s.t. shaped like a carambola, six- or eight-sided.
blindhis or mblindhis 1 bare, naked; 2 bald; 3 bankrupt, broke.
blindrik, mblindrik reg very pretty.
blinger, keblinger 1 to come to think the wrong way about s.t.; 2 to get cheated; 3 to be taken unawares.
blingkrah var of blengkrah.
blinjo reg var of mlinjo.
blirik reg blirik-blirik speckled, flecked with colour (of feathers or fur).
blithuk deceit, swindle;
mblithuk or mblithuki to swindle, cheat;
keblithuk to get swindled.
bliwur 1 (of vision) blurred, hazy; 2 or kebliwur bewildered, confused.
bliyar, bliyar-bliyar var of bliyar-bliyur.
bliyur, mbliyur or bliyar-bliyur drowsy, sleepy.
bliyut var of bliyur.
blobok sleep (dirt in eye);
mblobok to have sleep in/around the eye.
blobor, mblobor 1 absorbent; 2 to get absorbed;
mblobori to soak into;
bloboran liquid absorbed;
kebloboran having been absorbed, soaked.
blobos reg var of brobos.
blocok or blocokan (of batik product) fuzzily or indistinctly patterned.
blodhog a certain freshwater fish.
blodro, mblodro to smear s.t. (onto).
blog I repr a thud, slap.
II 1 roll, bolt (of fabric);
blog-blogan 1 (fabric) in rolls/bolts (see also emblog); 2 block or plot of land.
blojod, mblojodi 1 to remove the clothing from s.o.; 2 to rob, hold up, clean out.
blokang stem of a coconut palm leaf.
blokèk, mblokèk to vomit, retch;
blokèken to suffer from nausea and vomiting.
blokèng reg var of blokang.
blolok, mbloloki blindingly glary;
bloloken blinded by glaring light. katonjok blolok to talk about s.o.'s badness with them sitting close by.
blondrong, mblondrong (of vehicle) to roll by accident;
mblondrongaké to cheat or mislead s.o.;
keblondrong 1 to get cheated, esp over-charged; 2 to be misled.
blong 1 repr sudden relief from strain or tension; 2 empty; 3 (of car brake) not working.
blongkèng reg var of blongkang.
blongsong 1 case, cover (for weapon); 2 woven bamboo covering to protect fruit on the tree;
mblongsong or mblongsongi to encase, cover;
blongsongan protective casing, covering.
blonthang or blonthang-blonthang with large patches of colour (animal).
blonthèng var of blonthang.
blonyo var of blonyoh.
blonyoh, s.t. to rub with;
mblonyoh or mblonyohi to rub;
mblonyohake to rub s.t. onto.
blorok (of chicken) motley; spotted;
jago blorok speckled cock.
blorong I black and white striped.
II glaring light (var of blereng).
III a certain viper.
blorot 1 reg var of plorot; 2 reg var of blondrong.
bios or mak bios repr piercing.
blosok, mblosok to go through; to slip into;
mblosokaké to thrust s.t. down into;
keblosok slipped into, fallen down into.
blosong var of blongsong.
blothong I remains of peanuts after the oil has been extracted.
II mblothong mushy from overcooking.
blotrong sagging in the abdomen.
blowok, mblowok to step into a hole;
blowokan a hole in the ground;
keblowok 1 to step into a hole accidentally; 2 to get overcharged for merchandise.
blubud, mblubud inconsiderate; brazen.
blubuk fine and powdery;
blubukan fine ash for cooking in.
blubur, mblubur soft and crumbly.
blubus var of blubud.
bludag, mbludag 1 to overflow, spill out/ over; 2 boastful; 3 generous to others;
bludagan overflow, spillage.
bluder a certain (Dutch) cake.
bludhuk, mbludhuk soft and crumbly;
bludhukan 1 soft crumbly substance, esp soil; 2 var of blubukan.
bludhus, mbludhus to gatecrash.
bludir, mbludir to embroider;
bludiran embroidery, embroidered silk.
bludru velvet.
blug or mak blug repr a thud;
blag-blug repr repeated thudding falls or beats.
bluju, mbluju 1 having clean simple lines without ornamentation (of kris); 2 symmetrically shaped cylindrical object.
bluk or mak bluk repr bursting into flame.
blukang var of blokang.
blukék var of blokék.
blukér var of bluwér.
bluluk coconut in its first stage of development on the tree.
blulung, blulungan or pa ting blulung panic-stricken.
blumbang pond, pool;
blumbangan 1 bed of a pond; siwakan fishpond; 2 batik-bordered fabric used for headdress, brassieres.
bluncat, mbluncat to jump, leap;
mbluncat-mbluncat to do out of sequence rather than in consecutive order, to jump around.
blundhus, mblundhus stark naked.
blundrah reg spotted, stained.
blundrèh var of blundrah.
blung or mak blung 1 repr a sudden submerging, 2 intsfr empty; - blung completely empty.
blungka (over)ripe cucumber.
blungker, mblungker 1 to cower, quake; 2 to hug the knees to the chest;
pating blungker quaking, cowering (from cold, fear).
blungkak melon.
blungkang var of blongkang.
blungon reg chameleon (var of bunglon).
bluru, blura-bluru or pating bluru to spread in all directions.
blurut, mblurut to commit a burglary in broad daylight.
blus or mak blus repr stabbing;
blas-blus stabbing repeatedly.
blusuk or mak blusuk, repr entering, falling into a hole accidentally;
mblusuk to enter;
mblusukake 1 to push s.t. into; 2 to persuade s.o. to do wrong;