mantri - official who vaccinates for smallpox (see also mantri); 2 pustular skin eruption, pock-mark;
nyacar to vaccinate for smallpox;
nyacarake to have s.o. vaccinated;
cacaran vaccination, vaccinating.
cacaya lit facial expression. See also caya, cecaya.
caci 1 wooden tripod; supporting stand; 2 belt, buckle of a belt.
cacing worm, intestinal worms; - kermi threadworm; - pita tapeworm; tambang noodle-like intestinal worms;
nyacing resembling a worm, vermiform;
nyacingi to treat for worms;
cacingen to suffer from worms.
cadhang, nyadhang or nyenyadhang to hold out the hands to receive s.t.;
nyadhangi 1 to hold out the hands as though preparing to catch s.t.; 2 to retard, check; to catch (livestock thief);
nyadhangake to hold in reserve;
cumadhang available, set aside;
cadhangan reserve, back up, spare.
See also cadhong I, candhang.
cadhok nearsighted, myopic; having defective vision.
cadhong I one's share or portion;
nyadhong 1 to ask for s.t.; 2 var of nyadhang;
nyadhongake to ask for s.t. on s.o.'s behalf;
cumadhong to ask for (orders);
cadhongan share, portion.
II (of chicken quill or horns) backwards.
cadhuk reg ladle;
nyadhuk reg to take, ladle, scoop (liquid).
caé-caé reg very clear.
caèk, caèk-caèk reg to shout, speak to in greeting.
caèng, sacaèng 200 bundles of (rice).
cag, cag-cagan to enjoy working;
cag-ceg to keep touching or handling. See also ceg.
cagak 1 pole, post; 2 support, mainstay; - elek a means of staying awake; palang barrier;
nyagak or nyagaki to support with a pole;
cagakan s.t. used as a supporting post.
cagar preservation; - alam nature reserve.
cager or cageran pilework, palisade.
cagir, nyagir to stand up, immobile. See also agir.
cagluk, nyagluk reg to take.
cah adr child! (shtf of bocah); - bagus boy! (affectionate); - ayu girl! (affectionate).
cahak, nyahak 1 to trespass on the rights of another; 2 to violate s.o.'s authority; 3 to seize s.t. illegally.
cahya 1 beam, ray; 2 appearance, aspect.
cai var of kucai.
caing unit of quantity of newly harvested rice (ca 200 bundles).
caya facial expression.
cak I act or way of doing, application;
ngecaki to do, accomplish;
ngecakaké to do, carry out, practise;
kacakan to get accomplished;
cak-cakan application, act of applying or practising.
II reg, adr fellow! brother!
cakadhong, nyakadhong to open (the hand) so wide that it bends back in an arc.
cakah, nyakahi 1 to push (against, off, away); 2 to resist, defy stand up to.
cakal I nyakal to pervert (words, facts). II - bakal first inhabitant of a settlement (later revered as protective spirit).
cakar (animal's) paw, claw; (bird's) foot, cr human foot;
nyakar 1 to scratch with claws; 2 cr to eat meal with hand; 3 to play soccer without wearing shoes;
nyakari 1 to claw repeatedly; 2 (of chickens) to scrape in search of food; kecakar scratched;
cakar-cakar to keep scratching in search of food. See also cèkèr.
cakarwa reg blacksmith's forked poker.
cakep, nyakep all-embracing, all-encompassing;
nyakepi to reach all the way around s.t.;
cakepan 1 act of embracing or encompassing; 2 words or text of a traditional song (tembang, suluk etc).
caket near, close (to);
nyaket to get near(er);
nyaketi to approach s.t.;
nyaketake to bring s.t. closer;
caketan or cecaketan to associate with, become acquainted with;
kecaket loved (by).
cakil I bamboo peg used to hold bamboo wall sections in place;
nyakili to fasten (bamboo sections) with pins.
II way an ogre who has an extended lower jaw with long sharp fangs;
nyakil 1 to perform as this figure; 2 resembling this figure.
III cakilen to have insomnia.
cakma a certain plant.
cakodhong var of cakadhong.
cakot a bite;
nyakot 1 to bite; 2 to involve so. in a lawsuit by accusing them; 3 to become habituated or addicted (to); 4 to join, get attached;
nyakoti to bite repeatedly;
nyakotaké to bite for s.o.;
kecakot 1 to get bitten; 2 to get drawn into a legal entanglement;
cakotan a bite; act of biting. Also cokot.
cakra 1 a round frame; 2 a mythical powerful arrow having a toothed round frame as a head; 3 a diacritic mark indicating R in Javanese script;
manggilingan the cycle of life through reincarnations; the wheel of fortune;
nyakra to shoot with such a weapon; - manggilingan to proceed through cycles; to change cyclically.
cakrabawa suspicion;
nyakrabawa to suspect s.o.;
panyakrabawa suspicion;
kacakrabawa suspected.
cakrak or cakrak-cekrek handsome, fine-looking.
cakrawala 1 horizon; 2 sky.
cakrawa(r)ti, nyakrawa(r)ti 1 to rule the world; 2 highly esteemed as a supreme king.
cakrik 1 appearance, facial aspect; 2 pattern, design.
cakruk a hut used as a base by night watchmen or as a shelter when guarding crops against birds.
caksana wise, endowed with wisdom (shtf of wicaksana).
cakub see cakup.
cakul a freshwater fish.
cakup, nyakup 1 to grasp between the palms; 2 to cover (in a speech, discussion etc).
kacakup 1 to get hold of, grasp; 2 contained, included, covered;
cakupan handful of loose things (coins, grains etc).
cakur I medicine-horn, powder-flask.
II cakur-cakur (of horses) to paw the ground with