kabuya-buya lit chased, pursued.
buyar 1 to disperse in all directions; 2 scatterbrained, unable to concentrate;
mbuyaraké to cause to disperse, scatter.
buyuk a variety of palm tree.
buyun2g big-bellied earthenware jar.
buyut 1 (or mbah buyut) great-grandparent; 2 great-grandchild;
buyuten 1 senile; 2 unsteady with old age;
bebuyutan for generations; longstanding (of enemies);
kabuyutan 1 place where a priest lives and works; 2 sacred ancestral worship-place; 3 ancestral and sacred (of places such as cemeteries).
bwat see bot I, byat.
byah or mak byah repr suddenly breaking apart;
ngebyah 1 to generalise; 2 common, general.
byak or mak byak repr suddenly opening;
ngebyakaké to open s.t. (out) wide;
byak-byakan acting hurriedly, looking for s.t. in a hurry.
byantara, lit presence;
ngabyantara to make a formal appearance (before a king);
ngabyantarakaké to present s.o. (before a king).
byar I 1 on (of lights); 2 a flash; to flash; 3 suddenly open (of eyes); 4 (or - padhang or - rahina) daybreak; mak - repr suddenly lighting up; daybreak; - pet to go on and off (of light);
ngebyar to stay awake all night;
byar-byaran to have activity all night; to stay awake all night.
II byar-byur repr bathing by using a ladle.
byat lit heavy, weight (var of bwat);
nempuh byat see tempuh;
kabyatan lit to find s.t. too heavy; excessively heavy.
byor shining, sparkling. See also abyor.
byuh var of biyuh.
byuk, or mak byuk repr coming in large numbers; repr mass movement;
ngebyuk to flock around;
ngebyuki to heap s.t. onto; to flock together; to pour s.t. copiously;
kebyukan to have s.t. swarming all over it;
byuk-byukan to come in large numbers; to cluster around;
ngebyukaké to pour out the whole thing.
byung, or mak byung repr a swarming movement;
ngebyung to move as a group;
byung-byungan to flock out; to move in large numbers.
byur I or mak byur repr splash; repr scurrying off together;
byar-byur repr bathing by using a ladle;
ngebyuri to splash s.t. with;
ngebyurake to plunge s.t. into water;
byur-byuran to jump into water (for fun).
II monochromatic; prada - plain gold varnish (see also prada);
ngebyur to apply plain colour to s.t.
III ngebyuri to scatter for (e.g. feed for chickens);
ngebyurake to scatter, spread s.t.
ca adr friend! mate! (shtf of kanca).
cabak I slate for school (reg var of sabak).
II var of tebak II.
III a swallow-like nocturnal bird (var of cebak).
cabang 1 branch, arm (of an organisation); to branch off, split; 2 weapon used for self-defence training (see also cawang, pang);
nyabang to branch off, split.
cabar 1 ineffectual; 2 failed.
cabé a certain vine, also its fruit (used in traditional medicines); - lempuyang a traditional medicine brewed from the vine fruits above; - rawit 1 chili pepper; 2 fig a person who is physically small but very capable;
ula - a certain small harmless snake;
nyabé covered with goose-pimples (of skin when one is cold);
cabéan a certain small bird that feeds on caterpillars and insects.
cablaka straightforward, direct, honest (var of blaka).
cablek a slap;
nyablèk to slap s.o.;
nyablèki to slap repeatedly;
cablèk-cablèk to keep slapping; - pupu to slap one's thigh (as an emotional reaction);
cablèk-cablèkan to slap each other in a friendly way.
cabol 1 short legs of wooden bench; 2 var of cébol.
cabud see cabut.
cabuk 1 food made from extracted sesame seeds; 2 sesame seeds from which the oil has been extracted.
cabul obscene; engaging in obscene activity.
cabut, nyabut 1 to pull out, (with)draw; 2 to revoke, suspend;
nyabutaké to have s.t. (with)drawn.
caca 1 break, crack; 2 defect, flaw; - upa any act that can cause a relationship to be weakened.
cacab I 1 to become gradually immersed; 2 to sink below the surface;
nyacabi to wade across a flooded area;
kacababan to get inundated.
II 1 efficacious; 2 poisonous liquid;
nyacab to apply a poisonous liquid to sharp weapons.
III shampoo made from aloe leaves;
nyacab to wash one's hair with such a shampoo.
cacad defect, flaw, mutation, trouble;
nyacad or nyacad to find fault; to criticise;
cacadan object of criticism;
panyacad or panacad 1 criticism; 2 object of s.o.'s criticism.
cacah I 1 number, amount; - jiwa population; 2 census; - eri counting unit for fish; - molo house count; pecahan fraction; - sirah a headcount of people or animals; - camboran mixed fraction, compound fraction; wutuh integer; - wuwung 1 number of roofs or roofed sections to a house; 2 counting unit for households in a village; nyacah or nacah to count;
nyacahake or nacahake to count up, make a count of;
kecacah to be counted;
panyacah or panacah calculation, count.
II nyacah to reduce to small pieces; cacahan 1 s.t. ground; 2 s.t. used for grinding;
panyacah or panacah the act of grinding.
cacah-cucah 1 insignificant, unimportant; 2 unworthy, not lucrative.
cacak I nyacak reg to try, make an effort; cacak-cacak to give s.t. a try;
kalah cacak menang cacak to try to do s.t. by trial and error.
II a tool for slicing tobacco leaves;
nyacak to shred tobacco with such a tool.
III aja cacak let alone..., to say nothing of...
cacal chipped, marred;
nyacal to peel or flake off a small bit (from); to cut into small pieces.
cacap see cacab.
cacar 1 smallpox;