the chest.

      II cemot-cemot (of face) smeared from eating.

      Cempa Champa, a former kingdom in Indo-China; - rowa a children's game; pari - the plant that produces short-grained rice.

      cempad decision, judgment; opinion;

      nyempad reg to decide that s.t. is bad, reject.

      cempaka frangipani (var of campaka).

      cémpal leaf for picking up s.t. dirty. See also timpal.

      cempala wooden mallet used for producing sound effect and music signals during shadow-play performances;

      nyempala to rap with the above on the wooden puppet chest;

      nyempalani to hit.

      cempaluk young tamarind fruit.

      cempé lamb; kid (young of the wedhus);

      cempéning Allah Lamb of God;

      nyempé kèri to bleat like a lamb/kid.

      cempèd see cempèt.

      cempedhak a certain variety of jackfruit.

      cèmpèh a small round woven bamboo basket. See also cèpèh.

      cempelak, nyempelak to reply angrily; to snarl at, snap at, snub. Also cemplak.

      cempélo or mak cempélo repr a leap into the saddle. Also cémplo.

      cempirut, pating cempirut full of wrinkles.

      cemplak var of cempelak.

      cémplak, nyémplak to jump onto; to hop on (a bike). See also céngklak.

      cemplang 1 insipid, tasteless; 2 pointless, dull;

      cemplang-cemplang to talk pointless nonsense.

      cemplek, nyemplek plump, chubby.

      cempli, nyempli (of stomach) rounded, chubby.

      cémplo var of cempélo.

      cemplon 1 sweet fried cassava balls; 2 a small earthenware pot; 3 a small canoe­like boat.

      cemplong, nyemplong to make a wide deep hole;

      cemplongan holes (of sugarcane etc).

      cemplu, nyemplu 1 round(ed) in shape; 2 bulging in the middle.

      cempluk 1 a small earthenware pot; 2 var of cemplu.

      cemplung or mak cemplung repr a splash;

      nyemplung to fall (into), plunge into;

      nyemplungi or nyemplungaké to plunge s.t. into;

      kecemplung to fall in accidentally;

      cemplang-cemplung to dump things into; to plunge s.t. repeatedly into.

      cempol short fibres covering the 'eyes' of a coconut.

      cempolèh reg shortcoming, failing, deficiency; demerit, imperfection;

      nyempolèhi to reprimand s.o.; to scold s.o.

      cempor oil lamp.

      cemprèng (of voice) high-pitched and dissonant.

      cèmprèng 1 useless, trivial; 2 (or cèmprèngan) (to hold a party) on a small scale.

      cempulek reg it's obvious that.

      cempuling a hooked fishing spear;

      nyempuling to catch fish with the above.

      cempuri see cepuri.

      cempurit I 1 the puppet stick, usu made from horn, for manipulating the puppet and its arms to which it is attached;

      nyempurit to hold a puppet on its stick.

      II the pulp cavity of teeth, horns, antlers.

      III plant disease; cempuriten (of plants) sickly.
