Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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one palmful.

      caya facial expression.

      ceb repr stabbing, piercing. See also anceb, enceb, tanceb.

      cebak a swallow-like nocturnal bird.

      cebèk, nyebèk to curl one's lips in scorn.

      cebelèh var of ceblèh.

      cebilak reg sallow; fig drab.

      ceblaka straightforward, direct, honest. See also blaka, cablaka.

      ceblèh pallid, wan.

      ceblèk var of cablek.

      cèblek repr a stab into s.t. soft;

      nyèblekaké to stick s.t. into (s.t. soft).

      ceblok to fall, drop;

      nyebloki to drop s.t. onto;

      nyeblokake to drop s.t.;

      ceblokan (having) fallen, dropping, falling or fallen (fruit).

      céblok var of ceblok.

      céblong tadpole (young of the kodhok). See also cébong.

      ceblung or mak ceblung repr splashing;

      nyeblung to plunge into the water;

      nyeblungaké to plunge s.t. into (water);

      ceblang-ceblung to plunge (s.t.) into (water) repeatedly.

      cébol 1 dwarf, midget; 2 unfruitful;

      cébolan to walk like a dwarf;

      cébol kepalang (of stature) one who looks short when standing, and looks tall when sitting;

      cébol nggayuh lintang one who attempts things far beyond his ability.

      cébong tadpole (var of céblong).

      cebrik damp and messy, dirty and muddy;

      nyebriki to mess s.t. up with mud or dirty water.

      cebuk I a certain crop pest that attacks peanut plants.

      II cebuk-cebuk or cebak-cebuk repr splashing sounds. See also kecebuk.

      cebur or mak cebur repr s.t. splashing into deep water;

      nyebur to dive into;

      nyeburaké to throw s.t. into (water);

      kecebur to fall into (water).

      cecak I small lizard commonly found on house walls.

      II I dot, point (see also cecek); 2 a diacritic mark indicating NG in Javanese script;

      nyecak to put such a diacritic mark above a Javanese letter.

      cecaya lit facial expression. See also caya.

      cécé, cécébucé having many chipped or scratched places (var of cècèl bucèl).

      ceced lit flaw, defect. See also cacad.

      ceceg see cecek.

      cècèg 1 to agree (with); 2 to match, suit; 3 confirmed var of cocog.

      cecek I dot, point;

      nyeceki to apply dots to (fabric);

      cecekan dots on a batik cloth.

      II nyecek (of cigarettes) to tamp, tap.

      cècèk var of cècèg, cocog.

      cecel compact, tightly compressed;

      nyecel 1 to crowd in(to); 2 or nyeceli to push in.

      cècèl, - bucèl detached, chipped, damaged.

      cécému s.t. trivial, insignificant, worth nothing.

      cécémuwé var of cécému.

      cecep, nyecep 1 to sip, suck; 2 fig to absorb knowledge.

      cecer, nyecer 1 to drill efficiently; 2 to ask uninterruptedly.

      cècèr missing, lacking; dropped off/out; pating kecècèr to drop out little by little everywhere.

      cècok to quarrel, squabble, bicker. See also cèkcok.

      cècrèk, nyècrèki to chip; to slash (dry branches) from a tree;

      cècrèkan chip of wood; slivers of bark.

      cèda lit flaw, defect, blemish.

      cedhak near, close (to);

      nyedhak to draw near;

      nyedhaki to approach s.o. or s.t.;

      nyedhakaké to bring s.t. close(r);

      kecedhaken too close;

      cedhakan a short distance;

      cedhak-cedhakan 1 a place close by; 2 to compete in closeness;

      sacedhaké close to; nearby

      cédhak reg var of cedhak.

      cédhal (speech defect) inability to pronounce the Javanese rolled R (var of célad);

      nyédhalaké to fail to roll the R's of words.

      cedhek var of cedhak.

      cédhek reg var of cedhak.

      cedhil, ora nyedhil to be ineffectual, not much help, no use.

      cedhis I bad, wicked, evil, immoral.

      II var of cedhil.

      cedhit, nyedhit having small pointed buttocks. See also bokong.

      cedhok scoop. See also cidhuk.

      cedhot broken, interrupted (reg var of pedhot).

      cedhut repr a sudden jerk or tug.

      ceg or mak ceg repr snatching;

      cag-ceg 1 to keep touching or handling; 2 to handle (a number of things) deftly.

      cègcog see cèkcok.

      cegah or nyegah to restrain;

      panyegah prevention;

      cegah dhahar lawan guling lit to restrain the desire to eat and sleep.

      cegat, nyegat 1 to hail, flag down; 2 to hold up; 3 to wait for (s.t. to come along);

      nyegati 1 to hold up, waylay; 2 to block, impede, ambush;

      cegatan interception, checkpoint (police, army etc).

      cegèg or mak cegèg repr falling into shallow water.

      cegèh stuffy, tight in the chest, oppressed.

      cegèk reg too short; scratched.

      cegélé, nyegélé to withdraw, seclude o.s.

      cegemek or mak cegemek repr a sudden snatching;

      nyegemek to catch immediately

      cegemok, cegemak-cegemok to keep touching or handling things.

      cegemol, dicegemol to be accused of s.t. embarrassing. See also cogemol.

      cèger or mak cèger repr an arrow or spear finding its mark;

      nyèger to stick, stab, pierce;

      cèger-cèger or cégar-cèger (of arrows, spears) to keep hitting a target.

      cegil, nyegil to sit alone, in a prominent place.

      ceglik, ceglak-ceglik repr 1 to stick out all alone; 2 to stay awake all alone when in attendance on a sick person; nyeglik var of nyegil.

      ceglug or mak ceglug repr joints cracking.

      ceglung or mak ceglung repr s.t. falling into deep water.

      cégoh or cegoh-regoh reg infirm (through age); faulty (language).

      cegok or mak cegok repr swallowing water;