about squeezing into;
keblusuk 1 to enter by mistake; 2 to be cheated;
blusak-blusuk to keep entering (places where one does not belong).
bluthak a certain fish.
blutheh slushy, oozy; partially melted.
bluwek or mak bluwek repr entering into a hole; repr slipping easily into s.t.;
mbluwek (of place) hidden deep;
bluwekan a hole in the ground;
kebluwek to slip into a hole by accident;
bluwak-bluwek to keep going into a hole.
bluwer I mbluwer curved, coiled up.
II 1 (of road) muddy; 2 to play in mud.
bluwèr, mbluwèr or bluwèran nauseated.
bluwi reg prison (var of buwi).
bluwus (of clothing) old and faded;
mbluwus to wear faded old clothing.
bobat horsehair (var of bubat).
bobok I medicinal ointment or liquid to rub on body;
mboboki to rub s.o. with such an ointment;
mbobokaké to apply (a powder-andwater mixture) to s.t.;
bobokan applying a healing ointment to the body.
II chid to sleep (var of bubuk).
III mbobok to break through.
bobol collapsed, broken through;
mbobol to break through;
mbobolaké to break s.t. through;
bobolan a pierced hole;
kebobolan pierced, hit (by theft).
bobor 1 (of eggs) infertile; 2 a soup of spinach and coconut milk.
bobot I ng, wawrat kr, 1 weight; a weight; 2 importance, significance; - timbang consideration of the alternatives;
mboboti to weigh s.t. down;
sabobote 1 in proportion; 2 despite the fact that.
II mbobot pregnant (hi. for meteng).
III bobotan to defecate (k.i. for ngising).
bobrak reg badly damaged, broken apart;
mbobrak to break, damage.
bobrok 1 ramshackle, dilapidated; 2 rotten, fig immoral.
bocah ng, lare kr, child, young person; lanang boy; - wadon girl; - wingi sore a very young child, fig inexperienced young person;
mbocahi to act childishly;
mbocahaké to regard s.o. as a child;
kebocahen 1 excessively young; 2 childish;
ninggal bocah ing bandhulan 'to leave a child behind on a swing', irresponsible;
ora mambu bocah (of a child) having a mature attitude.
bocèl chipped.
bocok var of bonyok.
bocong buttocks Qi.i. for bokong, var of pocong).
bocor 1 to leak out, leaky; 2 (of birds) to sing habitually;
mbocori to leak on(to) s.t.;
mbocorake to let s.t. leak out, fig to disclose (secrets);
kebocoran to get wet from leaking;
bocoran leakage.
bod paid in full;
ngebodi to pay off a debt; to complete payment on a debt;
ngebodake 1 to use s.t. to pay off a debt; 2 to pay s.o.'s debt for them;
bod-bodan 1 money or a substitute for paying a debt; 2 to pay off a debt by giving s.t. of the same value.
bodhag broad shallow woven-bamboo basket in which rice is kept.
bodheh I wild betel vine.
II reg crude, rough.
bodhèng busy and pressed for time.
bodhik long sickle, scythe.
bodhing var of bodhik.
bodho stupid, ignorant;
mbodho or mbodhoni to pretend to be ignorant;
mbodhokaké 1 to consider s.o. stupid; 2 to cause s.t. to be undeveloped;
mbebodho to make a fool of s.o.; to cheat s.o.;
bodhon taking a simple view, making an uninformed guess;
bodho-bodhonan to compete in stupidity;
bodhon-bodhonan to (do) in a simple way.
bodhol 1 to come out (of hair, feathers etc); come off; 2 worn out (mattress, pillow); 3 departure (var of budhal);
mbodhol to come out easily (of hair);
mbodholi 1 to moult; 2 to pull s.t. out;
mbodholaké 1 to cause to come out; to remove the feathers from; 2 to order (troops) to depart; to send s.o. off;
bodholan 1 removed hair, feathers etc, 2 departure of troops.
bodhor reg comedian, joker;
mbodhor to joke;
bodhoran joking.
bodong I (of navel) protuding.
II stupid, ignorant.
bog I or mak bog repr a dull plop.
II ngebog to buy up the entire stock; to buy the crop of a fruit tree before the fruit is harvested;
ngebogaké 1 to let s.t. fall with a plop; 2 to sell the crop of a fruit tree;
bog-bogan contracted for on a job basis.
boga 1 lit food; 2 reg maize.
bogang (of corn, rice) damaged by crop disease.
bogèl (cut) short;
kebogèlan too short, esp of a shadow-play performance which improperly ends before dawn.
bogem I a certain fruit; - mentah fig blow with the fist.
II box in which jewelry is kept.
boging 1 missing a lot of teeth; 2 very old.
bogoh a variety of tree.
bogor reg sugar-palm tree;
mbogor to tap the sap of that tree.
boja lit food;
bojakrama a reception, banquet.
bojana lit feast, banquet; - andrawina large dinner party;
pambojanan dining room.
bojlèng boastful, excl used by wayang ogres;
bojlèng-bojlèng iblis lanat excl of astonishment: for goodness' sake! blow me down!
bojo ng, semah kr, garwa k.i., spouse; - jaka lara one's original wife whom one has never divorced;
bebojoan to be married.
bojod (of woven bamboo basket) broken through, damaged.
bojog a small woven bamboo basket used for measuring rice.
bok I (pron as: mbok) mother; - enom second wife; -mas adr woman of lower class; -ajeng or -nganten adr young woman of middle class; -ayu or mbakayu adr elder sister.
II (pron as: mbok) or bokan or bok ya (coaxing) please;
bok-bok excl of astonishment;
bok bèn let it happen;