Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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I wagon shaft.

      II tollhouse.

      bumbu 1 cooking spices, seasonings; 2 flavour;

      mbumboni 1 to season, flavour; 2 to add spice to the conversation;

      mbumbokaké to use as seasoning;

      bumbon seasoning in general;

      bumbonan way of seasoning;

      bumbon-crakèn dried seasoning; medical herbs.

      bumbung I bamboo pipe; - wungwang I hollow bamboo section; 2 cone-shaped bamboo utensil used above a steaming pan (kukusan).

      II mbumbung to get pregnant again immediately after having a child, i.e. with no intervening menstrual period. See also brumbung.

      bumi earth; - pinendhem prov very humble; - pulihan soil consisting of river sediment; bumen reg communally owned ricefield; wong - a native (seewong);

      malik bumi to change one's mind completely.

      buminata lit king.

      bumipala var of buminata.

      bumipati var of buminata.

      bumitala lit the surface of the earth.

      bumpet closed, stopped at one end; clogged, blocked;

      mbumpet to clog, stop up, block;

      mbumpeti to stop up, close off, block s.t.;

      kebumpetan to be stopped up, closed off, clogged.

      bun dew;

      ngebunaké to let dew get on s.t.;

      ngebun-bun 1 to put s.t. out in the dew; 2 to take (a baby) for an early morning walk;

      ngebun-bun ésuk ngudan-udan sore prov to approach in a roundabout way, viz the subject of a girl's marriage, to her parents.

      buncang, mbuncang to blow away;

      kebuncang to get blown.

      bunci a certain card in the game of pei.

      buncik flesh wound;

      bunciken wounded.

      buncis green beans (also boncis).

      buncit 1 youngest member of the family; 2 the last to be eliminated, e.g. in a competition.

      buncrit or buncriten stunted in growth; emaciated.

      buncur lump on the head caused by a blow.

      bunder 1 round; spherical; 2 firm(ly determined); - kepleng or - memet perfectly round;

      mbunderi 1 to make s.t. round; to shape into rounds; 2 to circle;

      bunderan 1 circle; 2 roundabout.

      bundhas or babak bundhas black and blue. See also babak.

      bundhat to clear up (problems, debt etc). See also pundhat.

      bundhel 1 or mbundhel having a knot in it (string, rope, cat's tail etc); 2 linked in mating position in mid-air (of dragonflies etc); 3 or bebundhel revered village elder; 4 close, intimate; 5 reg a batch of 1,000 (e.g. corn ears, tobacco cuttings);

      mbundheli 1 to tie a knot in s.t.; 2 to bear in mind; 3 to knot (valuables) into the corner of a handkerchief;

      bundhelan or bebundhelan 1 a tied knot; 2 money, valuables, wisdom etc kept safe; 3 appointment, promise.

      bundhet or mbundhet or mbundheti tangled, snarled.

      bundhu stupid, narrow-minded.

      bunek 1 to feel cramped, claustrophobic; 2 to feel oppressed.

      bunel depressed, bewildered, at a loss.

      bunèn place in a ricefield for sun-drying rice plants.

      bung stalk, shoot, tall blade;

      ngebung 1 resembling a tall stalk; 2 to put out a shoot.

      bungah ng, bingah kr, rena fe.i., happy, glad;

      mbungahi to gloat; to rejoice unjustifiably;

      mbungahake or mbebungah to make happy; to cheer s.o. up;

      mbungah-mbungahaké to force o.s. to be happy.

      bungas last part, end.

      bungbang var of wungwang.

      bungeng I reg hollow; having a hollow place in it.

      II reg in a quandary.

      bungis pig or boar's snout;

      mbungis to cut the lips off (punishment for lying).

      bungkah I base, lowest part; foot (of a mountain).

      II a cut-off stump plus its roots, (var of brungkah).

      III mbungkah to cease one's fasting or avoidance of a certain food (var of brungkah).

      bungkak I roof peak of a traditional Javanese house (joglo).

      II happy, glad (var of bungah).

      III (of voice) not clear.

      bungkang a cockroach-like insect that walks backwards (var of bongkang).

      bungkar, mbungkar 1 to unload (things) from a vehicle or ship; 2 to dismantle, pull apart (engine, house) Also bongkar.

      bungkem to remain silent, keep the mouth closed;

      mbungkem to gag, silence; to prevent s.o. from speaking (by bribery).

      bungker 1 not quite right in the head; 2 to shrivel; to remain stunted.

      bungkik stunted in growth.

      bungkil 1 remains of peanuts or copra after the oil has been pressed out; 2 lower end of a bamboo stalk or banana-tree trunk.

      bungkrah reg pulled down (building); pulled up (plants).

      bungkrèk I var of bungkil.

      II sort of skin disease.

      bungkuk crooked, bent (over), humped;

      mbungkuk to bend;

      mbungkukakè to bend the back; to bow.

      bungkul knob, knob-like object;

      bawang sebungkul a clump of garlic (see also bawang);

      bungkulan knobby shape, knobby part.

      bungkus 1 wrapped packet; wrapping material; 2 (born) with a caul covering the head;

      mbungkus to wrap;

      mbungkusi to wrap up repeatedly;

      mbungkusaké to wrap s.t. for s.o.;

      bungkusan 1 a wrapped packet; 2 (food) cooked in a leaf wrapping;

      pambungkus act or way of wrapping. See also wungkus.

      bunglon 1 chameleon; 2 vacillator; 3 fig opportunist;

      mbunglon changeable, opportunistic; to vacillate, shilly-shally.

      bungsu last-born, youngest child in a family.

      bungur 1 a certain timber tree, also its flower; 2 (of livestock) part of the nose through which the ring is passed.

      buntak a certain fish.

      buntal floral decoration worn by bridegrooms;

      mbuntal to make (flowers, leaves) into decorative pieces.

      buntar 1 lower end of a spear handle; 2 far end of an irrigation ditch;

      mbuntar to prod with a spear handle.

      buntas I 1 last part, end; 2 finished (of study).

      II loud (var of bantas).

      buntek short and thick (of cylindrical objects).

      buntel wrapping (paper, cloth etc);
