the crowing of a wild cock.
cekik or mak cekik repr hiccuping;
nyekik to strangle or choke s.o.
cekikèr the crowing of a wild cock (var of cekigrèk).
cekikik, cekikikan to giggle, chuckle, laugh lightly;
pating cekikik pl to giggle, chuckle.
ceking 1 thin, slender; 2 emaciated.
cekit or mak cekit repr biting, pinching; repr a small bite or sting. See also cekèt, clekit.
cekithat, nyekithat 1 tapering to a point at the tip; 2 (of dress, grooming) neat, meticulous (var of jekithat, jlekithat).
cekithing, nyekithing to carry or hold things with a thumb and index finger; cekithang-cekithing holding things without having a tight grip on them.
cekithong var of cekéthok.
cekiwing see cengkiwing.
ceklèk broken;
nyeklèk to break (a dry branch), snap;
ceklekan 1 broken fragment; the way to break; 2 fig short-tempered.
cékli small, attractive, cute (of houses).
ceklik or mak ceklik repr sound of clicking;
nyeklik to click; to switch on (the light etc).
cekluk or mak cekluk repr joints cracking;
nyekluki to crack one's joints by pulling or bending them.
ceko having an arm permanently bent at the elbow;
cekon walking with a bent arm.
cekodhok, nyekodhokaké to cup the hand.
cekodhong var of cekodhok, cekédhong.
cekoh to cough (k.i. for watuk).
cekok I the hollow in the neck below the Adam's apple.
II or cekokan a traditional medicine forcibly given to children;
nyekoki 1 to give such a medicine to a child forcefully; 2 fig to indoctrinate;
nyekokaké to put s.t. in s.o.'s mouth forcefully; to ram s.t. down.
cekor (of feet) deformed.
cekot or mak cekot repr a stab of pain; cekot-cekot to throb with pain. See also clekot.
cekot var of ceko.
cekotheh or pating cekotheh to be smeared with a dirty substance.
cekothok var of cekuthung.
cekothong var of cekuthung.
cekowak, nyekowak having a hole/dent in it;
pating cekowak full of holes or dents.
cekowèk var of cekowak.
cekowok, nyekowok having a large hollowed or indented shape;
pating cekowok full of good-sized holes or dents.
cekrak or mak cekrak repr a pricking sensation;
nyekrak to prick (skin) and cause pain.
cekre stunted, unable to achieve normal growth.
cekreh, cekrah-cekreh to cough repeatedly.
cekrek or mak cekrek repr snapping shut; punching s.t.;
cekrak-cekrek making repeated clicks.
cekrek, nyekrek to appear handsome. See also cakrak.
cekrik (pron as: cekriik) or mak cekrik repr a small pricking sensation;
nyeklik to prick (skin) and cause pain; fig to hurt one's feelings;
cekrak-cekrik repr pricking skin repeatedly
cekroh, cekrah-cekroh to keep coughing.
cekrok var of cekrak.
cekukruk, nyekukruk (of chicken) to droop with neck drawn in;
cekukrak-cekukruk having a sickly appearance.
cekung curving, bent.
cekuntheng, nyekuntheng curly. See also clekuntheng.
cekut var of cekot. cekuthik var of clekuthik.
cekuthis var of clekuthis.
cekuthu, nyekuthu to make a fist.
cekuthuk I a rounded woven bamboo hat.
II cekuthuk-cekuthuk to trudge on; to walk slowly.
cela defect, flaw, blemish;
nyela to criticise, disapprove of, find fault with.
célad inability to pronounce the Javanese rolled R (speech defect);
nyéladaké to fail to roll the R's of words (var of cédhal).
celak I 1 near, close (to) (kr for cedhak); 2 short (kr for cendhak).
II eye shadow;
nyelaki or celakan to apply eye shadow.
celaka var of cilaka.
celathu ng, wicanten kr, ngendika k.i. to say, speak, talk;
nyelathu to scold;
pacelathon conversation, talk. See also clathu.
celeb see celep.
célé-célé or celen reg excl of surprise: good heavens!
celèk, nyelèkaké to retract (skin); to roll back (eyelid).
céléméndhé a small oval short-legged cockroach with white spots. See also céréméndhé.
celeng black, dark;
celengan indigo dye (subst kr for nila).
céléng 1 wild pig, boar; 2 term of abuse;
nyéléng resembling a wild pig;
nyéléngi to save up (money);
nyéléngaké to save money for s.o.;
céléngan 1 piggy bank; 2 savings; 3 a bamboo or wooden support; 4 wild boar made from plaitwork with which a man dances himself into a trance.
celep 1 indigo dye (kr for wedel); 2 var of celup.
celer, nyeler to snatch away. See also seler.
celet, nyelet to go back on (a bargain), back out of; to hold back, withhold;
celetan secretiveness, reticence, closeness.
celik or kecelik 1 mistaken in an identification or interpretation; 2 disappointed in a hope or expectation.
celik var of celik.
celom (of face) wan and pinched-looking (after suffering from illness).
célong var of celom.
celor adulterous;
nyelor to engage in illicit sex;
celoran, anak celoran an illegitimate child.
cèlu, kecèlu reg strongly attracted. See also kacèlu.
celub see celup.
celuk, nyeluk to call;
nyeluki to call s.o. repeatedly;
nyelukaké to call on behalf of s.o.;
celuk-celuk or celak-celak to keep calling.
célung the blossom of the dhadhap tree.
celup, nyelup to soak;
nyelupaké to dip s.t. in liquid;
kecelup to get dipped/soaked inadvertently;
celupan liquid for soaking s.t.;
celap-celup to