if, when(ever) (kr for yen);
bok iya please do!;
bokmenawa perhaps, possibly, probably;
bok wis (ta) that's enough now.
III (pron as: mbok) reg vox of kok (2nd person passive prefix).
bokong 1 ng, bocong or pocong fe.i., buttocks; 2 bottom or back part of s.t; kukusan to keep moving from place to place;
mbokong 1 to push s.t. with the buttocks; 2 to attack from the rear; 3 to support financially;
mbokongi 1 to support s.o. financially; 2 to turn one's back on s.o.;
bokongan 1 the back (part, esp of a vehicle); 2 bottom (of a container); 3 a small ricefield located among fields belonging to others; 4 flattened top part of a river dyke; 5 puppet figure with round back part;
nyangga bokong to take care of s.o.'s reputation for the sake of their safety.
bokor large bowl, usu of brass.
bol rectum; - jaran a variety of snack. bolah (sewing) thread.
bolèd reg cassava; sweet potato;
mbolèd 1 tall and thin; 2 (moving) with wriggling snake-like motions.
bolèg var of bolèd.
bolèng or bolèngen (of sugarcane, tuberous roots) with cavities and hardening from plant disease.
bolèr small fruit worm;
bolèren (of fruits) infested with worms.
bolong 1 hollow; 2 perforated; 3 having a hole in it;
mbolong or mbolongi to make a hole in s.t. deliberately;
mbolongaké to make a hole in s.t. accidentally;
bolongan a hole, orifice; - irung nostril(s). See also sundel.
bolor respiratory disease of horses.
bolos, mbolos to slip away from one's obligation, play truant.
bolot dirt on the human skin;
boloten having dirty skin.
bolu I soft baked cake; - kukus a kind of sponge cake.
II a certain creeping plant and its fruits;
bolu rambatan lemah expr a complicated interminable problem.
bom 1 bomb; 2 fart;
ngebom to bomb (a target);
ngebomi to bomb repeatedly;
bom-boman to bomb each other; bombing-raid.
boma I lit dry grass.
II or boman inner room in a traditional house.
bomantara lit heaven, sky.
bombang, kebombang to get neglected because no help is available.
bombong optimistic, confident;
mbombong to encourage, impart confidence;
kebombong encouraged, bolstered;
bombongan 1 act or way of encouraging; 2 (of one's nature) pleased to be praised.
bombrong a variety of vegetable soup with coconut milk;
mbombrong 1 to make soup as above; 2 (of woman or girl) not neatly combed and dressed.
bon I 1 account, bill; 2 voucher for payment, an IOU;
ngebon to buy on credit.
II 1 a team of players chosen to represent a certain city or area in competition; 2 alliance, league;
ngebon to recruit a player from another team;
bon-bonan recruited player from another team.
bonang gamelan instrument consisting of row of tuned inverted bronze bowls;
mbonang to play the bonang;
mbonangi to join the gamelan orchestra by playing the bonang;
bonangan act or style of playing the bonang.
boncèng, mboncèng 1 to ride on the back of a bicycle or motorcycle; 2 fig to ride along on s.o.'s successes;
mboncèngi to get a ride from;
mboncèngaké to give s.o. a ride.
boncis see buncis.
bondhan a classical dance, performed by a female, depicting a mother caring for her child;
mbondhan to perform this dance.
bondhol a certain bird.
bonékah doll.
bong I (or bong supit) person other than a doctor who performs a circumcision.
II (or bong Cina) Chinese cemetery.
III to he down, go to bed (children's word).
bongbong var of bombong.
bonggol the part of a tree trunk or plant stalk where it emerges from the soil.
bongkang a certain insect; kebo - a cockroach-like insect that walks backwards (see also kebo).
bongkar var of bungkar.
bongkeng (of sugarcane, tuberous roots) with cavities and hardening from plant disease. See also boléng.
bonjor reg a long bamboo cylinder.
bonjrot, mbonjrot cr to shit, have diarrhoea.
bongko rice-accompanying dish, made from beans and grated young coconut steamed in banana-leaf wrapping.
bongkok I stem of coconut-palm leaf.
II or bongkokan a tied bundle;
mbongkok or mbongkoki to make into a bundle.
bongkor I or bongkoran reg lying fallow;
mbongkoraké to allow (land) to remain fallow.
II 1 reg cr dead; to die; 2 down with! death to...! See also bangka.
bongko11 base of a stem/stalk, tree stump; 2 or bongkotan the end; - pucuk lower and upper ends; beginning and end; fig the facts/circumstances of.
bongkrah in disrepair, out of order (var of bungkrah).
bongkrèk residue of peanuts after extracting oil; témpé - fermented beancake made with peanut residue;
bongkrékan waste from sugarcane.
bonglot var of bolot.
bongoh (of decoration, physique) pleasing.
bongsor to grow tall fast.
bontèng reg cucumber.
bonto cr dumb, stupid.
bonyèh running sores;
bonyèhen suffering from running sores.
bonyok 1 overripe, beginning to spoil; 2 severely wounded;
bonyoken to have/get a certain scalp affliction.
bopati var of bupati.
bopong I (of horses) having a lightcoloured body and dark legs.
II mbopong to pick up or hold and carry s.t. against the chest;
bopongan 1 position for carrying or holding s.t. against the chest; 2 a cock carried as gift to the village head when he holds a wedding party etc.
bor (black)board.
bora(k), mbora(k) excl of indifference; I don't care; to hell with it!
borah-barèh see barèh.
boral reg generous, extravagant.
boran or mboran reg possibly, probably.