performances for throwing the puppet's shadows on a screen.
blencung, mblencung reg to walk purposefully without turning the head to either side.
blèndèr, mblèndèr 1 to slide, slip; 2 to slip out of position; 3 to engage in banter or word play; 4 unreliable about keeping one's word; 5 (of women) promiscuous;
mblèndèri to cause to slide easily;
mblèndèraké 1 to joke by playing on words; 2 to delegate one's authority to s.o. else;
keblèndèr to slide accidently;
blèndèran 1 joking, punning; 2 a slippery place. See also blèndrè.
blendhang, mblendhang 1 bloated, 2 or pregnant.
blendher I food blender;
mblèndher to blend (food).
II ball-pitcher;
mblèndheri to pitch to (players).
III mblèndher fat, roly-poly.
blendhing, mblendhing 1 distended, bloated; 2 or pregnant.
blendhuk, mblendhuk 1 bulging; 2 round in shape; 3 cr pregnant;
mblendhukake to inflate, swell s.t. up.
blendhung I boiled corn kernels.
II mblendhung inflated, swollen; to swell up.
blendok sticky and reddish tree resin;
mbléndok 1 (of tree) to produce sticky resin; 2 (of resin) to harden.
blendrang a tasty soup cooked more than a day before it is consumed (var of béndrang).
bléndré, mbléndré 1 to slip, slide; 2 untrustworthy, slippery.
blèndrèng reg var of blèndèr.
blenek I mblenek or blenek-blenek short and fat, roly-poly.
II fed up, sated (from greasy food).
blenet var of plenet. See also plenet.
blénja, mblénjani reluctant; to fail to keep one's word.
blenjat, blenjat-blenjat or pating blenjat not in consecutive order.
blenjog var of blejog.
bleng I or mak bleng repr entering; repr exploding;
ngeblengaké to enter s.t. in; to enter a goal (of soccer);
blang-bleng 1 to go in and out easily; to get in repeatedly; 2 to keep booming. See also blang.
II throughout; sesasi - the whole month;
ngebleng to stay awake for 24 hours (as ascetic practice).
III saltwater spring.
bléngah, mbléngah or bléngah-bléngah (of face) light-skinned and friendly-looking.
blenger, mblenger or blenger-blenger repelled by disagreeable odour; eating too much fatty food.
blèngèr, mblèngèr (of lips, face) rosy and healthy-looking.
blenggi golden thread edging;
blenggèn cloth edged with golden thread.
blenggu handcuffs;
mblenggu to handcuff s.o.
blengker 1 an iron tyre of wheel, hoop of barrel etc; 2 frame of a picture, bamboo basket etc;
mblengkeri to equip with a frame or edging material.
blèngkèt close (of friendship or other relationships);
mblèngkètaké to cling together.
blengkik, pating blengkik 1 devious, roundabout; 2 var of blengkuk.
bléngkrah, mbléngkrah or mbléngkrahi to put into disorder, disarrange;
pating bléngkrah in disarray, messy.
blengkuk, mblengkuk 1 bent at the end or at the top; 2 or mblengkukake to bend s.t.
blengur gosling (young of the banyak).
blentèng I blentèng-blentèng spotted, covered with dots of another colour.
II (to remember) vaguely.
blenthot (of body) firm and compact.
blentong spot, blemish;
blentong-blentong or pating blentong spotted, covered with blemishes.
blenyak, blenyak-blenyak in random rather than consecutive order.
blenyèk, mblenyek soft and mushy.
blenyik small fish (ten) salted and rolled up ready to fry.
blépot or blepotan muddy, messy, greasy (var of glepot).
blérah, mblérah (of eyes) to become red;
blérah-blérah (of eyes) bright, shining.
blérang reg striped. Mere to have a ready laugh.
blérek reg var of bleret.
blerek var of blekrek.
blereng, blereng-blereng 1 (of eyes) hazy, blurred; 2 blindingly glary;
mblereng or keblerengen blinded by glaring light, dazzled;
mblerengi to dazzle with glaring light; to bedazzle.
blèrèng I reg var of lèrèng.
II var of bereng.
bleret, mbleret to dim, become gloomy;
mbleretaké to make s.t. dim/gloomy.
bléro 1 out of tune, inharmonious, dissonant; 2 interfered (of vision); 3 to waver between alternatives.
bles or mak bles repr entering, stabbing;
ngeblesake to stick/stab s.t. into;
blas-bles stabbing repeatedly.
blesar, pating blesar scattered about.
blesat, pating blesat unbound and coming apart.
bleseg, or mak bleseg repr entering, inserting; mbleseg 1 wedged/pressed into; 2 made lopsided by pressing;
mblesegaké to wedge s.t. into; to press down s.t.
blèter inflatable bladder of a leather ball;
bal - soccer ball.
blethok mud;
mblethok muddy;
blethokan muddy place.
bléwah I a variety of melon.
II mbléwah to open up wide (var of blèwèh).
blèwèh, mblèwèh to open up wide, come open;
blewehan 1 a ditch; 2 an opening with the edges turned back.
blèwèk var of bleweh.
blibar fruit bud of the mangosteen;
blibaran s.t. shaped like a mangosteen bud.
blidhuk var of blithuk.
bligo wax-gourd;
bligon egg-shaped.
bligon crossbred cow.
bligung, mbligung or bligang-bligung undressed, shirtless.
blila rebellion (var of balela).
blilu untrained, lacking in knowledge or skill;
mblilu 1 to act ignorantly; 2 to cheat, swindle;
mblilu tau pinter durung nglakoni expr good experience is better than unapplied knowledge.
blimbing star fruit, carambola, six- or eight-sided; - wuluh a small sour carambola for cooking;