Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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see bruk.

      brakithi lit ant (var of blekithi);

      brakithi angkara madu to suffer disaster because of too much ambition to gain wealth.

      brakot, mbrakot to bite;

      mbrakoti to gnaw on;

      kebrakot to get bitten (esp by a dog);

      brakotan gnawing, biting.

      bral, ngebral or ngebralaké 1 to sell out; 2 to spend recklessly, squander.

      bral-brol see brol.

      brama reg, kr fire. See also grama.

      bramacorah 1 criminal, felon, bandit; 2 the accused, defendant.

      bramakarsa or bramakroso floral procession.

      bramana var of brahmana.

      bramani var of brahmani.

      bramantya lit furiously angry Also bremantya.

      bramara lit bee.

      bramastra lit fire-arrow, rocket.

      brambang I red onion;

      mbrambang or mbrambangi (of eyes) to water from irritation, to start trickling (of tears).

      II a rice plant disease.

      brambet red onion (reg, kr for brambang).

      bran reg every day. See also bera.

      brana I or rajabrana jewelry, riches, treasure. See also raja.

      II lit a wound;

      kebranan wounded.

      III mbrana (Yogya slang) var of mrana.

      branah, mbranah or bebranahan 1 to breed rapidly; 2 to multiply, flourish.

      branang, mbranang 1 bright red; 2 to get scorched;

      kebranang 1 furious; 2 to get scorched.

      brancah of free-and-easy morals, unable to say no.

      brandang, mbrandang to need urgently;

      brandangan urgent need.

      brandhal gangster, rascal, scoundrel;

      mbrandhal 1 to be a gangster; 2 to commit an act of banditry;

      brandhalan to behave like a felon, ill-mannered.

      brandhèng or brandhing band(s) of thin bamboo.

      brandon, or brandonan to pool capital for a business enterprise; to buy a share in an enterprise.

      brang I on the other side (shtf of sabrang I); brang kulon the western side of the river.

      II brang-brangan to drum.

      brangas, mbrangas 1 to scorch; 2 to make s.o. angry;

      brangasan 1 quick-tempered; 2 bestial, brutal;

      kebrangas 1 to get overcooked, to get burnt; 2 furious; 3 growing old too fast.

      branggah spreading widely (of horns, branches, antlers); keris - kris with a widely spreading crosspiece (see also keris); tani - farmer who owns cattle (see also tani).

      brangkal rubble;

      mbrangkal to cover or fill with rubble;

      mbrangkalaké to have s.t. covered with rubble;

      brangkalan rocky road, rubbly path.

      brangkang, mbrangkang to creep, crawl;

      brangkangan to crawl around on all fours.

      brangkar stretcher (for carrying patients).

      brangsang or mbrangsang to feel uncomfortably warm.

      brangta lit in love with, enchanted by. Also branta.

      brangti var of brangta. brangus muzzle (of dogs);

      mbrangus 1 to muzzle an animal, esp a dog; 2 fig to prevent freedom of speech;

      brangusan in a muzzled condition;

      pambrangus act of muzzling.

      brani magnet; wesi - magnetic iron (see also wesi).

      branjang I clay mixed with sand.

      II a certain square net; - kawat wire netting;

      mbranjang 1 wide apart (of woven bamboo etc); 2 to enclose with a wire netting.

      branta see brangta.

      brantas, mbrantas to wipe out, remove, fight (against); - wutasastra to eliminate illiteracy; ~ pageblug to combat an epidemic;

      pambrantas 1 act of abolishing; 2 exterminator; s.o. or s.t which abolishes.

      branwir fire brigade; fire extinguisher, fire engine.

      branyak, mbranyak 1 dashing; 2 with one's nose in the air.

      braok, mbraok or broak-braok loud, shrill;

      braokan a shrill-voiced person.

      brasak 1 coarse sand; 2 reg coarse, crude, boorish.

      brasat, mbrasat to run away;

      mbrasataké to run off with s.t. belonging to s.o. else;

      kebrasat to be routed, driven from (the battlefield).

      brasta, mbrasta lit to wipe out; ­ wutasastra to eliminate illiteracy.

      brastha var of brasta.

      brata to undertake an ascetic exercise (a fast etc); - semadi the practice of religious concentration and meditation; -yuda way war of Pandawa against Kurawa; tapa - see tapa; mbratani to fast for (a special goal);

      pabratan 1 place where an act of asceticism is performed; 2 or pabaratan battlefield.

      bratawali bitter-tasting leaves used in traditional medicines.

      brati I a crossbred duck.

      II one who isolates himself and lives ascetically to achieve his aim.

      bratos reg kr for bratu.

      bratu advanced money loan, credit.

      brawala lit struggle, quarrel, dispute, brawl.

      brawasa var of brawala.

      brawuk, mbrawuk to claim (ownership of).

      brayan or bebrayan 1 society; one's fellow men; 2 to get along well together.

      brayat nuclear family, parents with children;

      bebrayatan to live together as a family group.

      brayut parents with many children;

      mbrayut 1 to carry more than one child at a time; 2 to tie together in a bundle.

      bré, ngebré to knit.

      brebah subst hr for brubuh.

      brébah to change (from its former condition), (kr for brubah). Also bribah.

      brebeg, mbrebegi to disturb with noise; ­ kuping deafeningly loud;

      kebrebegen to suffer from too much noise.

      brebek mouldered; to weather, deteriorate;

      brebekan mould, decayed wood.

      brebel or mak brebel repr welling up, flowing out (of tears);

      mbrebel to flow (of tears).

      brèbèl, kebrèbèlan to be given a share;

      mbrèbèli to hand out bit by bit.

      brebes, mbrebes 1 to soak gradually into; 2 to flow freely;

      mbrebes mili to shed tears.

      brebes, mbrebes (of tears) to flow, trickle.
